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pk10534 t1_jcxrua1 wrote

While my first inclination was to think it’s odd to expect silence in New York City of all places lol, it sounds like this is a neighborhood-wide issue and law enforcement is not taking noise complaints and illegal parking complaints seriously at all.


th3D4rkH0rs3 t1_jcxytbf wrote

More likely they were forced out by the church who wanted to sell the property.


StrngBrew t1_jcykrcx wrote

Wait what?!

>Meanwhile, the sisters have ambitious plans for their permanent home, which will include a Spanish-style monastery, a barn and a caretaker’s house, estimated to cost about $25 million. They should be able to move into a modular cloister of about 3,500 square feet on the donated land by year-end, Mr. Pfaff said.

$25m to build a monastery in the woods near Scranton?


mowotlarx t1_jcyl61i wrote

Ding ding ding. New York parishes filing bankruptcy and closing churches and schools left and right. But sure, blame Brooklyn residents for the systemic sexual abuse of kids and parishioners by priests for decades upon decades. Deflect!


magicroot75 t1_jd0ucc4 wrote

Practicing Catholic here. (Yes we still exist.) The sisters will likely be sharing a modest home on a small portion of the property. Most of the spending will likely go towards guests quarters and the Chapel. Monasteries are a place where many Catholics go to pray and retreat in silence.