MKnight8 t1_itx57nw wrote
Why not both?
1600hazenstreet t1_itxal5j wrote
Link without paywall?
SilentSasquatch2 t1_itxdmuv wrote
They must make one helluva BEC
barrystrawbridgess t1_itxhmb4 wrote
Seems like some wild juju has been going on the past few weeks. I guess she really needed a quarter water and a pastrami on rye.
brihamedit t1_itxkdbk wrote
Curious about the back story. Article only describes as things progressed but not the crazy lady's side of the story. Of course she is unstable for whatever reason. But what was going on in her mind.
718Brooklyn t1_itxliyk wrote
I like to play the game where I wonder if I’d notice something if I’d walk by it. I’d notice this.
Holly-Wood1 t1_itxnvc7 wrote
Come to me baby
spaetzelspiff t1_itxo3fu wrote
> Ghramah hurled a pint of Häagen-Dazs ice cream at her, throwing her off balance. She fell down, but scrambled to her feet and chased Abdul three blocks to the 523 Deli & Grill on Grand St. near Henry St., where he used to work.
> It took Abdul and three other men holding the door shut to keep the crazed customer outside.
> In the middle of their tug of war over the door, Horvath began disrobing, video obtained by The News shows.
> First she took off a belt, then she set the box cutter down to strip off her shirt, skirt, shoes and pantyhose, the clip shows.
> fully nude, Horvath went back to trying to pry open the door.
> “She didn’t say anything,” said Anis Hussein, who works at 523 Deli & Grill. “She just started taking off her clothes. She was naked with a knife trying to get in.
> “It was like she was some kind of athlete,” he continued. “She didn’t stop. Unbelievable.”
Excerpt from non-paywalled version at
ShadownetZero t1_itxoql2 wrote
Severe-Frosting-1728 t1_itxrlgo wrote
Wasnt the main character in show Girls called Hanna Horvath. Oh the irony.
HistoryAndScience t1_itxs5dl wrote
This seems like she was on drugs or some type of episode. No one goes from regular customer to trying to assassinate their bodega guy and strips to kill him
mrchumblie t1_itxsnv7 wrote
Maybe PCP or something similar in combination with a mental disposition towards psychosis
nonlawyer t1_itxtykz wrote
Ah yes, this is exactly the kind of sports news I subscribe to Yahoo for
[deleted] t1_itxu68l wrote
spaetzelspiff t1_itxufhu wrote
Damned right.
When gramah starts winging 95mph Häagen-Dazs fastballs across the room, I call that sports news.
[deleted] t1_itxujdz wrote
mikey-likes_it t1_itxx7xy wrote
When is her collab with Kanye dropping?
myassholealt t1_itxxsrp wrote
How come this one's not a ny post article?
>checks article >>sees the guilty party isn't a minority
Oh. Yep.
DingusTaargus t1_ity27zz wrote
Your move, Florida.
TheGodDavidLoPan t1_ity2gcr wrote
She stripped cause the clothes were weighing her down like Goku and Piccolo.
headphase t1_ity34s8 wrote
Nah, the Post was all over that elder-pusher from Long Island last year, and she was a white millennial-turned villain. If it bleeds or strips, the Post is more than happy to take a (short) break from the right-wing sensationalism to cover it.
Dr_Nepo t1_ity49qa wrote
Probably a combination of Ectasy with bath salts
Obstinate_Turnip t1_ity4l2i wrote
For the love of God, can we please, pretty please, bring back looney bins? Sure, make them better than they were, but some folx should not be out and about terrorizing their neighbors.
Groundbreaking_Tank2 t1_ity4zv7 wrote
At first I was entertained but then I just thought “man that’s sad”
Drink-my-koolaid t1_ity5g85 wrote
Does the deli door say 'PUSH'? Maybe she's a graduate from Midvale School for the Gifted!
JesusChristFarted t1_ity80gu wrote
Another Republican tourist comes to the city and loses control of their emotions... It happens all of the time.
delinquentfatcat t1_ity86f6 wrote
Nice night for a walk
Lordkingthe1 t1_ity8e1g wrote
The real question is how would this had turned out if she was a black female Funny how the store worker had the nerve to say I would like to see her again to see what was wrong because she comes in all the time and spends money. Unbelievable
Flivver_King t1_ity8pv4 wrote
“Look at what they need to mimic only a fraction of my power.”
inm808 t1_ityar4v wrote
inm808 t1_ityas0g wrote
apl_ee t1_itybzzw wrote
Soon we are going to need the word "floridaman" in the official dictionary to describe these loonies
KingofthisShit t1_ityc7ft wrote
She was wearing weighted clothes and it was holding her down, so she needed to take them off to reach her full power.
survive_los_angeles t1_ityfg54 wrote
ngl, kinda hot, would love to swipe right and match with more women like this on hinge
AggravatingCupcake0 t1_ityfjt4 wrote
There was an episode of SVU like this! A woman gets drugged and she is filmed in Central Park stumbling, talking about how hot she is and stripping her clothes off.
[deleted] t1_ityfvz6 wrote
vanshnookenraggen t1_ityiv49 wrote
I've seen something like this while bartending. Woman was trying to get inside my closed bar and wouldn't stop. She didn't disrobe, but was clearly out of her mind. My friend and I finally got it out of her that she was trying to get into her apartment which just happened to be the NEXT door over.
We got her into her building, and up to her apartment. Then got the fuck out of there. Her roommate happened to be a regular and when I mentioned the story to her she said she had heard about it from her roommate.
Now, we will never know what it was exactly. But having been around a lot of drunk people for many years, it clearly wasn't JUST alcohol.
