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IvanIsOnReddit t1_ist4uth wrote

I smell a little bias, just a liiitle in that article.


Durppig60 t1_ist59gy wrote

He should go to Broadway Ave in bk and smell some crack too


BrieGoneThot t1_ist8mcu wrote

I like weed as much as the next guy but if I'm just trying to relax and someone is smoking some dank shit next to me it's really fucking annoying.


okafkant t1_ist9o66 wrote

this cop is such slime


TonyzTone t1_istsmbo wrote

Not OP but I love that part of Brooklyn. Everything’s an avenue, except when it’s a street which may or may not be parallel to the avenue you’re already on.

And folks say Queens is confusing.


CaptAshley t1_isu1z7w wrote

it’s all bread and circuses with this jackass.


caffeine314 t1_isu3r0d wrote

I partake as much as the next guy, but I draw the line when I'm walking with my four year old through clouds of the stuff outside.


ike_tyson t1_isu6zjp wrote

It's always smelled of weed since as long as I can remember.


carmansam123 t1_isub1if wrote

I wish we could give smokers freedom while protecting others. I hate cigarette smoke more than anything else. I wish there was a no-smoking side of the sidewalk, or it was only legal walking the opposite direction of a one way.

I'm spitballing but it really is unfair when people aren't courteous and at least try to avoid other people when they smoke.


[deleted] t1_isub3ie wrote

Just look at this picture, Weed loving mayor, crook loving DA, and a bunch of liberal morons next to them


EarthBoundSoulHealer t1_isuboio wrote

He should stroll by Crosby St. in SoHo see the homeless defying gravity on H


Dizza27 t1_isuemmw wrote

Damn dude.. Musta been some good shit. how did you smell dat over the urine?


xbubblegum_bitch t1_isugzok wrote

so why is it “really fucking annoying” when someone is smoking it nearby? you wrote that you’re just trying to relax, but as a fellow weed smoker, I’m actually happy for people when I smell them smoking good weed. what makes it annoying for you, if you already love the plant enough to smoke it yourself?


XenosV t1_isulqel wrote

Didn’t this guy used to literally be a cop arresting dudes for the zaza?


TonyzTone t1_isuphld wrote

This is what I never understand about Brooklyn folks complaining about the 67th Roads-- it actually makes sense.

Like yeah, it's annoying because you think it's only 4 blocks away and turns out it's more. But 67th Road is in between 67th Avenue and 67th Drive. All 3 intersect with either boulevards or streets, not other roads, avenues, or drives.

So, if you ask someone "where is 67th Avenue in comparison to 68th Avenue" you'll get a simple answer: it's north. And how does that compare with 108th Street? They intersect.

Now, where is Utica Avenue in comparison with Snyder Avenue? They intersect. Oh, so avenue's and avenue's intersect? What about "Streets?" They also intersect... except when they don't.

To summarize: in Queens, numbers increase from north to south, east to west. So, 1st Street and 1st Avenue would exist in the NW (technically on Randall's Island) and 250th Street and 250th Avenue would exist in the SE (technically there are only 150 or so avenues but 230+ streets).

Queens can get confusing because you have like 5 competing grids and sometimes an avenue will end/begin where another much higher avenue exists. But using that as a comparison against Brooklyn is laughable. In BK, there's a grid in Greenpoint, another in Williamsburg, another south of Flushing Ave. but it's different than the one in Bushwick. Both of those are different than the Canarsie/East New York grid, while Ocean Avenue establishes another grid but somehow Marine Park gets a grid like Canarsie even though the Flatbush grid bisects them. That Ocean Ave grid only extends until MacDonald at which point the South Brooklyn grid begins but for some reason Fort Hamilton is it's own thing.


TonyzTone t1_isuq0lb wrote

Factos. It's like calling it Broadway Ave. for the one in Manhattan. It's not "Broadway ____." It's just "Broad Way."

But I just wanted to poke fun at the weirdness of Brooklyn's street layout.


frishdaddy t1_isuqm0w wrote

Producing any strong smell in a crowded public area is rude. It’s not a weed thing, it’s just a being considerate of others thing, which New Yorkers seem to have an especially hard time with.


I-Sleep-At-Work t1_isuro2c wrote

iirc, if you are caught high while driving, you are treated the same as alcohol, since you are impair, so could be fines/jail.. yet they allow people to smoke it in public like cigs... sick of smelling this shit everywhere i go, cant even take kids to parks without smelling this in the air..


decelerationkills t1_isuxnjv wrote

Bruh I thought he was complaining not too long ago that everybody everywhere be smoking weed…


VenomInfusion t1_isuy5sx wrote

I am smoker and the smell of this shit makes me wanna puke.


YoungMarshmellow t1_isv9thc wrote

It was his job tho.

I agree it wasn't the morally just thing to do.

But he had to bring food home. He can't just not do his job. He had to listen to his bosses like you do or I do, if we want make money.

As a person who smokes weed I agree the laws were stupid. But I could also see things from his perspective.


REIRN t1_isvdehv wrote

Disrespectful? It’s down right fucked up. There’s kids on the train. It’s packed with all different kinds of people who may not want to be/shouldn’t be exposed to a fucking hot box session. Do it outside and away from other people.


Atwenfor t1_isvgfo9 wrote

Why not just face that both are bad, in their own way? Unruly drunks can be a real menace (as opposed to bud smokers, aside from extremely rare exceptions); on the other hand, you cannot get contact drunk from a public drinker, bud you can def get a contact high from anyone smoking next to you (and far from all of us would like that), or people just might not appreciate the smell or inhaling someone else's smoke. Same goes for cigarettes.

