Submitted by OpinionPoop t3_11qngmc in nyc
mrturdferguson t1_jc488q1 wrote
W181st A train at 530pm on a Friday. Dang.
ER301 t1_jc49ldn wrote
Outrageous. That kid appeared to be completely defenseless, and just wanted to be left alone.
marcsmart t1_jc4aedb wrote
Trains just aren’t what they used to be. I could sleep from brooklyn to bronx on D train and set an alarm on my phone but now i gotta keep both eyes open
AnacharsisIV t1_jc4cbe8 wrote
Anti black slurs in upper Manhattan? I'm wondering if it was a bunch of Dominican kids picking on a Haitian or something, usually I don't see a lot of anti-black racism there of all places.
drpvn t1_jc4cw3j wrote
That was really upsetting to see. I'm violently angry after watching it.
I don't care how old these kids were. They should spend time locked up for this.
B1LLSMAFIA t1_jc4dizq wrote
Bittersweet to see that I’m not just going crazy feeling this way too
RoguePhoenix89 t1_jc4ehsx wrote
Jut saw this on tik tok and the person who posted the video said the victim is autistic, which makes this even more sad and heartbreaking. Poor guy.
RedOrca-15483 t1_jc4ftng wrote
The scene was surreal. Still hate these 3 fuckers with all my heart for ruining that r211 run.
fishy1738 t1_jc4gkgr wrote
This was horrific to watch.
Serious question: for the adults watching a situation like this unfold, what exactly can they do? Besides the threat of many of them jumping the adult, the adult would be in trouble if they got physical with the “kids”, no?
redlaundryfan t1_jc4gv0f wrote
It is an underappreciated form of anti-Black racism, and very well could be the case (but we don’t know the details yet).
I was left with a lasting impression by this article of how bad it can be (this is specifically referring to Mexican neighborhoods in LA). It just wasn’t the image I had always conjured up when thinking about “racism”.
Grass8989 t1_jc4hqua wrote
Nothing more dangerous than a group of unsupervised teens in this city.
[deleted] t1_jc4ilzb wrote
[deleted] t1_jc4j949 wrote
colonelcasey22 t1_jc4kf7n wrote
This looks like one of the first runs of the new R211 train too and was likely packed with railfans, many of whom are teenagers themselves. Wonder if that played a role in this.
[deleted] t1_jc4kfaz wrote
TeamMisha t1_jc4kkum wrote
Indeed for assailants with high risk tolerance and lower understanding of consequences, more unpredictability and more error prone or lack of good judgement, you've got no idea what could happen, I can't say I'd be rearing to intervene with my lanky ass lol.
bittoxic00 t1_jc4m2go wrote
Indeed, risk going to real jail for hitting a kid and if the kid hits you they get a slap on the wrist. Another downside is you’re seriously injured, a lot of these kids know how to fight and want to, I don’t know how to fight and really don’t want to
drpvn t1_jc4m8u6 wrote
You have a gut feeling that 181st street is close to Washington Heights?
banjonyc t1_jc4mdx1 wrote
Nothing. Remember the reporter who told a group of teens to stop harassing a guy. He got beat up pretty bad
Man--__--Down17 t1_jc4nskf wrote
I used to skip school by riding the NYC subway lines with 0 problems
oreosfly t1_jc4o3s2 wrote
Fuck those bum ass teenagers who attacked this kid.
oreosfly t1_jc4oh0d wrote
That's the shittiest part of this situation. We have so much to lose. Sure, we could deck one of those teenagers and knock them the fuck out and in defense of another kid, but if we are arrested or our names are dragged through the mud by a bunch of Twitter warriors, our paychecks, housing, careers, and livelihoods might be toast. These bum teenagers along with the bum adults who breed them have nothing to lose by acting like a bunch of zoo animals in public. Unless the government holds them accountable for their actions, we're powerless against them.
Grass8989 t1_jc4p460 wrote
Exactly correct. Shits so backwards.
spicytoastaficionado t1_jc4p92h wrote
Conventional wisdom would say you would never get in trouble for defending a kid from a violent gang style beating, but this is the same borough where the DA charged a bodega worker with murder even after they had video of him clearly defending himself.
Also, you don't know how other people would react.
It doesn't seem like they cared about a bunch of teens bullying another teen, but if someone didn't know what was going on and saw an adult beating up some kids, you might catch a beat down of your own from a half dozen people
DryGumby t1_jc4psga wrote
There's Haitians in the heights?
spicytoastaficionado t1_jc4qbht wrote
Video is infuriating to watch.
Poor kid looks absolutely terrified the entire time.
Tries to get on the train twice before getting beaten.
This is why I'm not necessarily a fan of laws which restrict minors from getting charged as adults.
There are situations, such as this one, where adult consequences are warranted.
Metsrock15 t1_jc4qhh1 wrote
I mean they were saying n word alert to describe the person hard r and all
TarumK t1_jc4qqrf wrote
Yeah, still seems weird to pick someone out for an anti-black hate crime in area that's about half black.
