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Barryzuckerkorn_esq t1_itgsy7k wrote

I remember k-rock in the 90s with crazy cabby and all and they took it away then. I never went back after that


Hrekires t1_itgzyqa wrote

I didn't even realize they went back to playing music after switching to all-talk in the late 00s.


Guypussy t1_ith2jve wrote

>”We are standing at the edge of an exciting new era for news in New York for our team, our advertisers, and, most importantly, our listeners”



StrngBrew t1_ith6wtq wrote

Sort of RIP, they’re continuing it on their HD-2 channel. So you can still go on listening, if you have a radio which can get those channels I guess.


putney t1_ith8kp7 wrote

When did WPLJ go away? Yes, that’s how old I am


Comosellamark t1_ithc26j wrote

I remember when they first switched to Now fm or something


pixel_of_moral_decay t1_ithxrbh wrote

Unless you’re using a kit transistor radio almost every radio sold is an “HD” radio. Even most alarm clocks are now. The ones with a radio, some are just Bluetooth speakers now.

They all seem to use the Si468x chip which is in short supply at the moment, so good luck finding something in stock.


fahssn t1_iti0i2q wrote

Opie and Anthony were on there for a while I think.


femaiden t1_iti2n5m wrote

Eh Alt 92.3 sucks. Rock radio in other parts of the country is way better. MGK and Imagine Dragons are not rock. It was like all that and pop punk. Gimme those PA type stations that play Metallica, Ghost, A7X. I don't like all of it but at least it's guitar driven rock.


TheGodDavidLoPan t1_itid292 wrote

This is so dumb. If I want 1010WINS ill tune in on the AM.

Maybe this will encourage them to go full rock/alternative since presumably they won't have to worry about ratings.


Russianb0t1 t1_itiiyqa wrote

I love me some 10/10 though. I am hyped to hear that FM quality’s


SteveOfNYC t1_itikrnv wrote

92.3 wasn't great but it wasn't terrible. I have a beater car from 2000, that's the only station I have programmed for whenever I do drive. I guess I'm back to using my Bluetooth cassette and running off of my phone.

Damn I sound old.


NYCB1RDY t1_itiwewu wrote

K-Rock was dead when Howard Stern left the station for good


dboggny t1_itizhsj wrote

I remember listening as a kid 40 years ago with the typewriter sound track in the background. Anyway, commercial, over the air radio isn’t long for the world. Streaming, downloaded music on demand is slowly killing it.


lewistakesaction t1_itj6s61 wrote


Truly though, I do remember the moment I became a teen and my mom started listening to K-rock on the way to 9th grade instead of Elvis and Elliot and the Z-Morning Zoo.

I'm old.


Knomp2112 t1_itj8v9z wrote

WPLJ was my rock station during my JHS and HS days 1977-1983


Birb-n-Snek t1_itjazyf wrote

There was a host back between like 2001-2004ish i think he used to come on after like 930pm on sundays. I cant remember any of the host names from those days. I was young but I used to love sneaking my cdplayer in bed and laughing at what was going on. Anyone know a way to find out who hosted in which timeslots?


Spinningcircles4ever t1_itjbn03 wrote

I listen to 104.3 now It’s nice to listen to Jim Kerr and Shelly in the morning. Plus it’s the most similar to what k rock was


chikpea16 t1_itjosvj wrote

Anyone remember K-Rock’s Dysfunctional Family Picnic concerts? The first one I went to had one hell of a lineup:

DFP 3.0 - Rage Against the Machine, Limp Bizkit, Rob Zombie, Lo-Fidelity Allstars, Blink 182, Live, Kid Rock, King Norris, Stuttering John, Stone Temple Pilots (cancelled), Hole (cancelled)


mymindisgoo t1_itkuddx wrote

There's like 6 better stations than 92.3 hS been In a while


grandzu t1_itljyvq wrote

But I already gave them 22 minutes!


StrngBrew t1_itm0f11 wrote

Radio stations can broadcast multiple feeds now. So most stations have a primary broadcast and sometimes multiple “hd” broadcasts of different formats.

“HD” is a dumb name because it literally means nothing. They named it that when HD tv was a buzz. But it just refers to the ability to broadcast multiple digital signals from basically the same frequency

It’s a newish technology. Most all cars in the last 5 years or so will have HD radio technology. Many since 2012 have had it though


Therealbradman t1_itofz5c wrote

Oh man that’s a good one. They put together great bills. I went to one with Jimmy Eat World, System Of A Down, The Strokes, Incubus and Korn. The Clausefest shows were great too. Where else could you see Coldplay, Audioslave and Queens Of The Stone Age the same stage


Fit-Minimum-5507 t1_itt1rzj wrote

Man this sucks. K-Rock and WLIR were my go to stations for hard rock and alternative back in the day.


vasjpan02 t1_itta18u wrote

wish bloomberg wbbr also added fm


vasjpan02 t1_itta7g1 wrote

i know when i worked on large region campaigns wins had the most effective and expensive spot ads


JanaT2 t1_itxps4e wrote

I’m old and remember when 92.3 was WKTU disco - well I was a kid but still


brook1yn t1_iu46mfi wrote

Had it on for a minute on their last day and they were playing LCD Soundsystem. I would've been listening to them for years if they would've actually played decent music.. That said, they have a place in my teenage 90s heart.