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NetQuarterLatte t1_ivfc9qv wrote

>concluding that getting tougher on crime is the answer.

That interpretation is on you and your own biases. Don't project your own biases on me.


Im_Not_Really_Here_ t1_ivfckkw wrote

Your mealy-mouthed response is pretentious, cowardly, and fools nobody.


NetQuarterLatte t1_ivgxnuv wrote

>Your mealy-mouthed response is pretentious, cowardly, and fools nobody.

Anyone who reads my original comment with honestly can see I did not conclude for "tough-on-crime". That interpretation came from your own bias.

You could've asked in good faith and I would've answered.


Im_Not_Really_Here_ t1_ivgy8mh wrote

>Anyone who reads my original comment with honestly can see I did not conclude for "tough-on-crime". That interpretation came from your own bias.

And anyone can see where the downvotes landed to determine what readers thought.

I would've asked in good-faith if I thought you were a good-faith actor.


ThisIsMyFifthAccount t1_ivgm0cv wrote

What’s your next favorite hobby after posting on an anonymous NYC forum about crime? Do you even live in NYC, or NYS for that matter?

Talk about a wasted fearful life, you must be stressed and lonely.