Metsrock15 t1_jc4qxtm wrote
Oh yeah I agree definitely weird, but not unheard of
[deleted] t1_jc4sly7 wrote
NetQuarterLatte t1_jc4spm5 wrote
For these teens there are no consequences in court, and no consequences at home.
[deleted] t1_jc4uvj6 wrote
Vegetable-Double t1_jc4zki1 wrote
Always been the case. I’ve been taking the subway and bus almost everyday of life for over 30 years. Starting from junior high school, through high school, college, and my career.
I got jumped on the train in both high school and junior high by groups of teenagers for no reason (this was late 90s). I got harassed by groups of teenagers even as an adult. Not saying all groups of teenagers are bad, but being part of those groups of teenagers myself at some point, the peer pressure and need to look cool in front of others makes you do dumb shit. Nothing annoys me more, even now, than seeing a group of rowdy teenagers on the bus or subway. I know they are kids and I let it slide, especially being in that position myself once. But, even if a bystander stepped in, he or she would risk getting attacked too.
Also, anyone bringing race into it is stupid. The same stuff happens regardless of the race or location of the kids. Even in the suburbs, groups of unsupervised teens are the worst.
Suhweetusername t1_jc50ita wrote
And the adults do nothing…
PoopEmoji8618 t1_jc52gkc wrote
This was hard to watch. Feel so bad for the poor kid
smallint t1_jc53yca wrote
Why did they do this?
thebruns t1_jc572gb wrote
>an anti-black hate crime in area that's about half black.
What a weird argument. Theres no anti-black hate crimes in Mississippi because its half black..???
bree718 t1_jc572vl wrote
What is a railfan..
TarumK t1_jc57b8c wrote
I mean Mississippi has a massive history of being racist against black people. Washington Heights/the Bronx is not exactly Mississippi...
harlemtechie t1_jc57eq3 wrote
Oh nah, my daughter is autistic. Now, I got more rage for them. I'm not gonna lie.
Odins-Enriched-Sack t1_jc583k9 wrote
What do you think about having more armed citizens? With background checks, psychological checks, registries, etc. Do you think that would be more of a negative or a positive in situations like this in our city?
libananahammock t1_jc58f2r wrote
Jesus Christ. What is wrong with people!?
banjonyc t1_jc591fw wrote
Negative in a big way. I'm a supporter of second amendment and if we were country that had extensive background checks I would definitely feel more comfortable. The issue that I really have with so many people being armed is that something as simple as harassment or even a fight which would end up with most people walking away winds up with someone dead or bystanders shot and killed. The last thing I want to be is stuck on a subway train with some lunatic firing their gun. If someone pulls the emergency brake, the car stops and you're literally stuck there.
RedOrca-15483 t1_jc59ec1 wrote
it's what it implies, a fan of railway transportation.
mattmurdick t1_jc5b7sp wrote
Yo that's a station I'm at often... WTF is with people ?!
BottomlessIPA t1_jc5bwea wrote
As an Asian, people are people. No one deserves this type of treatment. Hope this kid recovers from this.
Odins-Enriched-Sack t1_jc5ccus wrote
I understand. This has always been an issue in densely populated metro areas. I wish there was a better way for people to keep themselves safe and be able to help their fellow citizens, all without coming into harm's way.
Rottimer t1_jc5cu30 wrote
With a group of teenagers, call 911 or tell the conductor so they can call the police.
If it’s a station where police are stationed then I wish I could tell you to go get the police, but that usually ends with some smarmy comment from the cops about “so why didn’t you do something about it?” They’re more likely to respond through “official” channels.
What you don’t want to do is get involved on your own. If you’re in your 30s or older, the fact is that teenagers are often faster, stronger and have a lot less impulse control than you. They won’t mind beating the shit out of you and running away. If it’s you and a couple of other guys, then maybe you can intervene.
Rottimer t1_jc5drdz wrote
As shitty as this situation was, it doesn’t look like anyone ended up in the hospital. There were broken glasses, a bloody lip and probably a bruised ego. Those kids should absolutely be arrested. But introducing a gun in this situation may have put someone in the morgue. That would absolutely be a worse outcome even for assholes like these.
Rottimer t1_jc5e2hs wrote
When we’re you able to do that?
whata2021 t1_jc5gcoj wrote
Yep no anti-Blackness in non Black Latino communities 🙄🙄🙄
Odins-Enriched-Sack t1_jc5i46s wrote
>As shitty as this situation was, it doesn’t look like anyone ended up in the hospital.
Do you think there is a limit to the amount of damage you should receive before you can use a gun?
>But introducing a gun in this situation may have put someone in the morgue. That would absolutely be a worse outcome even for assholes like these.
At what point do you think that someone should not be concerned with the well-being and safety of their attacker?
MutantCreature t1_jc5i8ov wrote
I can excuse racism and beating up children, but I draw the line at attacking autistic people.
(/s so I can’t get a “this u?” 10 years from now)
harlemtechie t1_jc5j9oz wrote
I'm not excusing racism or beating up kids, but that's another EXTREME TYPE of vulnerability. Lil man probably didn't even know what was going on other than knowing someone was being hostile to him. Stop trying to be mad to be mad until you been around someone autistic. Someone like that isn't gonna ask for help if theyre dying.
