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catchahodon t1_iu5ju5c wrote

That's a problem that I would like to have. Your drawings are nice!


guerrerov t1_iu5l30m wrote

Are these color pencil sketches? Really interested in getting started with something like this


ji99lypu44 t1_iu5rvju wrote

id love to have my halls covered in beautiful art like this!!! Amazing skill and style


AWildMichigander t1_iu62tls wrote

You should make some high quality scans and sell prints of them - I'd love some of these framed in my apartment.


skycaptsteve t1_iu6hcla wrote

Actually there’s a spot that I want to ask you to do as a gift. How do I get in touch?


Plane-Bee-374 t1_iu7jvm5 wrote

I know that photo well.

My former boss’s boss, Mark Bozek, was Bill’s assistant(?) back in the day. He put on a exhibit some time recently, and directed a film “The Times of Bill Cunningham”.


CherryDarling10 t1_iu7yapa wrote

I used to pasteurize/freeze ice cream at Davey’s. Did it a few summers in a row. One of the best jobs I ever had.


CherryDarling10 t1_iu8e1j5 wrote

No seriously. I had to taste every batch I froze. 10-15 batches a day. It was way more dairy than anybody should be eating. Even just a spoonful. My digestive system hated me. My face started to break out… it was glorious


ddsmf t1_iu8mglh wrote

These are lovely, and celebrate so much about our wonderful city! Thanks for sharing!


_meatbawl t1_iu9ymts wrote

Does he still sell prints anywhere? There used to be a store in the village that had them, but they closed. I tried searching online recently, but came up empty.


Gabano t1_iuampgz wrote

Yeah. He’s normally around WV and you guys can buy from him. There’s a store on Hudson that used to sell them as well. You can ping him as well and he’ll tell you where he is / sell to you. He still does originals as well that he’ll paint you in.

If you’re hangering for one, PM me and I can provide his phone number.