HowdyFrankenstein t1_ityjh0y wrote
We’ve all been there
luckylebron t1_ityjqni wrote
She could have been a terminator if not for the box cutter.
goodnitesteve t1_ityld0t wrote
Hmmm, Is she single?
froggythefish t1_ityocqm wrote
I’d run away as fast as I can, and not because of the box cutter
sysyphusishappy t1_ityoq58 wrote
Boycefro t1_itypomw wrote
It does both.
idanrecyla t1_itypvnn wrote
Just another day in NYC to most of us; I'm glad to hear no one was physically injured.
Tragically this is either someone's rock bottom, or the start of heading towards it
freeradicalx t1_ityqnah wrote
Clearly some sort of psychotic episode. I wish these didn't end up on a widely-viewed news sites in uncut full HD. Any of us could end up like this in the wrong circumstance.
nyca t1_itys9fe wrote
I was guessing Ambien? But then she was fully dressed in skirt/pantyhose prior to stripping so kind of makes think no? The silent part makes me think Ambien though…
[deleted] t1_itysnqn wrote
[deleted] t1_itywkwz wrote
Truktek3 t1_ityy3y9 wrote
What do you mean? Pretty sure this came about because someone called her the wrong pronoun
Jpete14 t1_ityzf4x wrote
You should try the nyc dating app, unHinged
SexyPeanut_9279 t1_itz18wb wrote
Hell it’s already in the urban dictionary
IndependenceAny796 t1_itz2eec wrote
fluffstravels t1_itz57jh wrote
and you know that pint of haagen dazs was like 13 dollars too. such a waste.
Stepmom_Molester t1_itz5gki wrote
>"Ghramah has not seen the woman since, and he wonders about the well being of one of his best customers."
>“We want to see her,” he said. “We’d like to figure it out. What happened to her?”
The deli clerk sounds like a good man, a good member of the community. She's a human being and needs adults in the room to maintain safety first, and get this person help second.
I'm glad that the police didn't show up and shoot her with a gun, like they seem to do everywhere else.
[deleted] t1_itz64lg wrote
leighmcg t1_itz67gh wrote
Is your friend Bill Cosby?
socialcommentary2000 t1_itz726f wrote
All right! It's a party!
EditorPractical9424 t1_itz79cp wrote
IF this sub banned nydailynews and nypost. You'd never know that NYC is uNdEr sIeGe bY cRiMiNaLz.
[deleted] t1_itz7ytz wrote
Eros_Addictus t1_itz7zcx wrote
Someone off their med again, what else is new?
Glad_Walrus t1_itz9tvw wrote
Yeah I agree, it kinda feels dehumanizing / an exploitation of a dark moment for this woman.
ElderTheElder t1_itz9u2g wrote
I once asked for saltpepperketchup on a BEC in Chicago and they told me “there’s already salt on it, we don’t have ketchup but can put some pepper on it.” Then it showed up with a roasted red pepper on it. And this was a place claiming to be a Jewish deli with NYC roots 🙃
survive_los_angeles t1_itza2dd wrote
jesuss_son t1_itzbxm5 wrote
Ketchup on eggs is for children
eddiewolfgang t1_itzdswu wrote
We’ll probably see her somewhere in the subway stations later on. Part 2 coming up.
ElectricalArcher1970 t1_itzdy8o wrote
The city has to do better with the crime and mentally ill. They have mayor geodude running around like a Kardashian while the city falls to the wayside.
LilTaffyLeeFubbins t1_itzj4no wrote
Username checking in 😅
TudeExtrude t1_iu03cpj wrote
Florida: “hold my fentanyl”
chordsimple t1_iu03p0q wrote
Oh god. I've sent some regrettable emails but if I did this on Ambien I would leave the city (country?) and never return
runningalongtheshore t1_iu0ksae wrote
Who Tinder match is this?
3B854 t1_iu0vkpf wrote
I think that mandatory psych hold didn’t allow for an interview
3B854 t1_iu0vsxn wrote
And you know exactly why…
Boycefro t1_iu10eec wrote
Thank you for putting Bart Harley Jarvis in his place.
Holiday-Intention-52 t1_iu1cdxb wrote
LOL, honestly you're probably right. We just love you women too much for our own good :-)
savdapuk t1_iu1hzgi wrote
A Jewish deli served you bacon?!
koji00 t1_iu1k6wq wrote
Thank you, I didn't even have to click to have the cartoon appear in my head.
kpax22 t1_iu1ycr7 wrote
I think that's on ESPN Ocho 3am Sunday morning, no?
kpax22 t1_iu1yhc2 wrote
oh, c'mon, you know they just wiped off the dirt and put it back in the fridge.
restroombunny t1_iu2gqy5 wrote
Yr gettin downvoted but ketchup is a child’s condiment. Hot sauce, mayo, chipotle mayo aight yea but why the fuck you tryina put something saccharine onto a perfect sandwich
Bkthugs10214 t1_iu2r6j5 wrote
She trying to pull a Walter white up in here after missing for a few days without explanation
3B854 t1_iu30siw wrote
I love that the male body is only tolerated just like how people tolerate you
sethklarman t1_iu35prj wrote
Good to see some racial and gender diversity in the insanity
BusterBaxtr t1_iu7l9ky wrote
people can change
fasulo_ t1_iu7ogyc wrote
I’m afraid OP doesn’t think people can change
bitter_vet t1_iu9y76q wrote
The slot, hows the slot?
ctindel t1_iuezal4 wrote
It might not be uncut but the linked site blurs it all out.
co_matic t1_itx50ty wrote
Drugs? Or mental illness?