Rottimer t1_jc5jewr wrote
Deadly force is a last resort where your life or the life of another is in danger of ending and you or they cannot get away. The problem with this is that people with guns get it in their head that anything can put their life danger - “that guy called me an asshole and is staring me down, what if he punches me and I hit my head on the pavement and die? Time to pull out the gun and start blasting!!!”
There is also the issue with population density and the fact that bullets don’t care about your intent. NYPD cops know this first hand as a number of police involved shootings have harmed innocent bystanders. More guns in this city, legal or otherwise, will result in more gun deaths.
MutantCreature t1_jc5jixd wrote
It’s a joke, chill.
How uncommon do you think autism is?
harlemtechie t1_jc5kk7g wrote
Oh OK. I know it's common tho.
Yo, I was all confused
Odins-Enriched-Sack t1_jc5mokw wrote
>Deadly force is a last resort where your life or the life of another is in danger of ending and you or they cannot get away.
Yes, I understand.
>The problem with this is that people with guns get it in their head that anything can put their life danger - “that guy called me an asshole and is staring me down, what if he punches me and I hit my head on the pavement and die? Time to pull out the gun and start blasting!!!”
This definitely can occur, but I don't think it's fair to assume that every gun owner is a hypersensitive cowboy that is ready to shoot first. But I do understand that can be the case with certain types of people. I also knew guys that pulled out boxcutters or hammers as soon as they felt threatened. But I am also aware that a gun can do much more damage in a much shorter amount of time.
>There is also the issue with population density and the fact that bullets don’t care about your intent. NYPD cops know this first hand as a number of police involved shootings have harmed innocent bystanders. More guns in this city, legal or otherwise, will result in more gun deaths.
True. More armed people up the chances of shootings. That's a very major problem in our country currently. I know that the NYPD used certain types of bullets ( I think hollowpoints ) since they tend to break apart in the body and not go through people as easily.
I just think there should be a middle ground between making it impossible for reasonable, vetted, and regularly trained individuals to have access to a tool that can keep them safe in a violent altercation. It just seems to me that criminals and cops can easily get access to guns in NYC.
I am aware of the issues with gun control in this country. I am aware of the problems that unreasonable gun laws cause. I am not a gun nut. I am not asking these questions to troll either. NYC has some of the most strict firearm regulations in the entire country. It's just that I have personally been a victim of violent crime on more than one occasion. There was a very big difference in the outcome when I was armed vs. When I was unarmed. I think being armed can keep people safe in situations like this. I don't think you always have to shoot. Sometimes just the threat can be enough.
Rottimer t1_jc5n6eq wrote
> NYC has some of the most strict firearm regulations in the entire country.
And it's also one of the safest cities in the country. There will always be crime. I simply don't believe that more guns is going to be the solution to minimizing it. There are states with far less regulation on guns and their largest cities tend to be much more violent than NYC.
Edit: And by the way, I'm not anti-gun. Guns have their place. But I think if you live or visit a large city and it's suburbs, you should meet much greater scrutiny to have a gun on you than if you live, in say, rural West Virgnia.
Odins-Enriched-Sack t1_jc5nmqr wrote
I understand what you are saying. I agree.
Henrychinaskismom1 t1_jc5pln5 wrote
Zoo animals are pretty chill. Do you think that animals in the wild pick on other animals just to hurt them. Not even eat them after. A cartoon animal yeah sure I can see that but a zoo animal.
cinemaparker t1_jc5pu10 wrote
I live in this part of the city and I’m absolutely disgusted by this.
NoStripeZebra3 t1_jc5q27p wrote
Where did you see such a comments?
AnacharsisIV t1_jc5rbw5 wrote
Bold of you to call Washington Heights a "non-Black Latino community"
Jimmy_kong253 t1_jc5vtps wrote
Really? Sounded more like a bunch of riders fed up with subway fans forming over the new R211s
mostlyfire t1_jc5w6w5 wrote
There are ways. It’s just cost a lot of money
BeBackInASchmeck t1_jc5ww6y wrote
By himself. He posted this same comment a few times.
marcsmart t1_jc5yvn4 wrote
cnoelle94 t1_jc6175r wrote
Get me off this earth I'm so sick of these kind of vile people.
Shreddersaurusrex t1_jc61kgb wrote
Nah I’d fight that case tooth and nail
8bitaficionado t1_jc6bqol wrote
This is the same city state that just dropped a first degree murder conviction on one of the members who killed Lesandro “Junior” Guzman-Feliz and that guy was caught on video.
theilya t1_jc6csdg wrote
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Dont_mute_me_bro t1_jc6deml wrote
You didn't ride them in the 80s....they'd steal your sneakers, slice your pockets and empty...wild.
Dont_mute_me_bro t1_jc6dlfb wrote
I rode the train to Manhattan in the 80s. Unless it was rush hour, we never rode alone. There were designated cars where all the kids staying after school for sports, clubs, etc would know to ride for safety in numbers. I made friends with guys I didn't like because they lived near me and we'd see each other a few times a week for years.
One-Lychee-603 t1_jc6eahx wrote
NYPD Hate Crime Unit is On it...