Can we just all agree that all three are shitty whey they cause a significant nuisance for others?


Tobar_the_Gypsy t1_isviw82 wrote

Lmao that video is great. He comes in the corniest way possible, makes his bad joke, awkward laughs and then leaves the podium still talking about it and pointing at people in attendance.


ComplexKodak t1_isvnrxz wrote

So weird to see "weed, haha" becoming boomer humor. Kids coming of age now won't ever know.

Normalization is also having a weird effect on some old pop culture icons. Snoop Dogg's entire identity now just comes across as a weird old man with a pot problem.


tsgram t1_isvoe6m wrote

Giggling like a fucken 11-year-old. Just, like, do SOMETHING as mayor.


Weekly_Drawer_7000 t1_isvwew0 wrote

IMO the best thing a smoker (cigs, weed, whatever) can do is plant by a fire hydrant in the middle of a block.

They’re close to the street (or in the street). They’re not moving around so the smoke doesn’t follow you.

Given that it’s not allowed to smoke in parks, I feel like that’s the best people can do — but that still sucks for non smokers walking past.


DamagedSquare t1_iswqhlr wrote

It's like smelling someone else's food on the subway, sure we all enjoy eating and think our own food smells good. But when you're forced to smell someone else's it's obnoxious. Smoke in the privacy of your home or in appropriate areas it's not a big ask.


ImJustHereToAnnoyJK t1_isxebgn wrote

This is what boggles my mind. As a nation, we spent decades, from the 1950s onwards, on working towards banning cigarette smoke in public, so as to protect the health of the general public from second hand smoke.

Now the govt wants to legalize marijuana so that people can smoke it anywhere in public as if it also doesn’t produce second hand smoke. We know by now that any sort of smoke is carcinogenic and dangerous to breathe in, it doesn’t matter how it’s produced or where it comes from. Yet weed smokers and pro-weed politicians act like everyone should now have to breathe it in and smell it everywhere they go, it’s insane.

Idc if people want to use MJ on their own time in private, but don’t force others to breathe and smell it everywhere they go. The air quality in NYC is already bad enough, we don’t need to go back to 1950s levels of smoke throughout the city…and idk about anyone else, but weed smokers in public are the most insufferable, rude little shits because they act like it’s their God given right to ruin everyone else’s health, and they do not care where they light up. I’ve seen assholes purposely puff weed smoke into the air as they pass families and kids, I’m so over this shit already.

I have asthma myself, as do other family members, and all this legalizing of smoking pot everywhere in public just certifies that people’s health is a second class citizen in NYC.


ImJustHereToAnnoyJK t1_isxeu7v wrote

Can’t avoid it if you’re walking down the sidewalk literally everywhere in public. We worked since the 1950s onward on banning cigarette smoke in public due to the dangers and effects of secondhand smoke. Now we should just replace that issue for the issue of secondhand pot smoke which is also carcinogenic and smells terrible? People miss me with that logic.


ImJustHereToAnnoyJK t1_isxfeg2 wrote

Excellent way of explaining it. Plus, many people are asthmatic and of course any secondhand smoke is bad, which is even worse for asthmatics. I have asthma myself and whenever I come across people smoking anything in public, I’m forced to take a different route, otherwise I run the risk of having an asthma attack due to other people’s smoke.

My health and that of other asthmatic family members got so much better in the late 1990s when most places finally banned cigarette smoking in public. With this push of trying to force the public to accept weed smoke everywhere in public, it feels like we went backwards because we swapped one type of smoke for another. I know people who legitimately use MJ for medical purposes, and I also don’t care if people use it in private, but the moment it’s forced onto someone else and affects them is when it’s no bueno.


Holly-Wood1 t1_it00qek wrote

I really want some weed right now


Mammoth_Sprinkles705 t1_it341kl wrote

> he can't just not do his job

Yes he can.

No one put a gun to his head and forced him to be a police officer.

There are plenty of jobs that don't involve putting humans into a cage under the threat of death for possessing a plant.

He made a decision to become a police officer and enforce these inhumane laws.

It's like signing up to be a slave catcher then saying "I'm just doing my job" when you return runaway slaves.


SleepyHobo t1_it3cdy5 wrote

> Also, there are many places to relax where you can avoid someone smoking weed.

There are many places to smoke where you can avoid inconveniencing others around you. No need to force others to inhale your 2nd-hand smoke. You’re not special and shall be treated as strictly as cigarette smokers.


omeganemesis28 t1_itb97e8 wrote

Even as a user myself, I hate the smell too. I try to be discreet where possible, and mostly vape dry herb to try to curb smell.

However, I don't think its replacing smoking cigarettes with another problem. As far as I'm aware and think I have read, such as my license, we have the same restrictions as any cigarettes smoker. I thought there's no distinction in the legalise. Enforcement and people being assholes is another issue for sure though. Please do correct me if I'm mistaken though. It came to mind recently since I walk home by a school and that's definitely in there as a restriction, 1000ft or something no use zone in NY


ImJustHereToAnnoyJK t1_itbrgsu wrote

I’m not entirely sure tbh, but what I think makes it worse is when politicians like this mayor encourage it with stunts like this. Good on you though for thinking about other people. My BIL uses MJ for anxiety, but like you he only uses it when no one is around. Idk why these other folks in NYC think otherwise. I’ve seen some dbags purposely blow their pot smoke at families when walking by, crazy times my dude.


GoPikachuGo1 t1_itlhgil wrote

I smell garbage everywhere, but hey at least there's legal weed, I guess...