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sdotmills t1_jd17d72 wrote

> Saw all the dumbfuck racists from my class sign up for the NYPD and make the same kind of posts you do …I’m sure minorities are cramming for cops like pat Lynch to police their neighborhoods.

Live here your whole life and don’t understand the majority of the NYPD is made up of minorities. So much ignorance.


Objective_Guard_4357 t1_jd2o4ge wrote

And? This is a widely known fact. The department still has terrible community relations in minority neighborhoods. How are you gunna have a force made up of minorities and STILL have the public image the department has.

Like when Pat Lynches son pulled a gun on his Latino neighbors and proceeded to Accuse them of being Trinitarios.

Grew up around cops my whole life, I can keep namedropping shitheads who get protected by their brothers in blue.


sdotmills t1_jd33feu wrote

Yea you hate cops, stunning and brave take.


[deleted] t1_jd4d34f wrote



sdotmills t1_jd4d9uc wrote

Damn I’ve upset you so much you’re following me around the sub, lucky me. Learn the words you use boss, otherwise you show everyone your ignorance.


[deleted] t1_jd4ey0y wrote



sdotmills t1_jd4f6ym wrote

Been here 10 years longer than you and I’m brigading? Should learn to live with differing viewpoints, you sound like a child calling everyone you disagree with a fascist. Based on your post history you live in a WILD echo chamber.


Evening_Presence_927 t1_jd4fkp0 wrote

Bruh I’ve been here for about a decade myself. I’ve just been a lurker for a long time. I’m just calling a fascist a fascist. If anything, you live in the echo chamber by siding with the bootlickers on this sub.