NefariousNaz t1_jc6ezvv wrote
They never do. I was mugged so many times on the street between middle school and high school and people just walked by.
mangolipgloss t1_jc6fj52 wrote
For at least a decade in the 2010s before covid. Fall asleep, headphones in. Any train, anywhere, any time of day. I used to work nights in the village and would doze off at midnight on empty trains going to Brooklyn. With a designer purse full of cash, no less. Used to go home after raves at 4am wearing fishnet bodysuits and booty shorts. Rode trains during rush hour all of high school and college. No issues. Crime and theft definitely happened, but you could generally expect to ride the train in peace without having to worry about falling asleep, having visible electronics or decent clothes.
Postalsock t1_jc6g6vo wrote
Twenty years ago those kids was gang affiliated was mostly armed. I doubt that charged changed for the better. The only kid I'm protecting is mine sadly. Can't risk my life for anything less.
NefariousNaz t1_jc6gvye wrote
Yes this was 20+ years ago
Rottimer t1_jc6ip4w wrote
Yeah, I’ve lived here just about all my life, with exceptions for college and the military. The only time I’ve felt comfortable falling asleep on a train is during rush hour when the train was packed. I promise you that a young woman taking the train at night in the 2010’s wasn’t going to be falling asleep. Shit happens. And I think people are more concerned with the perception of safety on the subway than actual safety.
jaj-io t1_jc6iryz wrote
I’m very much pro-2A, but a bunch of guns in a crowded city would only result in more death. It doesn’t matter how much you train someone. There’s nothing safe about using a gun on a busy train.
Edwunclerthe3rd t1_jc6jzdw wrote
They from the same God damn island that shit is so fucking Ed
socialcommentary2000 t1_jc6kwb7 wrote
I dunno dude, I suppose its the question on whether you want to see this kind of shit in the news or ' 2 teens airholed by straphangers trying to break up fight between said teens '
I do not trust gun types to make these sorts of decisions. The police can be bad enough at it already. Anyone who's gonna carry a piece in the subway system is either already on their way to get into bad shit somewhere else or is going to be some herb from Westchester or Long Island who pisses their pants at their own shadow from time to time.
And, funny enough, the criminals who are already carrying on the subway don't really get into confrontations on said subway. It's odd, but that's how it shakes out. I guess they even know not to piss on their typical form of conveyance.
runeiitalk t1_jc6pr36 wrote
Yep, when I was going to college pre Covid (well about 10 yes ago) I used to ride it alone after midnight and never thought twice about it. definitely not now.
progentry8 t1_jc6pz0g wrote
It's amazing you got so many upvotes when it's clear there isn't a single comment here that matches what you're saying.
The Anti-Asian racists in this sub need to stop self-projecting.
sbb214 t1_jc6qarq wrote
oh that explains all the uniformed police in the station the last few days. ugh.
1AngryBrotha t1_jc6qft4 wrote
This type is attack is consistent with statistics but doesn't fit this subs narrative so it won't get thousands of upvotes and hArDwOrKiNg mOdEl mInOrITy comments.
As an aside, let those dumbass kids pop that stupid shit a few dozen blocks below in Harlem and see what happens to them.
1AngryBrotha t1_jc6rj1i wrote
Doesn't matter, Latin America is filled with confused people who cling to colorism to boost their self-esteem. It's a relic of colonialism/slavery thats still part of the culture. The common refrain 'mejorar la raza' (improve the race) encourages miscegenation with whites and lighter skinned Latinos to dilute Black ancestry.
1AngryBrotha t1_jc6rwkd wrote
Watch the video on Instagram, they repeatedly shouted "N word alert" (hard R).
1AngryBrotha t1_jc6s0dx wrote
Who do you think taught those kids to hate?
Jimmy_kong253 t1_jc6s0l3 wrote
I watched the one that was on the public freak out subredded and he kept saying on r211 which is what that train was
Daddy_Macron t1_jc6s7ns wrote
Lock these fuckers up. Messing with a teenager like that.
1AngryBrotha t1_jc6s939 wrote
He probably means on other, less-moderated platforms like Twitter etc.
MulysaSemp t1_jc6scwd wrote
The bougie part of the heights
Im_trolling_yu t1_jc6tdt8 wrote
Why doesn’t MTA hire bouncers to protect the subways? People obviously don’t trust the police, and they’re too expensive. Some big ass bouncers on the trains could help keep things safe.
bittoxic00 t1_jc6uron wrote
Also fighting a group of kids if you intervene. If you lose you can lose 1v1 but if you get the upper hand 5 more are going to jump in
[deleted] t1_jc6v63m wrote
Soultan1 t1_jc6w89o wrote
In my experience a loud shout of “HEY KNOCK IT OFF” and “5-0, 5-0 RUN” is good enough to get everyone to stop for a couple seconds assess and run away it’s worked a couple times on and off the subway
Spring-Available t1_jc6wiax wrote
I believe the victim is autistic also.
