Submitted by Cmondudecmon t3_z73rl2 in nyc

Some asshole abandoned their dead and alive pet pigeons today on white st and mckibbin st. We tried to call the authorities but no one would come get them. They are going to die if someone doesn’t save them. I am sickened by our race.



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k1lk1 t1_iy4ikiw wrote

Flying rats. Let the cats get em


PhilnotPete t1_iy4k4pa wrote

I was concerned about a pigeon in distress once as well and got a ton of resources given to me on my post. If you're interested, it's in my history!


AlexRain1 t1_iy4mhrb wrote

Sorry, but how can you tell these are pets vs all of the other pigeons that are walking around NYC sidewalks?


ken81987 t1_iy4mk2h wrote

how can you tell theyre pets?


finebydesign t1_iy4q3y3 wrote

I'd catch them and take them to the SPCA. I don't know why people don't pass the buck in situations like this.


halconpequena t1_iy4qxf9 wrote

If you can, put them in paper bags and take them there or call them yourself. They rehab all kinds of birds and take care of pigeons as well. They can also find homes for them, as they are pets. Def call them!

(I love birds and they are one of my favorite birds pages on Instagram)


northcountrylea t1_iy4rbca wrote

You shouldn't bother being sickened by the individual actions of people that aren't you.


shant_jan t1_iy4rjyn wrote

give Pigeons on Broadway a call! they can probably help sort out a foster if that is at all a possibility.

I'm guessing some landlord/super dumped these after whoever was taking care of them left the picture for whatever reason (its kinda an older person's hobby so maybe passed away?)


fyzzi04 t1_iy4tb98 wrote

could be mike tyson


The_Question757 t1_iy4xppk wrote

Get them to the wild bird fund. I saved a show pigeon last winter because some asshole released them for a celebration


shhmedium2021 t1_iy4ymar wrote

Catch and sell them to an animal auction you will get about 8-9$ each .. ez come up


redspotsonmefeetyo t1_iy4zfch wrote

Few years ago in Queens I was driving and this brown pigeon was in the middle of the road looking lost. It was not moving out of the way as cars came really close to hitting it. It didn’t make sense so I put some gloves on and picked it up and brought it to some grass. Started calling all types of places and no one was able to really help. Ended up putting it in a box, took it home for the night, then brought it to the Wild Bird Fund the next day. They were really helpful and seemed to care. They said it was ‘fancy pigeon’ that someone must have abandoned. Also they said something about its wings being clipped. Anyways I would get them involved if you can.


Lovesnyc t1_iy4zu4g wrote

Try the Raptor Trust in New Jersey, they save all birds!


defcon1000 t1_iy50r6d wrote

Don't sweat it. The foot tags are an easy identifier since most local Brooklyn owners make custom tags for their birds, and most local pigeon owners would know who they belonged to.

Unless they're injured or have some serious disease, they'll re-orient themselves and try to fly back to the original roost. Worst case, they'll find another place to roost.

source: raised pigeons for two decades, you're lookin at performance breeds (including some rollers, so they should be able to orient themselves)


Cmondudecmon OP t1_iy516dk wrote

They look injured and diseased. It’s just a a shitty way to dispose of dead and dying birds. It’s trashy and cruel. Thanks for your knowledge on the matter. I always thought having them as pets was a cool hobby.


di3tcoke t1_iy51rsc wrote

Exactly, the cool part about raising pigeons is that they get let out to fly every day and come right back to their coop afterwards. That's why they're called "homing pigeons."


Cmondudecmon OP t1_iy52de2 wrote

I’m 98% sure they are still there. 1 got hit by a car already. It’s by the blue bottle coffee commissary on the corner of white st. And mckibbin st.


MonteXristo t1_iy52odl wrote

Actually this take is a pretty smart take. Weird yes, but smart. Carry on and continue to think about only the important things that affect you and your loved ones. Not enough time in the world to worry about everyone. Either everyone gets attention or no one does. Need to focus on making money for family. Do not think of outside shit, only focus money. Focus money. Money. /s


Cmondudecmon OP t1_iy53518 wrote

Someone is on there way to pick up the birds. Thank you everyone for your suggestions and help!


defcon1000 t1_iy53o1h wrote

Don't judge the owner too harshly. If they were really being cruel, they'd have taken the tags off the feet first so they couldn't be identified.

The reality is that low-humidity conditions tend to help stave off mite infestations, and the weather at this time of year is really good for that. The birds are also really adept at fending for themselves, finding shelter and re-nesting.

Mites aren't a death sentence, but they can also be treated with a dip of some kind.

If I saw this, I'd first assume that they're treated and need time away from the main roost for the cure to do its job. Given that the feed was dumped there, maybe it is more insidious. But the tags still being on, it may as well have a driver's license - because everyone in the neighborhood who raises, will know generally where they come from.


