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Shawn_NYC t1_iwuxagf wrote

Did the article say 2 different men died from the same type of assault at the same bar? And many others report the same crime happening to them as well?

How hard is it to catch murderers when you know exactly where they're going to be and more or less exactly when they'll be commiting the next crime?


darthTharsys t1_iwuxxwf wrote

They occurred at the same bar but the first one had some continued stuff in east village i remember reading. But in both cases there's been three people who shuffle the victim into a cab then they end up dead with their bank accounts drained.


StopKK2012 t1_iwuydi0 wrote

What article did you read? This one literally says both victims were targeted at the same bar, the Q.


maverick4002 t1_iwuzm1o wrote

He is talking about the incident at The Ritz in the summer time. I didn't hear about anything like this at the Q


darthTharsys t1_iwuyjz9 wrote

I misspoke. There was another article a while back about the first victim and I recall it mentioning the people taking him to east village or something.


DudeIjustdid t1_iwvy67z wrote

That place was a dump when it was Latitude, sounds like it hasn’t changed much.


Simple-Rule-7665 t1_iwyqqhn wrote

Julio Ramirez left the Ritz Bar on W. 46 Street in Manhattan. Another man (from out of town), unidentified, left a bar in the same general area a couple of weeks later and died. John Umberger left The Q NYC on Eighth Avenue on May 28th and later died. It turns out a college student had gone to The Q in early April, befriended three young men, brought them to the East Side (where he lived with a roommate). The student and roommate woke up to find they had been cleaned out. The student's cards were later used during a shopping spree in SoHo.