Submitted by Electronic-Aide1678 t3_y5lrcb in nyc

I know this is a long shot but I’m pretty sure I lost my keys in Central Park on Friday. It would be somewhere near Columbus Circle, either in the grass or on one of the walking paths. I’m going back to look for them myself but I’m also willing to offer a $200 cash reward to anyone that finds them. They have no value to anyone except me and I’ll know if they’re mine as soon as I see them. To help identify if you found my keys - there’s a black square fob on the keychain, a key with a red top, a black bottle opener, and a bunch of keys and membership cards on different rings. Please reach out if you find them or see them!



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nogain-allpain t1_iskax0p wrote

You would have more luck contacting the Central Park NYPD precinct to see if they were turned in. Before people start telling me that the NYPD is useless for lost and found -- yes, I'm aware, but so is posting to Reddit, unfortunately.


superkknd t1_iso5stx wrote

wow Keys for $200. Now Apple Air Tag seems to be way to go.