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kjuneja t1_isuhpf1 wrote

3K is an incredible program that needs to expand, not retrench. It builds social equity


Head_Acanthisitta256 t1_isui1sx wrote

Adams is one of the city’s worst mayors in my lifetime. Which in retrospect isn’t saying a lot.


Belikekermit t1_isuqt6w wrote

The ONLY good thing BDB did was to create this program. Adams has to be a 1 term mayor, end of story


_neutral_person t1_isvpbc6 wrote

I still can't believe BdB created this program with stim money. What's the plan to pay for it when the money runs out?


wh7y t1_isw9aul wrote

The earlier we can teach kids, the better their outcomes and the better they are for society. We should be funding this at the expense of almost anything else.