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xxl_gal t1_jdjebm4 wrote

A year or two ago, if ANYONE questioned the wisdom in this, they were labeled alt-right or racist.

What caused that, I wonder?

What political pressures led to that? Hmmmm.... 🤔


HashtagDadWatts t1_jdjeio0 wrote

Yeah, surely this grievance is more valid than the one that came before it. Just keep jumping from phony outrage to phony outrage until you find something that sticks!


xxl_gal t1_jdjqjiy wrote

All sarcasm aside, I'm not sure who's outraged but surly you can appreciate how taboo this was to criticize a short time ago


HashtagDadWatts t1_jdk8b71 wrote

If I believe the breathless internet comments, it remains impossible to discuss, notwithstanding the many discussions about it and the many articles about it in the mainstream press.