Submitted by MsCocoDependant t3_z595vg in nyc
BugsBunny_can t1_ixwf5cx wrote
damn nyt articles keep getting posted here and I can't read em bc paywall
drpvn t1_ixx83w9 wrote
Subscribe with a super low intro rate, then cancel when the higher price kicks in.
chocolatehands t1_ixxguxf wrote
12footladder these paywalls, my dudes
stnmtn t1_ixxrcc9 wrote
jasper99 t1_ixxsl4d wrote
Thanks, Times subscriber! 😄
doctor_van_n0strand t1_iy3wpbe wrote
I have conflicting thoughts. It's great that this place has been able to remain in the building. And it's also great that this building has had new life breathed into it. At the same time, the context that created this shop is mostly gone; Chelsea is no longer a hub for broke aspiring artists and musicians. It feels like yet another aspect of the city that has survived to become a mimeticism of itself. Like a free piece of cultural capital that the owners can show to tourists and say "See? This is an authentic place. Come to authentic Chelsea Hotel to experience authentic NYC culture. Look at our authentic guitar place with this authentic guy. Rooms start at $600/night."
toomanylayers t1_ixvxuoa wrote