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Grass8989 t1_iuba2f5 wrote

Emergency care is not denied, but if you don’t have insurance they WILL send you a bill, and you are responsible for the bill. The city is covering the cost for the migrants. That’s the difference.


Im_Not_Really_Here_ t1_iubbam6 wrote

Some qualify for Medicaid and some don't, just like it's always been.

People only care this week because it's election season.


Grass8989 t1_iubifwa wrote

“Permanent Residence Under Color of Law, or PRUCOL, is a public benefit eligibility status, as opposed to an immigration status, that allows certain groups of individuals, including those seeking asylum, to be eligible for full Medicaid coverage. Eligibility for Medicaid depends on a variety of other factors (income, state residence, etc.), which PRUCOL applicants for Medicaid must also meet to be found eligible.”

Guess what, they all have no income and qualify.


Im_Not_Really_Here_ t1_iubklmp wrote

Sure, asylees are one group that qualifies. That's not unlimited migrants.


Grass8989 t1_iubln9d wrote

If you have no taxable income, regardless of your immigration status, you qualify for Medicaid.


Im_Not_Really_Here_ t1_iubn7h9 wrote

"Certain groups of individuals" is literally in your quote. It's not available to anyone who shows up regardless of immigration status.

Tbh I'm not sure if you're blurring lines out of ignorance or an agenda.


Grass8989 t1_iubnbb4 wrote

Yes, the certain groups are people with no taxable income…


Im_Not_Really_Here_ t1_iubo9oa wrote

Hey, how about you read AND understand your own link before commenting again.


Grass8989 t1_iubopca wrote

You clearly don’t know how Medicaid and emergency Medicaid works and how easy it is to get with no taxable income, regardless of immigration status, It’s fine. I shared that link because you stated that asylum seekers weren’t receiving free medical care which was false.


Im_Not_Really_Here_ t1_iubp6pc wrote

No, I said people don't get Medicaid without announcing themselves and falling into one of those "under cover of law" categories.

I'm still not sure if it's ignorance or an agenda, so kudos there at least.


___BobaFett___ t1_iublnll wrote

Where do you think they send the bill when the patient doesn’t have a home?


Grass8989 t1_iubmmr3 wrote

It gets written off by the hospital. Do you think it’s fair that someone can exploit our immigration system, get seen in An emergency department and pay nothing, when a tax pay citizen can lose their job, have a medical emergency and be stuck with thousands of dollars in medical bills?