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ChimpSlut t1_iu9rin2 wrote

Is this available for anyone or do we have to become eligible?


Due_Masterpiece_3601 t1_iua31qw wrote

It's amazing the amount of people that complain about crime and keep voting for the same useless candidates.


Saladcitypig t1_iua9nmb wrote

Women, the GOP are trying everything in their power to give states the ability to take away our health care rights like abortion, and birth control. If we lose the senate or house and have a Republican Governor (a conservative who is endorsed by Trump) there is no doubt he would try and limit our rights. We have a conservative Supreme Court now. They are setting it up to crush women.

Please. Roe v Wade is destroyed. It's now or never. We can't go back. Vote for the women and girls you love in your life.


IwishIhadluck t1_iuah6rq wrote

I totally forgot to register and just now registered to vote online. Will I still be able to vote in time or is it too late?


neutron1 t1_iuan2g1 wrote

New York State's crime rate and homicide rate are lower than average, and lower than most red states.

New York City's homicide rate is lower than New York State's homicide rate, and NYC is the safest big city in the country.

We're doing fairly well.

Despite propaganda, facts remain facts. Sorry bout it.


bentpaperclips t1_iub0vde wrote

Probably not, unless you were previously registered at another address in New York and re-registered because you moved. If that’s the case, you can still vote using an affidavit ballot.

Upvoted this, because I think everyone should be encouraged to vote, even if they aren’t doing it perfectly. You can still vote next year, help remind others to vote, and even remind others to register early in the future. If you stop by you local poll site they will have “I’m a future voter stickers,” which are usually for kids, but this internet stranger says you should stop by to pick one up and wear it proudly.


McLuster123 t1_iub2vp1 wrote

Doesn’t matter when all candidates are bad.


karensPA t1_iub68q4 wrote

Took my mom to vote today, it was busy! Get out and vote!


neutron1 t1_iub9uti wrote

Chances of getting killed on the subway at all - homicide, suicide, accident, are FAR lower than chances of death from driving in a car.

And notice how all the people who are talking about crime don't talk about subway track barriers - something that actually would reduce or eliminate these deaths - it's all about more cops and more power for cops, or just nebulous complaining without any actual solutions.


mc408 t1_iubfpb6 wrote

Voted today!


milesac t1_iubnyrq wrote

No candidate has done enough to get my vote.


Holiday-Intention-52 t1_iubuorr wrote

You have to be blind to not see the increase in crime and mentally distributed people over the last 4 years.

Almost everyone with kids in my neighborhood has moved out due to the crime. You can't scream "propaganda" to stuff we see with our own eyes and videos of innocent people being attacked. I don't care if the Post says that everyone is being assaulted every 5 minutes while the NY Times posts endless statistics about how safe we are.

I can see clear as day how bad things have gotten. I'm not going to disbelieve my own eyes no matter what you or anyone else says. I know how safe the city was from 2008 until 2019ish. This isn't it.


Apart-Bad-5446 t1_iuc2auk wrote

NYC mayor doesn't control the judicial system which is what he has been lamenting about. Cops can only arrest someone so many times but if they keep getting out due to no bail reform, it's pointless. One guy was arrested over 80 times since the bail reform was passed. Only the governor can pressure the legislators to fix that.


idratherbeintamriel t1_iuc2fqt wrote

Who am I supposed to vote for if I like having rights as a woman?


BlueShield t1_iucdcmb wrote

If Lee Zeldin wins, that means Republicans have stolen the election and our democracy. True New Yorkers will not stand for a right-wing, fascist, election denying racist.


joeyupazzo t1_iucz6u3 wrote

Can't wait for hochul to pack her bags


NashvilleHot t1_iudobuq wrote

This whole sub is being astroturfed on crime and similar topics to push right wing ideology. It’s documented and organized. Hard to combat when mods let it run rampant.


