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KaiDaiz t1_iqt7y7z wrote

Not big enough. there's a reason why we see mountains of trash on sidewalks. We produce too much trash...till we actually charge folks money to reduce their trash habits, we will always have mountains of trash on the street


mule_roany_mare t1_iqtg01r wrote

NYC doesn't make any more trash than most other places & less than most places in the US.

The issue is the lack of alleys to place dumpsters. Any bin comes at the cost of sidewalk

NYC needs an underground dumpster on every block with a false bottom trashcan on top.


KaiDaiz t1_iqtgkrt wrote

Doesn't matter if you put the trash in alley or bin, still a mountain of it. Yes we do generate a lot of trash. Take a look at amount of trash generated in Japan on trash day per household. They charge the folks money per pound in some areas and naturally they have nil trash. Ours are practically free to toss as much trash we want. It's a bargain here.

Do what other cities already do here in USA and elsewhere, make residents use official sanction trash bags. First x free, anything else have to buy. Heavy enforcement and fines


mule_roany_mare t1_iqtp996 wrote

Sure it does.

Other cities don't have nearly the same problem with rats & they spend a lot less per capita to control them.

Loose bags are a buffet, 7 days a week there is unlimited food for rats. Bins make a giant difference

Official bags won't make a difference, no bags are hungry rat proof. Even if half as much trash was generated it wouldn't have the least impact in the pest population. Even with zero trash rats could be sustained on roaches, pigeons, people who feed pigeons & incidental littering/dropped food.


robotmalfunction t1_iqualgm wrote

Chicago has a much better trash infrastructure, but I'd say comparable or even worse rat issue. I only have anecdotal evidence though. If trash comes once a week most places, there's no way to stop those hungry rats.


KaiDaiz t1_iqtw5jh wrote

and less trash also makes a giant difference. face it, there's not enough bins, alley or front sidewalk space to hide our trash that makes its removal economical & practical. Only way we can start talking about sensible trash storage is to store less of it. Start drastically reducing amount of trash...when our reduced trash output can fit in whatever bin design and haul away for cheap then we can talk about it


Over-Tackle5585 t1_iquhhfd wrote

I promise you that a change in how we store and dispose of trash will effect change way fucking faster than trying to change, en masse, how people conduct their lives.

Honestly the order you’re suggesting doesn’t even make sense. It’d be far easier to start with containerizing trash because we’d then at least be able to track and charge people for the waste they produce.


KaiDaiz t1_iqvtr8h wrote

You honestly think its easier to massively expand the sanitation force + dig a bunch of holes in ground or place other bins? The expense alone makes this unfeasible for city.

OR easier for city to slap fines and fees to correct our trash problem. Far easier and cheaper the later for city to implement fast.


birthdaycakefig t1_iqvwzke wrote

Yea, because everything else the city slaps fines and fees on works out smoothly since our citizens are perfect law abiding and give a shit about others.


KaiDaiz t1_iqvy2mr wrote

have to start somewhere. fines and punishment has always been used by our society to correct behavior.


Over-Tackle5585 t1_iqw87ol wrote

Yes, I do think massive public works are far easier than changing individual behavior. Like so much easier it’s laughable to think otherwise. This city has a 100 billion budget and you think it’s impossible to do something every other city in the world of its size is capable of? Okay dude…yeah it’ll be way easier to get all 8 million people to collectively change the way they live their lives to be more inconvenient


shamam t1_iqw9g39 wrote

I can't even get my neighbors to break down their cardboard boxes before they put them in the trash room. It's 1 fucking piece of tape!


KaiDaiz t1_iqw8gqd wrote

barely afford the 100B budget but you want to add a few B out of no where for more sanitation on top of other budget woes? sure dude


Over-Tackle5585 t1_iqw94an wrote

What better things would that kind of money go to than the sanitation and cleanliness of New York? Are you affiliated with a waste disposal lobby or something? Containerizing trash would SAVE money in the long run as it makes trash disposal more efficient and quicker - thats why the waste disposal lobby is so staunchly against it. Literally just remove a parking spot or two from each block and throw a dumpster in.