[deleted] t1_jc6xppr wrote
LeatherAd6872 t1_jc70f88 wrote
Where is the full video ? From what I see here, the attack looks more like some grabbing and pulling and definitely does not look brutal .
socrates4_2_0 t1_jc739fo wrote
Did you not read the article you linked? You make it seem like the guy you mentioned will just walk free. The article says the state literally could not make the legal case for first degree murder (requiring an element of torture), and so the guy will be sentenced for second degree murder. He still faces life in prison.
[deleted] t1_jc73jre wrote
8bitaficionado t1_jc759zl wrote
They dragged this poor kid out of a store and beat him, slashed his neck and left him to die and they they have the gall to say
"Thus, we find that defendant and his accomplices did not engage in a ‘course of conduct’ involving the intentional infliction of extreme physical pain.”"
He was convicted by a jury of his peers and the city reduced it.
thismustbethe t1_jc75yr0 wrote
I'm sorry but you just got insanely lucky. I've personally witnessed sleeping people getting pickpocketed on the train during the time period you mentioned, multiple times.
socrates4_2_0 t1_jc7676y wrote
The appellate division of the New York Supreme Court vacated the first degree murder conviction, so no, it was not the city... Again, did you read what you linked?
No one is debating whether or not this was an awful crime. You seem to be mixing up the Manhattan DA with NY state law. The city didn't reduce anything.
christiabm1 t1_jc79od8 wrote
This was like an everyday thing (and I’m sure it’s still an everyday thing) back in HS - Brandeis on 84th. Dominicans used to go around the hallway hitting black folks; black folks used to go around hitting Dominicans. Probably worst uptown, what GWs? 🤷♂️
8bitaficionado t1_jc79u1u wrote
I edited it from City to State, but it doesn't matter. Its the same political machine that put those state judges there and made this determination.
Also with 25 years to life who is to say they will actually get life with the lessor sentence?
Odins-Enriched-Sack t1_jc7b66j wrote
I think it would balance itself out eventually. I also think it would bring rent prices down.
fishy1738 t1_jc7bofr wrote
Do you sincerely think that the average person doesn’t trust the police to stop violent attacks such as this one? Also, I think MTA bouncers would be useless because we already have a government body to protect citizens and aid those in danger: the police.
I really hope situations like this (involving violent teens) don’t occur again. However, the reality is that they likely will, and the average citizen can’t help the victim because society would penalize them for attacking a “kid”.
I feel so bad for the victims in these particular situations. Especially this innocent teenager here.
socrates4_2_0 t1_jc7bptq wrote
I only bring that up because the comment you originally replied to was lamenting about the Manhattan DA who charged the bodega worker for acting in self-defense, making your comment seem like this is just yet another example of Manhattan DA incompetence, when by reading the article it's clear it's not that at all.
To answer your second question, there's no guarantee I suppose, but if you read the link you sent, the Bronx DA (who is not in favor of the NY Supreme Court's ruling) said the guy has already been sentenced to 25 to life as part of the second degree murder conviction, and is also charged with conspiracy and gang assault on top of that. Those seem like appropriate charges to me, given what I know, and I expect the total charges will likely extend his sentence to the maximum.
marcsmart t1_jc7cusl wrote
Ok well I rode since 2000 which is still 20 years ago now. So get over your 80s they sucked and it sucks now who gives a shit gramps. The point is your 80s are back.
whatshisfacethatdude t1_jc7dh5v wrote
You won’t lost a 1v1, the moment you intervened, 10 of them started attacking you for sure. This is exactly what they did to this teenager no? The moment he hit the girl back 2 others attacked him - it’s planned. Friend of mine on the subway stood up to these teens one time since they were being racist towards a younger kid, they jumped him, gave him a black eye then fled. Nypd did shit all and kept giving him the run around - waste of our taxes that day
Peking_Meerschaum t1_jc7ebph wrote
That's just the police but with extra steps
Odins-Enriched-Sack t1_jc7fm1x wrote
>And, funny enough, the criminals who are already carrying on the subway don't really get into confrontations on said subway. It's odd, but that's how it shakes out. I guess they even know not to piss on their typical form of conveyance.
Do you think that it's because they have a gun, and nobody wants to get themselves shot?
>I dunno dude, I suppose its the question on whether you want to see this kind of shit in the news or ' 2 teens airholed by straphangers trying to break up fight between said teens '
I know that this won't be popular, but I think sometimes you bring it on yourself. I hear about shootings and violent crime all the time on the news. Usually, it's about a victim of it who couldn't defend themselves. I grew up in this city, and anyone who did (especially during a certain time in certain places) knows how violent things can get. You can't fight off everyone. You know that some people are batshit crazy. I don't think it's alright that it's culturally acceptable in NYC to just accept that on occasion, you could get jumped on the train. You are just expected to deal with that or watch yourself more. I don't like relying on some cop (who is probably hiding out in a room in transit) to come help me out. I only see police show up after the fact in many cases. You know that's how it works. I personally think more citizens having the ability to keep themselves safe is more of a positive than a negative. Especially after hearing another story about an autistic kid who got jumped and stomped out by a bunch of shit heads. Of course, no one tried to help since they didn't want to get hurt. It could also be because some people don't care what happens to you... So I think people should be able to look after themselves. Even if it means every now and then you could turn into Swiss cheese.
