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Proic13 t1_ixchmae wrote

Beautiful, simply beautiful!


bzr t1_ixckjg6 wrote



pandaclawz t1_ixcmd00 wrote

Corner of Grand and Chrystie, nice! It's lovely to see my old neighborhood in art form :D


Leena52 t1_ixcnatm wrote

Leroy Neimamesq!! Most excellent.


grambell789 t1_ixcqtth wrote

very nice. but needs a truck there double parked unloading stuff.


sciandg01 t1_ixcsgea wrote

Great painting! I can almost smell the fish market through the screen


Pkytails t1_ixcuone wrote

This is an incredible painting.. I can almost hear that old lady yelling trying to sell her stuff…


gooftrupe t1_ixcvm9r wrote

I always appreciate when you post. It’s a really nice break from the political discourse on a lot of posts. You work shows a perspective of the city that feels familiar to those living here but still has a bit of a romance to it. Thank you.


Harbinger311 t1_ixd1jt7 wrote

Utterly amazing! Looks fantastic! Unfortunately, it's nothing like it was a 10-15 years ago (bustling, jammed with humanity/carts/trash). I remember when they'd stack the empty wood slat chicken wire crates right on the sidewalk/street after they had unpacked their vegetable wares. Made navigating that corner fun.


antcandescant t1_ixd779r wrote

do you have a website where available works are listed?


cyrshcky t1_ixd9l8s wrote

I can never tell what’s legit and what’s ai now but this looks sick


__username_________ t1_ixd9svh wrote

This may be my favorite of the paintings you've posted. Love it, keep up the great work!


tang4685 t1_ixde62j wrote

Nostalgic style, always evoke memories.


Doggo_Is_Life_ t1_ixdeu1b wrote

Love seeing your paintings. Beautiful piece!


Spiritual-Hospital21 t1_ixdfx3f wrote

Beautiful! Please keep them coming! Your art brightens my days! 😊


mikere t1_ixdg1t7 wrote

that seafood market is the shit. great prices, huge variety, and super fresh


Corporation_tshirt t1_ixdocpg wrote

This painting really brings me back. I went Pace University and I would take a walk over to Chinatown during breaks. I love that area. Wo Hop in particular was tailor made for a broke college student.


jtms1200 t1_ixds1tr wrote

The sad part is that my first instinct is that this is AI generated


cosmorocker13 t1_ixez6jc wrote

I know that corner well. I love the painting.


rqny t1_ixf1ms1 wrote

I walked past here often, and if you hadn’t posted where it was, I would still know. beautifully done.


Vismal1 t1_ixf8hpa wrote

This is really great! 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻


killstimehere t1_ixfbel5 wrote

How long does this one frame take you?


TwoCats_OneMan t1_ixfgqh7 wrote

I don't like it and think it should go to /r/nycpics.


Makeyoownmoney t1_ixfiavs wrote

The shadow, shape, and detail of the hanging horizontal sign is freaking me out! I feel like it will start swaying. Shadow and light details are outstanding. (I don't paint nor draw, but even a dumbass like me can see how cool this watercolor turned out)


Any-Flamingo-8233 t1_ixfycq9 wrote

I showed this to a friend of mine who used to live down the street from there. He now has it on his wall 🙂


k112l t1_ixfztz3 wrote

Superb capturing the light and the slow precision fading of the awning characters.


HibiscusSabdariffa33 t1_ixggpbx wrote

You’re the first user I have now ever followed on here thanks to your beautiful art. I look forward to scrolling through more of your page and eventually liking more of your paintings because they’re amazing.


powerpoint_PPT t1_ixgkuck wrote

Love these NYC watercolors. Mind if I set as my computer background?


killstimehere t1_iximl2y wrote

Since you've done it once, does it make it faster to replicate the second time? If you were to do a 'lite' version of this frame (or any frame) with lesser detail, would it facilitate progress. I ask because I'm trying to illustrate a few books and water color art in a childrens book is something I'd like to try to develop and publish to amazon KDP quickly as a collab with an artist. Children's books are a bit higher pace. I might be writing em faster than one can illustrate, bur getting one out there first is a great test


Jaja89 t1_ixoniyi wrote

This may be your best one yet


Teller8 t1_ixtur9c wrote

I feel like I saw similar art over on /r/Boston is that also you?