AnalogDogg t1_iy53xbj wrote

> I am sickened by our race.

Whoa, try not to be racist about this, maybe? People of all races are terrible, not just ours.


Cmondudecmon OP t1_iy5749t wrote

Yes and no. Compassion is important. Life is important. Being sickened about the condition of the human race is what makes us strive to do better. So that our future generations don’t have to suffer.


evil_fungus t1_iy5c67y wrote

That's so sad. Can't imagine how scared those poor birds must be


shagreezz3 t1_iy5ijof wrote

How do you know they were pets


-goodgodlemon t1_iy5lzc5 wrote

Taking on Tyson gave me a completely appreciation for him. I watch the show to watch him race homing pigeons and literally cried the first episode learning about his life in Brownsville. You are 100% right he loves his birds the first fight he ever got in was because a bully killed his favorite pigeon.


katastrofa_ t1_iy5n1no wrote

I was able to rescue 4 that are on the way home with me right now. One got away. I will be back to check for more survivors tomorrow.

Editing to add: for future reference regarding pigeon rescues in NYC, you can find me on Instagram as @ McGolrick . Flock I will share updates on the sweeties there as well.


juanstuckonabalcony t1_iy5pl2e wrote

people in my country Pakistan love to have pigeons as pets as this asshole just leaving them here to die


katastrofa_ t1_iy5vh1f wrote

If you are serious, message me in about two weeks. I will need to rehome these sweethearts because I already have four pigeons as my forever friends. The rescues are quarantined in my bathroom for the time being.


HippiMan t1_iy5vn7l wrote

"Clipping" birds wings is a thing :( Like declawing a cat...just don't get the fucking animal if you don't like a physical fucking part of it that much...

No idea why you would clip a bunch of pigeons wings though, most clipping is probably to keep your expensive pet from being impossible to catch.


Festivalbaby84 t1_iy5wdfk wrote

That's so wonderful to hear! 🕊️🕊️


TooManyTimeZones t1_iy5yyrs wrote

This is cruel. Those poor pigeons I hope they find a home that loves them.


abstruse_traverse t1_iy64ivb wrote

Clipping bird wings typically just means cutting some of the longer wing feathers shorter. Unlike declawing or debarking it doesn't hurt the bird and will grow back in time. It's often done to protect the birds - i.e. clipping chicken wings to keep them from flying out of fencing where dogs can eat them.


leg_day t1_iy66dcg wrote

I came in here expecting this to 100% be a shitpost.

But instead I learned a lot about pet pigeons.


rakehellion t1_iy6bomc wrote

All pigeons in Brooklyn are abandoned pets somewhere down the line.


cdhernandez t1_iy6wuk4 wrote

Sickened by our race? Take it easy man, it's sad but damn.


Fun-Whereas2029 t1_iy749yz wrote

Rats with wings… who cares? 🤷🏿‍♂️


No-Text8820 t1_iy7jvhl wrote

Bowery King went on vacay yall.


yoursolace t1_iy7t9du wrote

Yeah I was going to say I have a pet bird who's wings were clipped when I got him but within a few months he was flying around and getting into all the mischief he could. I have had him for 20 years now and he's a grumpy old man who runs everywhere half the time, but still flies around and poops everywhere whenever he gets startled!


milesac t1_iy7taiz wrote

Some Hawks will be there to get them soon. Don’t worry.


W00DERS0N t1_iy7xk7s wrote

Falcons and Hawks will have a nice meal. Circle of life.


WednesdayKnights t1_iy88tod wrote

Did you call the Wild Bird Fund? You’ll have to get the birds to them in the City and they will rehabilitate them and release them when ready.


srpokemon t1_iy8aqte wrote

did you stage a protest outside your local grocery store?


BigLittleWolfCat t1_iyc0aed wrote

Yes! Thank you! First time I went there I felt like something out of the bag from Fantastic Beasts. I rescued two pet pigeons, took them in a cab from Brooklyn (pretending my cardboard box next to me was definitely not cooing to a highly suspicious driver). The storefront looked more like a bodega than anything, I was greeted by a seagull by the door, was nearly run over by a small army of equal part chickens and ducks, while a giant almost-featherless parrot turned its head sideways in a quite judgy way. A symphony of different bird sounds and smells filled the air. I tiny lady, almost bird-like herself, appeared, wearing an apron with a chick poking out of each front pocket and a crow on her shoulder. “Ah, you’re the one that called about the pigeons? Just put them on the counter, we’ll take care of them”. I dropped the cargo so I could head to my shift I was already late for. As I left, a goose hönked. I will never forget that place


northcountrylea t1_iyf65u6 wrote

what i mean is unless you act on this, all you do is feel bad ad probably forget you saw this post later. Without the action which my assumption will be nothing (because what would any of us do about this), it is pointless to stress yourself out about this.