NashvilleHot t1_iudp6cp wrote

Ok, what are the plans to combat crime from your preferred candidates? Spend more on police? (The NYPD budget is higher than ever, with poor results and zero accountability) Bring back cash bail? (Ok, so more poor people get locked up, even the ones that are innocent, and then their lives are destroyed, which is bad for the economy now and in the future, and the ones that are criminals become more ingrained in crime by being in jail around hardened criminals… that’s great for reducing crime)

What else? Stop and frisk? Cost a lot, didn’t do much if anything back in the 2000s, and caused widespread community distrust, which hurts crime clearance rates if people don’t trust the cops enough to share info.

Any other ideas? Or do we just stay afraid and vote for candidates that want to capitalize on fear for their own power and greed? Granted the current Gov’s boondoggle up in Buffalo sucks, but at least she’s not campaigning on taking away rights.


ripstep1 t1_iudq4ua wrote

How about a new DA that doesn’t allow criminals to walk free?

But you are right, there is absolutely nothing that can be done about crime. We should just vote the status quo and accept whatever happens.


Due_Masterpiece_3601 t1_iudr93m wrote

Put bail back on the table. That way criminals stay in prison, we have too many repeat offenders walking the streets.

More undercover cops and more cops in general. We need to make it more palatable for people to become cops, which means financial incentives among other things. In the 90s, the police force grew by about 35 percent for example.

If you look at the graph of NYC crime over time, it went down at around the same time as stop and frisk. The studies on whether or not it was effective are mixed, but if the combining factors that brought us out of the 90s worked, I don't see why we can't bring stop and frisk back.

New York needs to bring more jobs and prosperity. An exodus of people and companies in the name of work from home, safety and lower cost of living is a recipe for capital flight which will exacerbate our problems.

We need to stop this woke idea that criminals are just poor people or marginalized. Criminals are criminals, period, and need to be arrested and prosecuted as such. None of this slap on the wrist and you can go home nonsense.


rblbl t1_iuey3ui wrote

If NY is so crime ridden now when Hochul has been governor for 14 months, do you think it could improve if she secures her next term?


rblbl t1_iueyc44 wrote

It's clear from the debate that Hochul will mandate Covid vaccines for children, just "not at this time" before the election.


rblbl t1_iueyn89 wrote

Karma will find those voting for soft-on-crime candidates. It will find you or your loved ones on the streets and subway platforms.


Bootes t1_iueyy2d wrote

But bail reform is irrelevant. If they’re guilty of the crime and the punishment is jail time, then they should be convicted and go to jail.

If they’re eligible for bail, the legal system already allowed them to be free again after being arrested. Maybe you guys should be fighting for increased punishment or less accused crime types being eligible for bail?

Although it’s crazy that the party that is supposedly so concerned with government overstep and strict interpretation of the constitution also wants to make it as easy as possible to lockup people without a trial.


drecklia t1_iugetki wrote

I just sent in my mail-in ballot.

So about the candidates, I don't want to go full Democrat or Republican. I try my best to research both sides. Sadly there is usually 1 person running for both sides, and rarely 1 per party. In either case, even though the Dem side is far from ideal, the Rep side is pure lunacy!


iamiamwhoami t1_iugq8bh wrote

I totally disagree with this mindset. Some people act like they're doing candidates a huge favor by showing up to vote for them. You're showing up for yourself. The only thing that you accomplish by not voting is letting other people decide your life for you.


iamiamwhoami t1_iugqjc4 wrote

It's part of the NY constitution that registration has to occur at least 10 days before election day. There was a ballot measure last year that would have removed this requirement but it failed.,Remove_10-Day-Advance_Voter_Registration_Requirement_Amendment(2021)

Just shows you why it's important to show up and vote in every election.


BigBerthasHandle t1_iukaz7d wrote

Please show me a top 10 most dangerous city ranking of your choosing that isn't mostly Democratic run from a reputable source... bet you can't.

Same dumb narrative that is being force fed to us to accept a city completely exploited for a single parties permanent power structure. The only free states and cities are swing cities, this established political machine B.S. is the garbage keeping us down.

P.s. Look into Michael Tubbs and what he did to Stockton