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Varianz OP t1_ituowdu wrote

If you check Shahana's website, you'll be unsurprised to see that her platform has a lot of platitudes decrying gentrification, and nothing about taking concrete action to the housing affordability crisis. Thanks to her, the city loses out on potential housing for absolutely no reason but vague "neighborhood character." While this one change alone might not seem crippling, it reflects the idiotic approach NYC politicians have taken that led us to where we are today.


NetQuarterLatte t1_ituqlbl wrote

Her housing section is just pure irony:

>Affordable, safe, and accessible housing is a human right, and communities, not real estate developers, should be prioritized in all neighborhood planning.

That's such typical fake-progressiveness and flat out dihonest.

We all know who benefits from NIMBY and from government efforts to curtail supply-side competition:

  • It's not the people who pay for housing.
  • It's the few powerful entities who are able (or have the "connections") to navigate the political obstacles to continue charging for housing.

>Organizing with tenant activists has provided the foundation for how she will approach the affordable housing crisis in the City.

She obviously wants everyone to continue being a tenant for life.

When the absolute best path to housing freedom and accumulation of wealth is helping people becoming homeowners. But why even go there if she can manage to keep everyone chained to their leases forever?

Her agenda is to explicitly perpetuate tenants struggles, because she benefits from that.


Daddy_Macron t1_itvgr6v wrote

> If you check Shahana's website, you'll be unsurprised to see that her platform has a lot of platitudes decrying gentrification

The Gowanus area is mostly warehouses and abandoned industrial buildings. The only thing being gentrified and displaced are the rats.


Imagine357 t1_itxd1he wrote

That’s not the part they want to rebuild unfortunately. It’s mostly north of that towards boerum hill. The sheer fucking wasted parking in gowanus proper from car shops and warehouse entrances and parking is stupid. Move that stuff to red hook and let’s put houses by the train line.


TeamMisha t1_itxwipr wrote

153 9th Street is literally a parking lot right now, what the fuck is this councilwoman crying about. Bribed by local industry maybe? What a change of pace for once I guess