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filthysize t1_je5gfi0 wrote

>next time you sign up for internet service for a yr and want to switch at end of contract to some other provider but cant because provider been good standing with you and continues contract indefinitely

This metaphor is weird because you're reversing the subjects here. The landlord is the ISP. It's more like a bill preventing an ISP from terminating or throttling service to a customer who is in good standing.


KaiDaiz t1_je5gr8g wrote

works both ways. if subject finds a better deal elsewhere but cant switch due to good standing. end of the day, there is a contract length and it was met. Parties are free to continue not obligated


filthysize t1_je5jo2b wrote

>works both ways.

That is not how businesses or contracts work...


KaiDaiz t1_je5jvg0 wrote

and yet its fitting we sign a 1 yr contract and we are obligated to offer and continue beyond that length? How contract works again?


filthysize t1_je5q0ft wrote

The fact that you were confused by your own simple metaphor about a service provider and a customer says to me that you see landlords and tenants as interchangeable individuals with equal footing in a business relationship. But they are not, because like ISPs and their subscribers, it is not a level relationship that goes in both directions. It is someone running a business and selling it to the public, which tend to come with obligations and restrictions on what they can and cannot do because if affects the public at large. Reversing that makes no sense, which is why the way you used your metaphor resulted in an absurd scenario that is in no way anything like what this bill is doing.


OhMySultan t1_je5hngd wrote

Don’t bother with this dude, he’s all over this sub arguing in bad faith. He’s either a seedy landlord or loves defending them.


KaiDaiz t1_je5hyug wrote

same for you ignoring your original contract. You now want the owner to be obligated to continue at cap priced increase indefinitely if you wish to despite the original term length discussed & agreeed