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GVas22 t1_ishjv9o wrote

It's not even like they're tearing down a historic building. They want to build more housing where there's a fucking parking lot.


cdavidg4 t1_ishv1q5 wrote

But it's been there for a long time. So it's a HISTORIC parking lot. Cornerstone of the neighborhood.


acheampong14 t1_iskfpnp wrote

The heart of the issue— and the source of the opposition—is that directly across from the parking lot is the hideous HIGH-RISE complex Southbridge Towers. Several years ago, it’s greedy residents successfully voted to overturn their affordable Mitchell Lama designation so they could sell their government subsidized apartments at market rate prices. This new tower at 250 Water will substantially obstruct East River and Brooklyn Bridge views from all east-facing units, greatly reducing their values.

In NYC, the historic preservation movement has been mostly hijacked by self-centered residents who simply want to maintain their property values. Very little is actually about preserving significant architecture/history. It’s no coincidence that the vast majority of historic districts are in wealthy residential areas.


ctindel t1_ismr9tk wrote

As if being an old building is enough reason to not tear it down and build a newer, more efficient and likely bigger one.

Fuck these stupid rules, no building sacred just tear it down and build new shit like the city has done for hundreds of years.


elizabeth-cooper t1_isi5tbw wrote

Did you read the article? The Landmarks people denied building on that site for almost 40 years, then approved a builder who donated $40 million to the Seaport Museum.

Sounds corrupt as hell. Amazing how this sub suddenly approves of corruption.


olli_bombastico t1_isiqa54 wrote

That's not corruption - that's contributing to the community you're trying to buid in. Other contributions include resilient infrastructure and capital improvements at Titanic Park and investment in expansion of maritime uses at Pier 17. It's a common practice in construction to please and get permission of local old NIMBYist fucks.

If anything the corrupt side is the commission and the locals.


Johnnadawearsglasses t1_isjapjd wrote

It was a quid pro quo. That is the definition of corruption. Ends justifying the means is never ok


[deleted] t1_isjdgbx wrote

All building in New York is quid pro quo. They made 8 Spruce Street (Gehry Building) build a school in the first 5 floors of the building.


Johnnadawearsglasses t1_isjdri5 wrote

A school is a clear benefit for the community. $40M for a relatively small museum is just a bribe. Their entire annual budget is $4M

It's amazing the corruption people try to justify when it's for "their team".


olli_bombastico t1_isk3f8o wrote

The museum was about to go under, it sold it's right to build to the developer, and is receiving the money as long as the plan gets approved. The city also pledged 10 million to the museum. Also, why are you conveniently ignoring the other pledges to the park and resilience infrastructure?

>Preservationists say the tower would block views of the Brooklyn Bridge and disrupt the character of an 11-block historic district in Lower Manhattan


Now let's see where this site is. Map.

Now tell me how this site is blocking views of the two blocks of low rises in front of it and "ruining" the characteristic of the site.

I am curious how many members of this preservationist group also owns real estate in the Southbridge Towers happened to be across the street from the parking lot.


Johnnadawearsglasses t1_isk4oqw wrote

Why are you conveniently ignoring a $40m "donation" to a failing museums that no one has any interest in. And the people fighting on environmental grounds are largely parents of children in the two schools whose children are being exposed to noxious fumes from a rushed brown site cleanup. So I frankly don't care what some preservationist group wants.

Ps - i know you need maps to identify the space. I don't. People should comment on things they have real knowledge of instead of doing Google gymnastics for fake internet "wins".
