Submitted by exgalactic t3_yestu2 in nyc
GoPikachuGo1 t1_itzs6mt wrote
*asylum seekers
Angryblak t1_itzwhea wrote
Does /u/exgalactic even live in NYC?
The post history from this user is almost elusively inflammatory news articles from PoliticsPeopleTwitter, TeacherReality, GradSchool,massachusetts, Florida etc.
Why is brigading this sub with this garbage allowed?
1600hazenstreet t1_iu00fxa wrote
Meals on wheels.
GoHuskies1984 t1_iu02f0y wrote
This is the new form of grassroots political activism.
CaptAshley t1_iu0bpip wrote
This shit needs to be weeded out.
Reticent_User t1_iu42usn wrote
Lol how is this brigading? Is the post about the city? Is it untrue?
True_Comment_4144 t1_iu49nb1 wrote
Yeah even if the user is just running around posting inflammatory shit who cares? This is still a NYC article and can be discussed as such by us.
Not to mention, when this sub is left up to it's own devices- we aren't even allowed to discuss the gubernatorial debate lol. All threads about it were nuked.
This is the definition of sticking your head in the sand.
Angryblak t1_iu4o1v0 wrote
Willful ignorance is in abundance so i'll bite. People like OP ONLY post news articles from the Post or Daily news that have a negative and very prominent conservative bias. One intention is to paint the city like some sort of dystopian hellscacpe when in fact people that actually live and/or spend time here know that isn't true.
>yeah even if the user is just running around posting inflammatory shit who cares?
I care. the people that live here should care. This is not representative of our city or indicative of the situation on the ground. Its blatant fear mongering and detracts from reasonable discussion about people who have a vetted interest in sustainable long term improvement and quality of this city. I am sure I don't speak alone when I say I don't want you weirdos adding input JuSt FoR DeBaTE.
True_Comment_4144 t1_iu4ssce wrote
What?? People who live here absolutely care about this stuff.
Just because you and maybe your circle don't, stop speaking for the other 9 million people.
What are you even saying? The only news allowed is what you feel is "representative of what's happening on the ground".
Anythign remotely conservative already gets erased on here. We aren't even allowed to discuss the debate. How much more oversight do you want?
Angryblak t1_iu5e263 wrote
my guy. The ratio of NY Post/Daily News/crime articles to regular posts on this sub is disproportionately in favor the former and a denial of that is being willfully ignorant. You can scream at the sky all you want but in THIS space the ad naseum posts are doing the most.
AutoModerator t1_itznjt6 wrote
Users often report submissions from this site and ask us to ban it for sensationalized articles. At /r/nyc, we oppose blanket banning any news source. Readers have a >responsibility to be skeptical, check sources and comment on any flaws. You can help improve this thread by linking to media that verifies or questions this article's claims. Your link could help readers better understand this issue. If you do find >evidence that this article or its title are false or misleading, contact the moderators who will review it.
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