m00kery t1_iqq2gm1 wrote
One last stupid question I see. Looking for change maybe . I was hoping this was a sub for New Yorkers talking about real NYC things but it seems like it's full of people from other places asking for born yesterday kind of help
[deleted] OP t1_iqq2y5a wrote
Lol why do people like you get mad at the fact that a subreddit is not exclusive, if it grinds peoples like you gears you know you can create your own subreddit too idk not being a dick or anything but who died and made you the NYC gatekeeper ya know? One thing I learned from Reddit is why gaf!? Hell there’s even options where you can filter what you want to see like why complain dude? I hope you have a better night for the most part broski. ☮️
m00kery t1_iqq4620 wrote
Nobody here is mad or trying to gate keep. It's more just disappointing than anything I was just hoping for higher level stuff than constant goofy questions like is it legal to block a parking spot with cones and the many other no brainer things that keep popping up on my feed and felt some kind of need to state it like I quit I guess
nogain-allpain t1_iqq7vsv wrote
If you want better content, create it. Set the example before you complain. You have two videos from flooding a year ago, and that's it.
nogain-allpain t1_iqq2ovt wrote
Yet this post is just another contribution to the useless noise.
m00kery t1_iqq2qiz wrote
Ur right about that my mistake
Carmilla31 t1_iqq44p5 wrote
Well… bye.
Mr_Ge0 t1_iqqconv wrote
Wait……Wait…..before you go…..What’s your favorite type of pizza?….It’s a very very important question.
tardismeister t1_iqqljl2 wrote
You know, tourists use this subreddit to get advice from actual new yorkers so maybe chill a little? Also who are you to determine what is a stupid question or not? Just because you possess knowledge on something doesn't mean someone else does. Instead of being a douche, just help someone out.
[deleted] OP t1_iqq1mma wrote
Why do people announce this? Just do it!