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TonyzTone t1_is69zho wrote

Whether they’re immature and/or people with no life experience, or not, it’s often just a lack of empathy.

The phrase “fuck _____” is just an overall disregard for whatever fits that blank. I’ll admit to using the phrase and then immediately saying “nah, actually, I don’t really mind _____. They just annoy me.” Or something to that effect.

So yeah, anyone that says “fuck cars,” “fuck landlord,” or whatever is simply choosing to not be empathetic.


mojogogo123 t1_is6li5b wrote

Agreed. I think for a lot of people empathy comes with age and experience though, so it goes hand in hand.


Artguy_nyc t1_is8a1xl wrote

Totally. Being comfortable with insensitivity isn’t a good thing