collegedropoutclub t1_jdsltik wrote
I hope she's fine and he gets help. Plenty of actors in this town that can keep their hands to themselves.
ApplicationNo2506 t1_jdsu91c wrote
Can’t rush to judgement. He could be ray rice or it could be a crazy girlfriend/ex making shit up
Thanksss123456789 t1_jdsz0s1 wrote
Seems everybody has come forward to say this guy is an absolute piece of shit.
Rottimer t1_jdszzoh wrote
That's a dam shame, because he really is a good actor. Do you have a link where people are calling him out?
CarbonPrevails t1_jdt0snc wrote
djn24 t1_jdt0wgr wrote
>The Marvel star was arrested around 11:15 p.m. Saturday morning inside of an apartment near West 22nd Street and 8th Avenue in Chelsea after police responded to a 911 call.
11:15 p.m. Saturday morning?
SumyungNam t1_jdt8u4x wrote
Will DA even prosecute
No_Union_8268 t1_jdt94jk wrote
He’s to busy with trump rn
PandaJ108 t1_jdtc5q8 wrote
There is discrepancy between outlets coverage of this the the arraignment charges. Nearly all article have describe this as a strangulation (a felony) with the allege arrest charge being strangulation.
But the arraignment charges published on the public court date website shows the top charge he is facing is a misdemeanor assault charge.
actualtext t1_jdtnhrv wrote
No editors anymore.
tyen0 t1_jdtqjt8 wrote
There certainly are, they are the ones that make the titles as click-baity as possible regardless of the article text which they've ignored.
frost5al t1_jdtzsua wrote
TL:DR Arrest Charges and Arraingment charges are not the same thing and journalists should be better
I can explain the apparent discrepancy. “Charging” is a two step process, and each step is done by a different agency. The first is the Police, who make the arrest. On the police paperwork they will put what they arrested you for. Now, generally, the police are going to put the highest charges they believe fit the facts of what they know right in the moment. Also, Police Officers are not attorneys.
After this we move to the second step, which involves the second agency: The District Attorneys Office. A prosecutor is assigned the case, and will interview both the police officers involved, and the victim. At this point, an actual lawyer reviews the facts, and makes the decision as to what appears on the document put before the judge.
So, what happened here (and this is all base speculation) is the police responded, they have a female complainant with visible injuries, and making statements. They arrest Mr Majors based on that and charge what they can in the moment. Once the case got the the DA office (probably between 6-10 hours later), a lawyer took a look at what they had, and reduced the charges accordingly.
This isn’t meant to be an apologetic for the system, but this is how both of those statements you identified can be true.
ketzal7 t1_jdu4bs9 wrote
Articles generated through ChatGPT now
shaqbiff t1_jdu5161 wrote
Sounds like two separate yet equally important groups
[deleted] t1_jdu54wv wrote
eastvenomrebel t1_jduykri wrote
There is only AI
[deleted] t1_jdvahi3 wrote
what a piece of shit
SmallOccasion8321 t1_jdvf4g9 wrote
So she caught him texting / doing something with another woman and went ballistic. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned - I have no idea why a large physically strong masculine man needs to manhandle a female so assuming the allegations are correct he is as we say toast! Warning for the boys out there - if a woman catches you mucking around - don’t argue just run. Nothing good comes of confronting a woman for everyone’s sake.
SmallOccasion8321 t1_jdvf8mq wrote
Thank you for clarifying
[deleted] t1_jdvffox wrote
SeniorWilson44 t1_jdvgj34 wrote
You’re getting downvoted for waiting to judge. What a world.
LOVE2FUKWITHPP t1_jdvr6pw wrote
They always trying to take down us blk brothers 🥺😭.
[deleted] t1_jdvyc58 wrote
afrobeauty718 t1_jdw2evi wrote
Those women who date male celebrities are so stupid. Those men are never faithful. They need to accept non-monogamy for the lifestyle or get a job like the rest of us.
Pretty_Garbage8380 t1_jdwbjgm wrote
It's the other way around: Famous Actors should realize how random strange can be hazardous to their careers; either do not say you are exclusive or stay monogamous. Avoid crazy people (hard for crazy people not to date crazy people, but there you go).
It's better to stay with someone who knew you before you became big then to chase a bunch of starf*ckers and catch a stupid charge or get divorced or what-have-you.
Especially if you have a temper.
DontDrinkTooMuch t1_jdwi342 wrote
What a disappointment.
[deleted] t1_jdwjdid wrote
NatLawson t1_jdwkeie wrote
Therapy is really, really important. It will save you millions of dollars and leave you with your reputation intact.
If you are having frequent disagreements and cannot disengage for any reason, please find a therapist and unload. Please!
Woody Allen needed therapy. Charlie Sheen needs therapy. Robert Downey Jr needed therapy.
We all need therapy.
I hope Jonathan Majors can find peace along with the woman to whom he directed his anger. It's not okay.
Nor am I willing to dismiss this actor. He should have the privacy to find peace.
This is not the Will Smith slap. Dismissing the incident won't serve Mr. Majors
I do hope, growth and learning is on the agenda.
I am shocked by the accusation by not quite willing to dismiss a growing career.
Please see a therapist. Please publicly apologize to this woman.
[deleted] t1_jdxr3p1 wrote
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