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dbenc t1_jddkkwj wrote

That's 220k sq ft, if converted into 115 condos of approximately 2000 sqft, taking into account 100m of renovations needed (mentioned by another comment) they would have to sell for 2.6m each to break even, probably more like 3-4m each. or more condos of smaller size... might work 🤷


_ACompulsiveLiar_ t1_jddl9el wrote

Brand new 2k sq ft in the flatiron building would go for well above 3m. Probably closer to 6m, with ~$3k/sqft. With the risk of construction/condo dev it seems like a reasonable buy.


TizonaBlu t1_jddummu wrote

You significantly overestimate the amount of wealthy people who want to live on 23rd, and in a building where tourists are constantly outside taking pictures.


_ACompulsiveLiar_ t1_jdduw1s wrote

No, I don't. Flatiron new developments are going for $2k-$4k/sqft right now and they are having no trouble clearing inventory (flatiron house for ex). Also owning a 5m property is not that selectively "wealthy" for a location as central as 23rd. It's a lot, sure, but there's also a lot of wealthy people in this city


theageofnow t1_jdestah wrote

Normally developers like to have sell out be 2x hard and soft costs when underwriting a deal. The numbers don’t always work out that way (overruns, market conditions etc) but that’s the pro forma