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DeathLeopard t1_jebuub9 wrote

I would totally support a sentencing enhancement for any crime that also involved social media.


fork_yuu t1_jec9x0f wrote

Making them delete their social media accounts would be interesting


spicytoastaficionado t1_jeeq9dy wrote

At the very least, these types of stunts should include a court order preventing people from clout-chasing on social media using footage obtained during the commission of a criminal act.


Babies_for_eating t1_jecee8c wrote

Lmao I know one of the kids that did it it’s not about social media at all they were just in it for the pictures and the thrill and shit it’s not cause of “challenges” like dumbass fucking mayor Eric Adam’s thinks


Pennwisedom t1_jefc6s9 wrote

Eh, if they want to climb stuff for the thrill they can feel free to go solo at the Gunks.


Babies_for_eating t1_jefcwg5 wrote

Yea like it’s my friends little brother I’m not saying it’s a smart thing to do it’s a pretty fucking dumb thing to do but all this anti social media messaging is just totally missing the mark here