Edit: spelling
lupuscapabilis t1_jc7ic43 wrote
I remember while commuting to high school years ago on the M and L trains, I got surrounded and robbed by 3 guys on the M platform right in full view of everyone. The only thing anyone did was yell "assholes!" as they ran off. It was years ago and I still remember the person saying that because I couldn't believe that's all anyone did.
Odd_Inter3st t1_jc7iod3 wrote
lupuscapabilis t1_jc7iqy2 wrote
Seriously. I started taking the subway from Queens to Manhattan for high school in '89 and those were some crazy days. Friends got stabbed one day, i got robbed what seems like every other day. People still laugh at my skittles story - 14 year old me just wanted to eat some skittles on my ride home and some kids even tried taking THOSE from me.
Pretty sure my crime was eating candy while white.
8bitaficionado t1_jc7j8ly wrote
I didn't mention the DA at all.
socrates4_2_0 t1_jc7jotg wrote
I didn’t say you did.
[deleted] t1_jc7jp20 wrote
8bitaficionado t1_jc7jzl1 wrote
Yet you made the assumption. I said the city and I should have said the state. Regardless it is the same political machine that put the state judges and the city ones
OGPants t1_jc7k46t wrote
Back in hs about 10 years ago, I fought off two guys trying to steal my phone (stupid I know) in a bus for a full bus stop... Nobody did anything or try to comfort me, even after the two other guys gave up fighting me and got off the bus.
This is nyc. I expect this (people not doing anything) and nothing more. If someone intervenes, good for them. But I would never bet on it.
Odins-Enriched-Sack t1_jc7kkam wrote
By lowering the population and damaging property.
socrates4_2_0 t1_jc7l0oz wrote
I made no assumption. But your comment’s lack of clarity (and, as you admit, false info) could easily lead anyone who read it to believe that the choice to vacate the first degree murder sentence was a bad (perhaps political?) decision on the part of the DA’s office.
Clearly, the defendant’s lawyers filed an appeal that was ruled favorably upon by the state supreme court. What exactly is your problem with that?
Odd_Inter3st t1_jc7lnch wrote
That’s… a horrible way to lower rent. If anything that makes things worse for those already living in those areas
allMightyMostHigh t1_jc7n8my wrote
Should be there permanently. A lady was slashed at that station a while ago when there was a serial stabber on the loose
8bitaficionado t1_jc7nfk4 wrote
I made a mistake and it was more about the politics then the DA. If I meant the DA I would have said so.
My problem is the political ideas and the machine that has enabled this.
ThreeLittlePuigs t1_jc7o45v wrote
Used to get on the 2 train at New Lots and sleep til at least 42nd street….. I was not a smart man.
ThreeLittlePuigs t1_jc7othv wrote
Man you’re so stupidly racist you see a black kid being attacked in a hate crime and have to try and make it about how bad you think black people are? Fuck outta here.
socrates4_2_0 t1_jc7p5rl wrote
I understand that, but what I'm trying to get at is that based on the article you linked, the circumstances surrounding the case you're referring to has literally nothing to do with "political ideas and the machine".
SpiceyPorkFriedRice t1_jc7pb29 wrote
Stop trying to add fuel to the fire and wait for details.
Jealous_Job7287 t1_jc7ploi wrote
This Is Very Sad & Ridiculous!!! Who Would DO Such A Thing :'(
Odins-Enriched-Sack t1_jc7qjeg wrote
I am just trying to bust balls now. I was genuinely asking in my first question, but I understand that this is a tricky and complicated subject.
myKDRbro_ t1_jc7qudr wrote
Why would they? You saw how many shithead kids were there? That's a mob beating or stabbing risk waiting to happen.
[deleted] t1_jc7r042 wrote
[deleted] t1_jc7r1id wrote
[deleted] t1_jc7r2q0 wrote
[deleted] t1_jc7r4a5 wrote
[deleted] t1_jc7rhgc wrote
wj15 t1_jc7s44s wrote
I’ve read comments that the young victim is on the autism spectrum. Anyone assaulting autistic people should be sterilized. We don’t need them reproducing.
crek42 t1_jc7sbko wrote
Seriously no one could’ve stepped in and stopped these two teenage girls?? I could understand fully grown adults throwing blows, but looking at the video it seems like something that could have easily be stopped.
[deleted] t1_jc7sifb wrote
ER301 t1_jc7tcc1 wrote
We’re nowhere near 80s levels of crime…
[deleted] t1_jc7thna wrote
ER301 t1_jc7tn4e wrote
I’m pretty sure back when you were sleeping on trains, stuff like this was still happening. You just may not have known about it, because we just weren’t as hyper aware of everything back then.
filthysize t1_jc7u32j wrote
Here's the person who actually filmed the video:
In his IG story he's criticizing the media for the hate crime angle they're going with and calling for them to correct the story.
According to him, it was not a racially motivated attack. All the kids know each other and the autistic kid (Elijah) was getting beat up because he was talking smack about the other kids and making fun of two of their friends who recently died from subway surfing. Other kids also said Elijah apparently previously joined in on beating up another kid too so he wasn't getting anything here that he hasn't dished out himself on others.
