Submitted by onewordpoet t3_z1ry0j in nyc
ChrisRuss86 t1_ixciv1w wrote
Awesome watercolor!
pandaclawz t1_ixcmd00 wrote
Corner of Grand and Chrystie, nice! It's lovely to see my old neighborhood in art form :D
onewordpoet OP t1_ixcpaei wrote
That's the spot! I liked the blue tarps and stuff. May have fudged the light a bit
grambell789 t1_ixcqtth wrote
very nice. but needs a truck there double parked unloading stuff.
onewordpoet OP t1_ixcr90s wrote
There's a van lol does that count? I agree a truck would be the thing
grambell789 t1_ixcrdoy wrote
that helps. but its not blocking enough traffic.
onewordpoet OP t1_ixcrxgo wrote
Let's call it a rare, ideal morning
grambell789 t1_ixcrzok wrote
ok, truck just left.
onewordpoet OP t1_ixcxs66 wrote
Aw, thanks. I personally like seeing a variety of stuff including other peoples work. Not a lot of other city subreddits has that. Glad ya like the work!
memebreather t1_ixcymq8 wrote
Looks a little like Dalle2
gooftrupe t1_ixcywzd wrote
I think the discourse shows we all care quite a bit about what happens here and is necessary, but your work is always a nice change of pace
solongamerica t1_ixcz34i wrote
Leena52 t1_ixd0v9d wrote
I never saw this. Thank you so for this jewel!! Lol.
pandaclawz t1_ixd15mf wrote
There used to be all these comic book stands, including one on that very corner that don't exist any more. I really miss them.
Here's a pic of the one that used to be on the corner:
Harbinger311 t1_ixd1jt7 wrote
Utterly amazing! Looks fantastic! Unfortunately, it's nothing like it was a 10-15 years ago (bustling, jammed with humanity/carts/trash). I remember when they'd stack the empty wood slat chicken wire crates right on the sidewalk/street after they had unpacked their vegetable wares. Made navigating that corner fun.
onewordpoet OP t1_ixd4f16 wrote
There was certainly some of that going on but probably not to the extent to which you're saying. I really like the mess of it all
onewordpoet OP t1_ixd59au wrote
That's cool. Reminds me that I want to do some paper stands paintings. Love the vibes of those places
antcandescant t1_ixd779r wrote
do you have a website where available works are listed?
GravitationalConstnt t1_ixd7dy9 wrote
Yup, I used to live at 111 Chrystie! And apparently someone got murdered there this year.
onewordpoet OP t1_ixd7nri wrote
I do! here ya go. I'm traveling now so the original of this painting hasn't gone up yet.
onewordpoet OP t1_ixd952m wrote
It all goes into a rich tapestry of a subreddit
onewordpoet OP t1_ixd97iu wrote
You got a story?
onewordpoet OP t1_ixd990z wrote
Ayee thank you!
__username_________ t1_ixd9svh wrote
This may be my favorite of the paintings you've posted. Love it, keep up the great work!
onewordpoet OP t1_ixd9tpd wrote
Its the end for us artists. Just doing what I can 😂
onewordpoet OP t1_ixd9whd wrote
Means a lot! It's a really long painting. 16x30. Unusual framing but I liked working on it.
cyrshcky t1_ixd9xcu wrote
Ur hella talented keep it up
Doggo_Is_Life_ t1_ixdeu1b wrote
Love seeing your paintings. Beautiful piece!
pandaclawz t1_ixdfe8h wrote
Such an awful thing to happen. She's around my age, and if she grew up in the neighborhood, we likely attended elementary school together at PS130
Spiritual-Hospital21 t1_ixdfx3f wrote
Beautiful! Please keep them coming! Your art brightens my days! 😊
Corporation_tshirt t1_ixdocpg wrote
This painting really brings me back. I went Pace University and I would take a walk over to Chinatown during breaks. I love that area. Wo Hop in particular was tailor made for a broke college student.
badinkajink_ t1_ixdpmob wrote
onewordpoet OP t1_ixdxp0t wrote
I've gotten some stuff there. Super fresh indeed
onewordpoet OP t1_ixdxt9f wrote
I know lol people have been saying that lately about my art. Nor sure how to feel
LinkinTunnel t1_ixdydt5 wrote
DALL-E, please generate a painting of an NYC street scene in the style of /u/onewordpoet
onewordpoet OP t1_ixeio4z wrote
Slightly violated but thankful. Glad ya like!
cosmorocker13 t1_ixez6jc wrote
I know that corner well. I love the painting.
onewordpoet OP t1_ixf0olq wrote
Appreciate it. It's a bustling spot lol
BLUEBELLYNYC t1_ixf4tvc wrote
Must be nice to have a talent.
YetYetAnotherPerson t1_ixf63x5 wrote
I know that corner well. Nice job
ComradeConrad1 t1_ixfa2sq wrote
Love this.
killstimehere t1_ixfbel5 wrote
How long does this one frame take you?
onewordpoet OP t1_ixfdsqw wrote
Took a while. Over the course of a week I'd say.
TwoCats_OneMan t1_ixfgqh7 wrote
I don't like it and think it should go to /r/nycpics.
Makeyoownmoney t1_ixfiavs wrote
The shadow, shape, and detail of the hanging horizontal sign is freaking me out! I feel like it will start swaying. Shadow and light details are outstanding. (I don't paint nor draw, but even a dumbass like me can see how cool this watercolor turned out)
Any-Flamingo-8233 t1_ixfycq9 wrote
I showed this to a friend of mine who used to live down the street from there. He now has it on his wall 🙂
onewordpoet OP t1_ixfzxfr wrote
Hah, incredible. I love hearing stuff like that!
onewordpoet OP t1_ixg0010 wrote
Thanks for noticing. I took a few liberties with the awning especially with the speckled light on the red awning!
Pinetreepiano t1_ixg6deh wrote
i walk by this everyday !
HibiscusSabdariffa33 t1_ixggpbx wrote
You’re the first user I have now ever followed on here thanks to your beautiful art. I look forward to scrolling through more of your page and eventually liking more of your paintings because they’re amazing.
powerpoint_PPT t1_ixgkuck wrote
Love these NYC watercolors. Mind if I set as my computer background?
killstimehere t1_iximl2y wrote
Since you've done it once, does it make it faster to replicate the second time? If you were to do a 'lite' version of this frame (or any frame) with lesser detail, would it facilitate progress. I ask because I'm trying to illustrate a few books and water color art in a childrens book is something I'd like to try to develop and publish to amazon KDP quickly as a collab with an artist. Children's books are a bit higher pace. I might be writing em faster than one can illustrate, bur getting one out there first is a great test
onewordpoet OP t1_ixq9z4t wrote
Appreciate you! I love how it came out.
onewordpoet OP t1_ixu9tow wrote
Yes it is!
Proic13 t1_ixchmae wrote
Beautiful, simply beautiful!