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Pair-Up-by-Threes OP t1_jcmsfq2 wrote

Thank you. One thing I am unclear about is where I am allowed to go in the airport. For example, if I get dropped off by an Uber at departure entrance, can I get to where I need to be without a boarding pass?


HonestPerspective638 t1_jcmyftv wrote

The Uber can drop you off at arrivals too.. Tell them you are there to meet someone arriving. If its international it can take 30mins for train to taxi and deboard so don't get despearete. Alos don't get desperate if the cell signal is spotty. Arrivals are usually on bottom and departures on top. There is usally stairs and escalators if you need to switch. Ive picked up my kids from JFK about a dozen times over the years. Don't get too worked up. Make sure you phone is fully charged and ask your kids to charge their phone too in flight if possible


Pair-Up-by-Threes OP t1_jcmyuia wrote

Super helpful, thanks—this Is what I wanted to do, but there is no way to program arrivals for your drop-off spot on Uber.


Metapod_Used_Hardon t1_jcn3yqy wrote

Arrivals is the floor above or below departures. I can’t remember which is which, but either way you can access it by stairs, escalator, or elevator.


lilflor t1_jcmtppp wrote

Yup! The arrivals “hall” area you do not need a boarding pass for - ask the uber driver to drop you off at arrivals and you can go right in.