NoStripeZebra3 t1_jc7uvoc wrote
Got it. No offense.
[deleted] t1_jc7xbyr wrote
ThreeLittlePuigs t1_jc7xjp9 wrote
What are you even talking about? Please seek help for your hateful opinions.
[deleted] t1_jc7xtmq wrote
ThreeLittlePuigs t1_jc7yb8o wrote
Propaganda? What the duck are you talking about?? I don’t know if the attacker is black, I just know racist slurs were used. That usually signifies a hate crime.
Why are you so hell bent on making this anything but about about a story where a young black boy was bullied and beat up? Are you so averse to recognizing that black people can be victims of crimes that you have this weird visceral and racist reaction to this story? Says a shit ton about you.
Sickpup831 t1_jc7z404 wrote
You know a community is considered a group of people, not the geographic area, right?
AnacharsisIV t1_jc7zeq8 wrote
You do know that almost everyone who identifies as Dominican has significant African heritage, right?
bittoxic00 t1_jc7ztxn wrote
Sorry about your buddy, no good deed. He has a black eye and the kids went home and ate ravioli like nothing happened
Sickpup831 t1_jc7zvt9 wrote
The literally has nothing to do with it. Dominicans and African Americans are two distinct groups in nyc with different cultures and some have biases towards the other group.
williamwchuang t1_jc807tp wrote
The law is a harsh mistress. For first degree murder, the law requires a showing beyond a reasonable doubt that "the defendant acted in an especially cruel and wanton manner pursuant to a course of conduct intended to inflict and inflicting torture upon the victim prior to the victim’s death." A single stab wound that results in death almost certainly cannot constitute torture under this law as a single action cannot be a "course of conduct". The idiot was convicted of second degree murder.
To give you an idea of how hard it is to get a conviction for first degree murder by torture, only three convictions have been obtained in the thirty years it has been in effect.
AnacharsisIV t1_jc80ulu wrote
You didn't say African American. You said black. Afro Latinos are black but they are not African American.
RoguePhoenix89 t1_jc844qg wrote
Ohhhhhh this story just gets worse and worse
8bitaficionado t1_jc84suy wrote
The dragging out of a deli and the beat down doesn't fit those requirements? It wasn't just a stab wound.
8bitaficionado t1_jc84w3p wrote
I agree to disagree
williamwchuang t1_jc8cn8p wrote
Pulling him out of the deli wasn't meant to infect torture. It's a law meant for really specific purposes and the prosecutor tried to stretch it.
marcsmart t1_jc8kr3e wrote
I’m sure that’s a real consolation to this teen you dope.
[deleted] t1_jc8qyvd wrote
BenHogan1971 t1_jc8zxty wrote
>and have a lot less impulse control than you
and have a lot less to lose
BenHogan1971 t1_jc91fb8 wrote
this is an underappreciated part of commenting on crime in the current age. if you look at the crime numbers in the 80's and 90's it's like comparing apples and....cumquats. the difference is that in 2023, we have Reddit, TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, etc, ad infinitum. anyway, this story is sad, and I feel for the kid
Dont_mute_me_bro t1_jc9xog3 wrote
Of course it was! Don't kid yourself.
A train?
[deleted] t1_jc9xtzd wrote
progentry8 t1_jca1bbd wrote
I checked and I only found Anti-Asian comments such as "happy hunting", heavy use of Anti-Asian slurs, and mentions of Latasha Harlins, a murder in LA over 30 years ago.
progentry8 t1_jca1tuv wrote
He could have stated as such and no he meant... World Star which didn't have those comments but did have a lot of Anti-Asian comments when I checked.
Everyoneeatshere t1_jcagbsj wrote
If racist language was used. Then hate crime angle is appropriate.
jjd13001 t1_jcahe72 wrote
Nothing, NYC teenagers are terrifying, they do not give a fuck and they are rarely ever held accountable, you even try to stop one of them and your ass will be the one ending up in the hospital
filthysize t1_jcamk36 wrote
In that same IG story, the eyewitness said the attackers did not use any racist language. The person heard in the video yelling it was an uninvolved bystander who was Black himself, trying to be funny.
8bitaficionado t1_jcauepv wrote
You forgot the beating, but I guess they determined that that wasn't severe enough. What a joke.
im_not_bovvered t1_jcb0ocg wrote
The most unsafe thing about that station is the copious amounts of construction they're doing and one set of stairs that is open on the southbound side.
williamwchuang t1_jcb2hqv wrote
It's clear that the crime here doesn't meet the requirements of the law. We aren't supposed to bend the law because we hate the defendants. That's why there's a saying that tough cases make bad law: we twist the law to fit a certain situation then that ends up with bad consequences down the road.
