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thereia t1_ivd3td5 wrote

>bike only elitism

No. Scooters are MUCH HEAVIER than bikes. SO even if they are going the same speed as bikes they are DEADLY to cyclists. It has NOTHING to do with elitism and EVERYTHING to do with the law (and the laws of physics).

VTL 102-a – Definition of Bicycle Lane – A portion of the roadway which has been designated by striping, signing and pavement markings for the preferential or exclusive use of bicycles.


FarFromSane_ t1_ivd4hvh wrote

I think thread is taking about two different kinds of scooters. Kick scooter style should be (and are) allowed in the bike lane.


thereia t1_ivd54bx wrote

Was about to say I think maybe there's a language issue here.


numba1cyberwarrior t1_ivece01 wrote

The laws of phsyics are that its very dangerous for many scooters to be on bike lanes.


isowater t1_ivd47jh wrote

A scooter that is much heavier than a bike is basically a moped at that point. I've seen bikes go up to 50 pounds and any scooter past that isn't really a scooter


thereia t1_ivd5buh wrote

I think there is an issue with language here (what is a scooter vs moped). But regardless, anything bigger than a basic e-bike (a bike frame with a small motor and those long thin rectangular batteries) is no longer a bike and legally restricted from using the lane.


isowater t1_ivd6jca wrote

Agree but why make up arbitrary metrics? We have class 1,2, and 3. What you're describing is basically a class 1 ebike, which I agree is the most safe. Class 2 is a very grey area. Class 3 should definitely be banned from the lanes