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oy_says_ake t1_jbxj20f wrote

“Clearly severely injured”? I didn’t see where the post article indicates the injuries were severe, what gives you that impression.


ThreeLittlePuigs t1_jbxjdxi wrote

Traumatic brain injuries are no joke. Pretty clear the guy can’t even stand after his head hit the pavement. That’s at least a severe concussion and could be worse.


Neckwrecker t1_jbycpwu wrote

>Traumatic brain injuries are no joke. Pretty clear the guy can’t even stand after his head hit the pavement. That’s at least a severe concussion and could be worse.

Need to have a brain in order to have a brain injury.


oy_says_ake t1_jbxlcls wrote

We send our kids out to get concussions (not to mention countless repeated sub-concussive impacts) all the time because people love american football, but now one’s a reason to get all het up about someone with the temerity to resist arrest i.e. demonstrate how cops are bad at their jobs?



ThreeLittlePuigs t1_jbxm591 wrote

Like it or not people get hurt when their skull hits pavement. If you’re going to tussle on the street, know it means there’s possible massive repercussions to your actions.

I played rugby for four years with pretty reckless abandon to my body, even at my dumbest I never would have played on concrete.