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drpvn t1_jcrjok4 wrote

Huge upgrade.


[deleted] t1_jcrrljn wrote



picklefluffer t1_jcrvsxy wrote

You realize H Mart sells more than ramen and kimchi? Also ramen is a Japanese food, Korean noodles are called ramyeon


Pennwisedom t1_jcs6vnb wrote

> Also ramen is a Japanese food, Korean noodles are called ramyeon

The post above is pretty stupid, but even though H Mart is Korean they definitely sell all kinds of Asian food.


picklefluffer t1_jcs71qo wrote

Yeah that’s true but that person seemed to be making fun of Korean food so I wanted to point out the food they were criticizing wasn’t even Korean 😂


Pennwisedom t1_jcs7dgc wrote

Fair enough. I'm also pretty sure H Mart does sell a lot of what he's complaining about.


Ed_Hastings t1_jcwr02o wrote

Imagine complaining about diversity in New York City.


lee1026 t1_jcs85qz wrote

HMart sells a lot of actual ramen too. They might be a Korean shop, but they sell a lot of ramen.


picklefluffer t1_jcsb56w wrote

They have an entire aisle dedicated to instant noodles it’s actually a little intimidating lol my arteries get nervous when I walk by


Jeff-Van-Gundy t1_jct5feo wrote

I found these really good Malaysian instant noodles at hmart actually


[deleted] t1_jcutksb wrote

instant noodles are really unhealthy and carcinogenic


picklefluffer t1_jcuzgl6 wrote

The air we breathe is unhealthy and carcinogenic tbh I think the environmental toxins we are exposed to on a daily basis will kill us long before a few instant noodles will


[deleted] t1_jcvhsnh wrote

that doesn’t mean pile on the toxic crap jfc


picklefluffer t1_jcvj8lh wrote

I mean, yeah you shouldn’t eat them every day but is it such a bad thing to have them available as a convenient snack/meal?


pythonQu t1_jcv4u9x wrote

So is American cuisine like hot dogs and barbecued meats.


[deleted] t1_jcrwq59 wrote

much more heavy on packaged foods aka processed foods than other grocery stores

i’d go there for produce and that’s about it. they don’t carry traditional beef cuts that are grass fed


Risky_Busynests t1_jcrztpw wrote

Then don't go there? What's your problem?


OldKingRob t1_jcs42jl wrote

Everything only gets to exist if it’s meant for them


[deleted] t1_jcs59ke wrote

sorry i want a healthy organic grocery store option for people


cavalryyy t1_jcs6v8o wrote

Don’t apologize for wanting that! Just apologize for being obnoxious and coming across a little racist!!


[deleted] t1_jcs725v wrote

instant noodles are carcinogenic but yes the store that carries 100 varieties of instant noodles is what everyone wants as their neighborhood grocery store

right right


mrchumblie t1_jcshfqu wrote

Go to Whole Foods and stop b*tching.

You’re living on the wrong side of the country if you like sprouts. Move to Colorado


pythonQu t1_jctadcd wrote

They do have dried noodles which is different from instant noodles. If only you'd educate yourself, you'd know the difference.


[deleted] t1_jcu4cwh wrote

no it’s literally all the same


pythonQu t1_jcunlcv wrote

BYE racist.


[deleted] t1_jcus3rv wrote

nothing i said had anything to do with race


pythonQu t1_jcv57h8 wrote

"Literally all the same." Actually it's not. If you'd read the ingredients on dried vs instant noodles you'd know that but guess we're all the same so it doesn't matter ro you.


pddkr1 t1_jcs839v wrote

Lmao had to scroll a bit till I hit the first racism accusation, but it didn’t take too long. Thanks for this gem.


cavalryyy t1_jcs8u1d wrote

“Korean grocery store only sells kimchi and ramen. Not racially motivated at all btw”

Begging you to develop brain cells


pddkr1 t1_jcsa7tl wrote

Who posted that bit?


pddkr1 t1_jcsasqs wrote

What the hell hahaha, Ramen and Kimchi?

How did I not see that bit?

Edit - had to keep clicking parent comment, apologies poster, I think I had clicked into a specific reply when scrolling. Turns out you didn’t have to scroll that far for certain perspective. I would def agree with your comment, my bad.


EveryNameIWantIsGone t1_jcseyug wrote

That comment doesn’t have the word “Korean” in it.


cavalryyy t1_jcsgdok wrote

I hope they cover “authors intent” in english class next week <3


iniquities t1_jcs1hdb wrote

Rite Aid wasn't really selling any of that either so no harm or gain.


JuicyJ476 t1_jcsp9t1 wrote

can mods consider a ban for u/fedops? he clearly does not live in the city but has a history of these weird troll/hate comment threads


fork_yuu t1_jcuzmcd wrote

Some dude from the Bay area shitting on us cause he's high and mighty with his organic diet. Also for some reason spends a lot of time shitting on people in /r/asknyc

Kinda weird lol


Queenv918 t1_jcyrmkx wrote

He has more than a handful of alternate accounts too.


gownuts t1_jcrsuah wrote

Came here for HMart but where is Sprouts? I want those things too.


[deleted] t1_jcrttqq wrote

doesn’t exist in NYC sadly

best large grocery store in the country by far


[deleted] t1_jcsadl7 wrote



[deleted] t1_jcsb40b wrote

people want a healthy organic grocery store, not some specialty store that doesn’t have 90% of what regular people want to buy


[deleted] t1_jcsbl1g wrote



[deleted] t1_jcsbu7o wrote

no it doesn’t

you can’t buy a regular ribeye steak there and definitely not one that is grass fed. they have thin beef cuts for korean dishes nothing like a normal grocery store at all

and they have very little organic produce options most of it is conventional


[deleted] t1_jcsceno wrote



maximumslanketry t1_jcsr2z9 wrote

H mart is awesome. Ignore that troll. He's probably the most fun at his one man parties (full of organic, grass fed pea shoots)


[deleted] t1_jcscpob wrote

eggs aren’t produce

and that’s free range which is different than pasture raised


[deleted] t1_jcscu1y wrote



NotMugatu t1_jcsdnxh wrote

I saw raw milk and thought he was trolling, but this cheesedick is actually serious. Lmao


NinjaCaviar t1_jct03z9 wrote

Yo there is a reason everyone here is shitting on you and it’s because you’re an idiot, just in case you were wondering.

Because, you know. You’re an idiot.


Danimal_House t1_jctfeme wrote

To be fair, it’s also because he’s an insufferable douchebag


pythonQu t1_jctahtn wrote

And you present the voice of "the people"? Who elected you? Get the fuck outta here.