KaiDaiz t1_iqw9a51 wrote

City cant afford it and don't have the manpower to do daily pickups. If you cant see that, you simply blind of reality. How often the city pick up your trash? think that small bin will hold it for the downtime for pickup? nope

Only way out of our trash mess is to drastically reduce the trash

Also not trash lobby


Over-Tackle5585 t1_iqw9g5j wrote

Lol. Ok waste disposal lobby bot. Let’s keep feeding the rats then. Lmk when you convince the entirety of the city to cut their trash output in half


mule_roany_mare t1_iqxbngx wrote

>How often the city pick up your trash?

3 times a week, pretty much everywhere in all of NYC


KaiDaiz t1_iqxd221 wrote

nah 2x where I live. either way def not everyday to make those bins work in example hence city can never afford to make these bins work for entire city


grambell789 t1_iqtotzd wrote

If you charge people for trash it will just get dumped anonymously on the street


KaiDaiz t1_iqtp1rl wrote

That's where you have heavy enforcement and drill it in. Its been successfully implemented in a lot municipalities and reduced trash tremendously


birthdaycakefig t1_iqvxgot wrote

We’ll just complain that heavy enforcement only hurts the poor and makes them poorer.

Also, look at anything else we “enforce”. Cars drive all over, scooters are all over oír sidewalks. Do you really think there’s going to be squads of cops checking peoples garbage?

We like to say that things work in other cities but honestly the culture in NY and US is not like the culture in other parts of the world and it’s very obvious. In other parts of the world, a big way to get people to do something is to show them how it impacts everyone. We only care about ourselves.


LoneStarTallBoi t1_iqw7x5p wrote

oh yeah I'm sure nypd will get right on that


KaiDaiz t1_iqw897h wrote

be sanitation not nypd writing tickets and they already write plenty


teknolog t1_iqtwvn4 wrote

Seems to work in every other city I've lived in.


GoPikachuGo1 t1_iqvjsrw wrote

What cities are these?

If they're in Europe and/or Asia, it really isn't applicable. There is too much of a cultural difference.


KaiDaiz t1_iqvrzf5 wrote

Its here as well. Over 9k communities here in USA. 62/100 largest cities in USA has some form of PYT. Canada has this too, go to Toronto. Basically it's the norm around the world and rest of USA to charge for excess trash vs flat rate we get here


teknolog t1_iqwntfr wrote

My house is in San Francisco. Not sure if that's technically in America, but it's not in Asia or Europe.


GoPikachuGo1 t1_iqwo7lf wrote

I'm not sure i'd classify San Francisco as a particularly 'clean' city.


teknolog t1_iqxcwla wrote

That is a true statement but they charge a lot for trash service.


birthdaycakefig t1_iqvwdbo wrote

Culture is very different.

The second we start charging people to throw trash out this city will become much worse, 100% trash out the windows and into streets/rivers. Only the richer neighborhoods will be clean.

Oh, just like today I guess.


KaiDaiz t1_iqw0pcm wrote

majority of the us charges for excess trash vs the flat rate toss as much you can do here


YouandWhoseArmy t1_ir00tam wrote

I support the city trash bags you buy, but it would never work in NYC. Too many people that don’t give a fuck. Too hard to track. It would just make the place dirtier with people trying to beat the system.


OverlordXenu t1_iqurl6r wrote

plenty of cities have below-ground bins/dumpsters, which don't take up much space topside but can hold huge amounts of trash subterranean. this is a solved problem. what a joke that they have a press conference for a dumpster with some grass growing on it.


Rpanich t1_iqvrne3 wrote

Someone brought this up in the last thread, but I found this image… i think under the sidewalks is more or less the same. I’m not positive there would actually be the room?


York_Villain t1_iqx5y00 wrote

I swear there are ppl in this subreddit that think there's only dirt and soil underneath the asphalt and cement. lmao


mule_roany_mare t1_iqxacx1 wrote

NYC is super dense underground, but you only need one dumpster per block. It's not a big deal if people have to carry their trash bags an extra 20 feet

There isn't one size fits all solution for the whole city, my block does have an alley that can hold dumpsters, ones that don't can get an underground dumpster, ones that don't can get an above ground dumpster


Rpanich t1_iqxam64 wrote

Oh yeah, if we can get a big enough one per block, I think that’d be a fantastic idea.


