AsaKurai t1_jdyswr4 wrote
Based on her Twitter she has no shame
seafoodgodddd t1_jdyuwzo wrote
Wow you weren't kidding, the pinned post is her and ron desucktis
MaxxDee t1_jdyvya0 wrote
🧐Is it me or she’s kinda hot in this picture😉
Relevant_Slide_7234 t1_jdz677r wrote
100% you.
[deleted] t1_jdz6zb7 wrote
ketzal7 t1_jdz714u wrote
Grifter gonna grift
[deleted] t1_jdzmu5j wrote
machstang t1_jdzq6mg wrote
Ah a typical Brighton Beach Russian… why are we surprised?
Edit: I should have generalized more. It’s a Brighton beach Soviet mindset.
As a Ukrainian and someone who has spent a considerable amount of time in Brighton I’m speaking from experience.
“How can I take advantage of my situation to benefit myself regardless of ethics and legality”
mehkindaok t1_jdzshxq wrote
You mean like that other one who grifted a cool billion?
[deleted] t1_jdzsq6v wrote
arrogant_ambassador t1_jdzvcau wrote
Lots of insightful discourse in this thread.
HamsterCultural3081 t1_jdzwpk3 wrote
At least someone said it.
MaxxDee t1_je0agp0 wrote
Man I need to stop drunk texting 💬
Everyoneeatshere t1_je0ahfc wrote
Sounds kinda racist no?
[deleted] t1_je0ahwf wrote
IRequirePants t1_je0kb57 wrote
She's Ukrainian....
InfernalTest t1_je0mw54 wrote
my firm belief is that if you have a first name like "Inna" it means your last name must be legally changed to "Minute"
TheTemporalKnight t1_je18925 wrote
She’s a Jewish Ukrainian my dude.
NatLawson t1_je1hh4b wrote
Grifters get their start somewhere.
Government service seems like a good place to start.
Next the race track. Then the casino.
myassholealt t1_je1hqpf wrote
It is so sad that I assumed she was GOP cause the daily news is the publication posted (would've been NY Post if she was a dem), and I was right.
It shouldn't be this predictable.
CasinoMagic t1_je24mzv wrote
I'll take that over Eric Adams giving all his friends and family members 200k jobs.
mowotlarx OP t1_je28onn wrote
You'd take a City council member bilking her constituents for their money personally - by being hysterical about CriMe and then suggesting they pay for her own companies self-defense classes? Really? You think that's morally better?
CasinoMagic t1_je29gl5 wrote
She sent emails.
He gave government jobs (and money) to family members with no qualifications.
And then there's the $850 that de Blasio's wife "misplaced".
If we're talking governmental grift and theft, Vernikov certainly is in good company in NYC.
mowotlarx OP t1_je29rzw wrote
>She sent emails.
She sent solicitations to her constituents from her official Government email to entice them to sign up for paid courses from a company she owns. She is using her government position to privately enrich herself.
Stop whatabouting. Nothing she did is excusable or inconsequential.
CasinoMagic t1_je2az3f wrote
Well, in the light of what the current and former mayors did, it is kinda inconsequential. That doesn't make it excusable, though (nor did I say it was), nor legal.
But it's such small fish stuff compared to the bigger scale fraud happening in local politics that it's almost laughable to focus on that.
But then we don't have a ton of local GOP politicians, so we'll take what we can. We did have George Santos, though, that one for sure delivered.
mowotlarx OP t1_je2k4cc wrote
It's not small fish stuff. It's a major conflict of interest violation.
Fig85420 t1_je2nkhr wrote
Oh, your experience sure provides some serious gravitas here!
Fig85420 t1_je2nzap wrote
You seem seriously triggered by this news - imagine your political and religious views don't quite align with hers!
mowotlarx OP t1_je2r6h2 wrote
Ah yes, pointing out baseline political corruption is "being triggered."
The way right wing cranks will bend over backwards to excuse political corruption so long as it's on their side. While simultaneously yelling hysterically about Chirlane McCray, as if anyone on the left will disagree that she was a crook. Or that we disagree that Eric Adams is corrupt and practices crony politics.
Also, I have no idea what religion she practices but YOU sure seem triggered by people calling her out.
Fig85420 t1_je2sl99 wrote
Suuuure buddy. Keep shouting into the void!
freemrt0ny t1_je2xtjx wrote
so u are the void
Fig85420 t1_je2z823 wrote
Um, ok. Good one!
freemrt0ny t1_je33bra wrote
if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you
NYCRealist t1_je72wxj wrote
Same mentality. And needless to say a diehard MAGA Republican like so many (the vast majority?) of residents there.
thesarcasticvoltage t1_jead6ro wrote
She is Jewish, from Ukraine. As a good chunk of Brighton Beach. And Soviet Jews are MAGA supporters.
mowotlarx OP t1_jdyijqg wrote
>Brooklyn Councilwoman Inna Vernikov recently used her government email account to solicit business for a self-defense company she has been involved with, according to a Daily News review of public records.
>The first-term Republican lawmaker’s promotion of the nonprofit company, Legion Alpha, Inc., drew a stern rebuke from Richard Briffault, a former chairman of the city Conflicts of Interest Board, who said her use of a government email to boost the firm ran afoul of local government ethics law.
>“That’s a clear violation of conflict rules,” Briffault said, pointing to a section of the City Charter that he noted prohibits her from using “public resources for a financial gain of a firm with which she is associated.