GENUINE question: Is there anything redeeming about this guy? Can someone brave enough to post publicly tell me why they like him?
I've only been in New York for a year now and it's wild how I haven't heard a single thing about this dude outside of reddit after he was elected. The more I read, the more I realize he blows, but it's also concerning that Reddit is the only place I ever hear about him, for good and bad reasons. Good because I'm getting exposure, bad because it could mean heavy bias but also bad because it feels like no one in my circles is paying attention.
But no one paying attention is probably why the city traditionally gets a terrible mayor that no one likes.
The one good thing he is doing is pushing the idea of replacing roads for cars with "pedestrian plazas"
Some may not like it, but I find that one of the biggest issue with the city is lack of open space for people to enjoy themselves. We shouldn't need to take a trip to a park to have fun and be safe from automobiles.
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