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ObjectivePitiful1170 t1_jd35uc1 wrote

That too, but when you consider the utility and the fact that the footprint is being split between many users, they look much better than private cars.


HEIMDVLLR t1_jd382eh wrote

Currently yes, but what happens when everyone abandons personal cars and become dependent on public transportation, ride-shares and deliveries?

Because people will still need to do the things they did when owning a car.


ObjectivePitiful1170 t1_jd3c8uh wrote

Some do, and they will benefit from lower congestion. For overwhelming majority of people who drive to Manhattan it is completely unnecessary to drive. Asking drivers to cover their own costs instead of asking the residents to burden themselves is reasonable and ethical. The goal is not to eliminate private cars. They are not closing the bridges.


Edwunclerthe3rd t1_jd3maai wrote

Deliveries group multiple orders which makes them more efficient than 1 person in a car going to pick up their order * how ever many people get deliveries. Public transportation is also more efficient, so less pollution. Ride shares are trickier, but a fleet of Ubers could theoretically be optimized to deliver a more efficient trip than personal car rides


HEIMDVLLR t1_jd3mvr4 wrote

You’re basing this off of the current situation.

I’m talking about when everyone stops driving and begins relying on mass transportation, deliveries and ride-shares to get things done.


Edwunclerthe3rd t1_jd3qo2h wrote

Right. The benefits we gain from switching to public transportation scale as the adoption rate increases.