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em_nyc96 t1_iue7fp1 wrote

Oh god please no lol


yesnojo t1_iue8fky wrote

Now this is a costume-contest winning outfit. Brilliant.


bernardosoares26 t1_iuebhkf wrote

You know, I was never adamant about killing these creatures. In fact I often tried to let them live


Ok-Strain-9847 t1_iueczdm wrote

What was that Splat? Meh, just a bug on the street.


Bourbeau t1_iuefcsm wrote

Definitely the best costume of the year. Just winning. Where is the wasp. 🐝


jaimeyeah t1_iuegpsc wrote

I’ve done enough mushrooms to feel connected to nature too, but these things literally are invasive, kill our trees and ooze a sugary substance that enables the production of black mold.

No one forced you to contribute, but your moral superiority doesn’t help the environment lol


maverick4002 t1_iuejgmx wrote

Lol I went out last night and I must say, NYers are creative as fuck. I've seen so many amazing get-ups....and way too many Spidermen


Lilmaggot t1_iuenk8n wrote

I recently stomped one as a tourist was marveling at it’s beauty. She scolded me in a foreign language but I just gave her stink eye.


Leather-Heart t1_iuerksq wrote

“The citizens of NYC will fear me!!!”


keysandchange t1_iueuqsk wrote

Saw at least 5 or 6 of these last night, definitely the hot costume this year


survive_los_angeles t1_iuew9tk wrote

what if lantern flies are actually here to save us, like a natural progression to actually help foliage survive something that is coming that is worse.


FleetwoodMacNCheese t1_iuexo3b wrote

This is perfect for single ny'ers.

Someone cute asks, hey are you a spotted lanternfly?

Lanternfly: why, you tryna smash?


Danbraeskanae t1_iuf2evi wrote

i think i saw somebody carrying this costume earlier today at the 5 Brooklyn Bridge-City Hall


Excellent_Entrance41 t1_iufb60c wrote

Haaaaa that's the bug or fly type they said to kill it when you see it. Dude is a mess


MayflowerKennelClub t1_iufbwlc wrote

holy crap i saw the biggest one out here in jersey yesterday, it was like a fucking boogie board


paruresis_guy t1_iufcinl wrote

This is so creative and timely! Kudos, chapeau, Mazel Tov!


Souperplex t1_iuflmth wrote

If I saw this while biking I might instinctively run it down.


Mr_Pickles_Esq t1_iufpc36 wrote

I don't remember this episode of the Venture Bros.


FeistyButthole t1_iufurm6 wrote

Rural Spider-Man has prevented many farm accidents with his sticky web. He just misses 98% of the incidents due to commute times and sells few comics, but If you’re within 100 feet of a silo you’re good.


bidness_cazh t1_iufw0cg wrote

It's on sight, people got reflexes he's gonna have a bad night


trueslicky t1_iug5mqz wrote

Did someone decide to go as a lantern fly for Halloween?


BF1shY t1_iug6dkg wrote

You found the queen and just took a picture!? You fool! You could've ended it all!


cdtoad t1_iugicb5 wrote



Admirable-War762 t1_iugp2wx wrote

The confidence people have to come outside and do this is something I wish I had.


hebsbbejakbdjw t1_iugv2p8 wrote

I made my annual visit to NYC this year and ventured to staten island for the first time

They are not doing their part

It's the only place I saw one of them. And there were swarms


keefhernandz t1_iugz5zg wrote

I think this is that instagram chick that does cosplay and apparently comedy. Can't remember her name though.


MckorkleJones t1_iugzdnt wrote

Person with Histrionic personality disorder seeks attention


TheAffiliateOrder t1_iuh3xwc wrote

He slingshots, using his webs.
He's done it before in comics and he did it during civil war when they fought in the airfield.
He shoots webs on either side and stretches them and I'd imagine he'd just do that over and over really fast and gain intertia.


TheAffiliateOrder t1_iuh41oc wrote

This would crack me up.
I just imagine everyone shitfaced at a bar and this guy coming up and being like "I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR BOBA TEA EXPERIENCE, I WANT PICTURES OF SPIDERMAN!!"


helpmeiaminhell93 t1_iuhavhf wrote

I don’t get why people think it’s cool to be obnoxious.


Rambonata t1_iuhg318 wrote

In the borough of parks, (when it's not forgotten) It's much harder to kill off the damn pests when they're breeding and hiding in the forests and other fenced off wild areas.


dogey_ishere t1_iuhkhip wrote

💀💀bro dressed up as a new yorkers worst fear


ocdscale t1_iuhz2db wrote

Even if you believe all creatures are equal - which they are not. Biodiversity has value in and of itself and invasive creatures threaten to reduce biodiversity by wreaking havoc with the ecosystem.


OrionSyxx t1_iui78us wrote

Mothman tends to appear is appear before a disaster. That disaster in question...that costume.

Still like it though.


im_not_bovvered t1_iui7b9p wrote

I was also a squashed spotted lanternfly for Halloween... my costume was more DIY and less flashy but I'm still proud of it.


SonicDNA t1_iuilq8o wrote

Nah. Watch out for a dude walking around with a hammer.


coversbyrichard t1_iuiqsfs wrote

I used to think being covered in roaches were stuff of nightmares. Now it’s being covered in lanturnflies.


Adoxxy t1_iuit366 wrote

No??? I understand you advocate for creatures, as do i working in vetmed, but please dont spread flat out ignorance. Animals are not equal in any way shape or form to each other, thats a human social thing. There would be no ecosystem, everything would die and starve out with nothing to correct balance (as would you) which is apparently what you're advocating for.