The torture law requires:
the defendant acted in an especially cruel and wanton manner pursuant to a course of conduct intended to inflict and inflicting torture upon the victim prior to the victim's death. As used in this subparagraph, "torture" means the intentional and depraved infliction of extreme physical pain; "depraved" means the defendant relished the infliction of extreme physical pain upon the victim evidencing debasement or perversion or that the defendant evidenced a sense of pleasure in the infliction of extreme physical pain;
In the context of murder, everything leading up to the death is going to be horrible. The law says that it has to be "especially cruel and wanton manner" and it has to be intended to inflict and actually inflict torture. The other ways to get convicted of first degree murder are pretty extreme and rare:
- Knowingly and intentionally killing an on-duty cop, firefighter, EMS, corrections officer, etc.;
- Killing a witness to silence them;
- Killing a judge out of vengeance;
- being a serial killer;
- Killing anyone while you're already in prison serving a life term;
- murder for hire;
- a killing while conducting a rape, robbery, or burglary.
8bitaficionado t1_jcbie16 wrote
> the defendant acted in an especially cruel and wanton manner pursuant to a course of conduct intended to inflict and inflicting torture upon the victim prior to the victim's death. As used in this subparagraph, "torture" means the intentional and depraved infliction of extreme physical pain; "depraved" means the defendant relished the infliction of extreme physical pain upon the victim evidencing debasement or perversion or that the defendant evidenced a sense of pleasure in the infliction of extreme physical pain; or
If you want to argue that what happened was not "especially cruel and wanton" that's on you. If you don't feel multiple people beating on someone is torturous, that's your opinion. The prosecutors and jurors thought so.
williamwchuang t1_jcbl58r wrote
You're making an emotional argument and an appeal to authority. The appellate court overturned the decision of the prosecutor and jury, so my appeal to authority defeats yours. If you want to say that you know more about the law than the appellate courts, then you are free to do so, but it would not hold much water because it's just your opinion supported by your emotions. At the end of the day, are you saying that the appellate court was wrong?
8bitaficionado t1_jcbrjyz wrote
You must be a lawyer because you are looking at this like a case you want to win and looking for a technical edge.
williamwchuang t1_jcbtp7c wrote
You are very clearly wrong but you're still arguing. No idea why you think you know more than an appellate court.
Introduction_Organic t1_jcbxyxx wrote
Curfews would be good parents being fine would instantly check those kids cause it's to expensive not to
OneAntihero t1_jcckg6o wrote
Reading the comments I thought there would be head stomps and other crazy shit but it's actually really tame compared to other stuff you see here
OpinionPoop OP t1_jcdrqnd wrote
I guess i should add that they caught one of them. The others are still loose.
PomegranateChance502 t1_jcehh3w wrote
annoyingplayers t1_jcekf0u wrote
Sounds like the victim jumped other kids himself many other times in the past so it's just karma that this happened to him. Street Justice
PrudentLingoberry t1_jd3kc4y wrote
why the fuck do mass-arming people not acknowledge the fact that whoever gets the first draw usually wins? You also literally do not consider that bullets are very good at travelling through things, so good infact we use hollow points so that they don't travel through too many things, which they do anyway. Hell even in less densely packed places you can fucking see how "polite" society is in places like Florida or Texas. All you do is make the murder button way more accessible to people, a literal degradation of societal fabric when the stranger next to you is more likely than not a possible threat. I genuinely find it baffling how people fantasize about living in such a hellscape, where you could die at any moment.
Odins-Enriched-Sack t1_jd4amkn wrote
So then people will have to be quicker on the draw. Old school, like Wild Bill and the OG cowboys. More guns mean more practice. Duels at high noon would start popping up all throughout the city, like food trucks. This could eventually have a positive effect. Like increasing tourism. /s
In all seriousness, there are ways to allow for responsible and reasonable gun ownership. I don't think everyone should own an AR-15 or a tank. I also don't believe that it should be super easy to get a gun. I do think people should have a right to keep themselves, their family, and their possessions safe. Law enforcement can not be everywhere all the time and all at once. In some cases, they are completely useless and will end up hurting the victim instead. I also believe that if rights can be taken away, then they are privileges, not rights.
I do, however, understand that rights come with responsibility. There must also be reasonable conssessions made. For example, you have the right to free speech (and all that it entails). You don't have the right to yell "fire!" in a crowded space and cause a stamped. Your right to do something shouldn't infringe on someone else's rights. My right to own a firearm shouldn't infringe in your right to be alive. Were I to abuse that right, then I should be made to deal with dire consequences.
We allow for responsible vehicle ownership. This is despite the fact that vehicles can be two ton heavy metal death machines. We force people to learn to drive and prove that they can drive. We require individuals to register and insure their vehicle. We require mandatory annual inspections and renewal of registration. We have infrastructure in place (not perfect) that influences the way people drive (speeding cameras, stop lights, etc). I believe this could be done for firearm ownership, just in a more stringent way.
If you believe that all it is taking for people to go completely ape shit is access to a weapon; then we already live in a terribly unsafe and deranged society. That would make me feel that I NEEDED a firearm even more. I understand the nature of this subject is sensitive. I wish these conversations could happen in a more reasonable way. I also understand what you are saying and the point you are trying to make. Or at least I think I understand.
[deleted] t1_jd4g28s wrote
[deleted] t1_jd4kkh1 wrote
Starwind369 t1_je0ms6v wrote
Seems like alot of people made excuses as why they would choose to not intervene.
jay5627 t1_jc47fis wrote
Fuck those assholes