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t1_irwjsq1 wrote

De blasio legacy lol

Just catchy words, studies and new agencies to steal tax payer dollars. Vote no


t1_irwlbgn wrote

Performative bullshit meets ballot. What do we get? Performative bullshit ballot measures.

It's time we start focusing on the fundamentals.

The color of our firefighters or MTA personnel should not take the front seat over service reliability and trustworthiness.


t1_irwlsdk wrote

> New York City’s Racial Justice Commission, by contrast, promised “to examine the NYC Charter to identify barriers to power, access, and opportunity for Black, Indigenous, Latinx, Asian, Pacific Islander, Middle Eastern and all People of Color (BIPOC) in New York City and put forward ballot proposals aimed at removing those barriers and advancing racial equity.” It would also “focus on identifying and proposing structural changes in the NYC Charter that will advance racial justice and equity and begin to dismantle structural racism for all New Yorkers.”

Can we please just provide our citizens with a proper education and policies that create a steady stream of good paying jobs? That’ll fix most of the inequality issues this city has. Instead we’ll funnel more tax dollars into bureaucratic nonsense.


t1_irxq7q3 wrote

Unfortunately there is enough people in the city who will read “advancing racial equity” and think "damn I liked the good old days when the darkies knew their place and didn't try to get white folks jobs"


t1_irxt4oj wrote

What are some example of systemic racism in NYC?


OP t1_irxtuah wrote

Many—maybe most progressives these days—say that any statistical disparity in outcomes among groups of people who can be categorized by race is evidence of systemic racism.


t1_iry8l9g wrote

Real estate is a big part of the picture too. NYC’s is the most segregated metro region in the US. If so many Black kids, Asian kids etc. weren’t all districted into the same schools, they wouldn’t be having such disparate experiences.

But to tackle that issue requires solving the housing crisis and NIMBYism, among other stumbling blocks…


t1_iryj8n3 wrote

I pointed out a systematic racist outcome in NYC that has one root cause in the performative bullshit culture.

And my comment got deleted by the mods, because it did not conform to the performative bullshit.


t1_iryuoar wrote

There was a pretty steady stream of Asian people being attacked, assaulted, and murdered during the pandemic, but for some reason a large percentage of the sub was uncomfortable talking about that.


t1_iryzvda wrote

Voted no for these. As an asian I know what democrats mean when they start talking about racial equity.


t1_irzki9y wrote

Its refreshing to see city journal posted here sometimes.


t1_irzpmve wrote

I would say gentrification only bc we had to go through over a decade of landlords refusing to rent out to poc (with income and credit) and this reduced the voting power of poc as well bc the white vote took over some districts, even liberal ones can be harmful if they refuse to see real issues.


t1_is0aatv wrote

Lol no 400 years of colonialism and white supremacy are what's wrong with it. just because you whites are being called out on all this damage that you cause isn't bad. It's the world you built


t1_is0jket wrote


It is evidence, as in a reason to examine if that's the case. But many progressives think it's absolute proof, end of story, and must immediately be rectified by explicit quotas rather than addressing any underlying issues.


t1_is0m7xj wrote

Keep shooting yourself in the foot.

People like you are doing more to maintain inequity than the klan and similar groups at this point.

I don't know how you think you can embrace the idea of judging and penalizing based only on race and expect the majority to go along with using it to disadvantage themselves as retaliatory justice for something they had no part in.

And yes, it's clearly about revenge instead of equity. If you wanted equity, you could easily get sufficient buy in by race neutral benefits to the disadvantaged; it would disproportionately benefit POC because POC are disproportionately disadvantaged. But because you embrace the same ideas about race, that's not good enough. You can't stand the idea of not having some races get the short end of the stick, so you wind up empowering the political party promising to keep making sure white people don't.

Sometimes I wonder how many understand this and don't care, vs so blinded by self-righteousness they don't even see how they're undermining the very goal they profess.


t1_is0njsc wrote

Lol we're the ones responsible for rampant inequality and wealth hording by the oligarchs? And i don't support the idea of judging/penalizing based on race. But even if I was, are you telling me the Republicans are better in any way? You're just showing your ass and you want the status quo to remain what it is. And you're fear mongered to think these policies will be any worse than the system of oppression that already exists


t1_is0rv0q wrote

Oh no, the republicans are absolutely running a racist platform. But the difference is they are openly racist and will stab you in the face. The democrats will stab you in the back while whispering sweet words into your ear. Malcolm X was spot on about that.


t1_is0see5 wrote

No, this sub was pretty comfortable about it as long as it provided them an opportunity to denigrate all black people. Which is usually what those threads turned into--a bunch of Long Island cops suddenly caring about racial disparities for the first time ever.


t1_is0uxvk wrote

For the love of God , yes . I’m finally noticing more progressives are seeing the light on this crap while at the same time knowing that republicans are much worse for the most part


t1_is0wg1m wrote

Whites are the minority in public school. And as we seen with the new lottery if you try to make them commute an hour to a bad school in queens because thats where they were placed randomly, they just enroll them in private school. Many white families with means end up moving to the suburbs. One thing even the most stark progressive won’t compromise on their childrens education if they can afford not to.


t1_is18rt8 wrote

>provide our citizens with a proper education and policies that create a steady stream of good paying jobs?


How does that address this?

Other studies show when names on resumes and applications are made to sound 'whiter' by Black and Asian applicants, or vaguer/use initials to not give away that the applicant is a woman, their interview numbers go up.

There are other examples, but "good paying jobs" only work if you're able to get interviewed for and hired for them.

Discrimination is real. Systemic racism is real. Here's an idea: give a good education and good paying jobs AND tackle inherent biases and documented discrimination.


t1_is1byr0 wrote

Good for who? You literally destroyed entire cultures and continents. You exploited everywhere where now everything is output for capitalism. People can't afford to live or have families. People have no community or connection to nature. People grew up and we're able to live off the land back in my home country. Now that neoliberalism and capitalist exploitation has reached there everything is just a product to be consumed. Can tell you've never left your first world bubble


t1_is47gmg wrote

You're ancestors aren't from here either. Their the reason 3rd world countries are stuck in a cycle of exploitation from their former colonizers. Go outside sometime, and not in your nice suburban neighborhood


t1_is65tog wrote

What you need to learn: neither party gives a fuck . Both parties are saturated with identity politics , but does either party care about improving living conditions for the ordinary working class NewYorker ? No . They are two sides of the same coin. The difference is that the Republicans will openly say they don’t give a fuck about you while the Democrats wave a rainbow flag and BLM banners and still not give a fuck about you.


t1_is6iwm7 wrote

I’m not implying anything. It’s just a fact, even if it makes people uncomfortable, that NYC is the most segregated school district in the country. I think some of that is due to voluntary actions by parents and some of that is due to DoE policies that influence which students can attend which schools. Even if it was 100% due to actions by parents, it indicates a problem.