Butt_Sauce t1_iqxc1wg wrote

“1 dumpster per block” X 100k blocks… yeah no big deal. And that’s assuming you only need one per block. Have you seen the mountains of garbage on some streets? What happens when the garbage doesn’t fit?


mule_roany_mare t1_iqxjq5b wrote

If I was the trash Czar & building this infrastructure I'd schedule dumpsters to be emptied when they are near full instead of on a schedule, triggered by LoRaWAN sensors.

So you'd pick up the full dumpsters & the total collections wouldn't rise because you could leave the not-full dumpsters longer.

You can't compare one time infrastructure costs to ongoing annual costs. Even a small increase in trash efficiency will pay for major outlays in a decade. Not to mention the quality of life improvements too numerous to be quantifiable.

Lets say the infrastructure costs a billion dollars... That's 6 months of the sanitation budget. a 5% increase in efficiency would pay for itself in one decade and pay dividends for the next 90


hhazzah t1_iqvf75l wrote

Underground dumpster is a good idea. I’ve seen these in Amsterdam and it seems to work very well. I guess the problem in NYC would be underground tunnels, cabling and pipes though. I’m not from NYC though, so maybe someone else could comment on the viability of that.


mrchumblie t1_iqttor3 wrote

“New York City residents produce just 3 pounds of waste per day compared to 4.4 pounds for the average American”

Agreed we could ALL benefit from producing less trash and evaluating our relationship to consumption and single use packaging but NYC needs a systemic change in our waste disposal system in conjunction with a cultural reevaluation of our relationship to consumption.

I used live on the 4th floor of a pre-war walk up and I remember being annoyed and disgusted that someone living on the 5th or 6th floor would lug 6 cases of bottled water to their unit every couple of months when we have fantastic tap water here. Ugh.


CavediverNY t1_iqvapfu wrote

Not to mention how easy it is to get a Britta filter or a zero water filter… Incidentally, I have a zero filter and it comes with a “particle checker“ to see how clean the water is. My New York City tapwater is fantastic!


elizabeth-cooper t1_iqwh7w3 wrote

How does someone produce 3 pounds of waste every day? They must be eating a lot of meat/chicken on the bone.


actualtext t1_iqtfbta wrote

He starts touching on the production of trash also needing to be tackles in the end. The building produces 45 bags of trash a day which gets picked up daily. I'm not sure how many bags of trash the bins can hold but hopefully it can do that much at least.


KaiDaiz t1_iqthdq1 wrote

Well he open one bin and looks like 1/3 -1/2 already taken by 1 trash bag. Judging from height, its prob no more than 3 x 3 ft


Rebel90x t1_iqtnd62 wrote

oh so now we are going to start charging people who produce more trash.

gotta love democrats lol


GentleShiv t1_iqtwjbq wrote

Gotta love some moron reading something one random person on the internet wrote and thinking "democrats want to do this to me." You really need to turn off the fox news and dehinge your head from your ass


KaiDaiz t1_iqto15d wrote

not a dem idea considering its practice all over the world and plenty of municipalities in north america


Rebel90x t1_iqtuz7a wrote

its not like i already pay a tax for living in nyc. now you want to charge me for my trash? this has to be a joke lol


KaiDaiz t1_iqtvh6w wrote

If you produce a lot trash, only fair you pay for larger share. Again, pay as your throw/trash metering is in place even in high cost of living locals already


eleazarius t1_iqufqo7 wrote

It’s normal almost everywhere outside of this city to pay for trash pickup from a bin you leave outside your house/apartment once a week. Only in NYC is it seen as sane to have everyone dump their trash on the street every night and get it picked up for “free” (taxes).


Rebel90x t1_iqug2pf wrote

ok so i already pay for the collection through my taxes, and now we want to charge me even more money just for some fancy bin? yea, no thanks.


KaiDaiz t1_iqvlshj wrote

these other places pay taxes + trash fee