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curiiouscat t1_jcnjtgd wrote

When I was young and broke I would do so many creative things with the free transfer lol. Most subway lines have a comparable bus line so I'd take the 1 to the grocery store and then the M104 back, for instance. That way I'd only pay one fare. I had a bunch of poor friends do this as well. I still try to take advantage if I end a doctor's appointment early or something by taking the alternative form of transit since you have 2h30m. It's good fun and can really work in your favor.


dust1990 OP t1_jcnk0u2 wrote

I’ve admittedly done this as well!


damnatio_memoriae t1_jcntxx8 wrote

lol i still do the subway/bus transfer trick. been doing that for over 20 years.