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TwilitSky t1_ivp6fzs wrote

There's no mention of smell that I saw...


chargeorge t1_ivpa5jw wrote

So basically instead of using air or dirt as the medium to exchange heat from when using heat pumps it's using the water going down the drain (well it's using that and some amount of dirt because cold NYC days would probably still overwhelm it). Even if that water is tepid that's pretty smart, you aren't holding a bunch of sewage, mostly just running tepid /warm water over some very cold pipes so they can pull more heat out.

If you are unsure what heat pumps are and why they are big part of our future:


guiltypooh t1_ivpcvy7 wrote

This will be maintained until meets the grant requirements and than the building will stop because it will be constant maintenance… people flush and put things down the drain all the time that will mess up how they “clean” the water and the heat exchanger


iRedditAlreadyyy t1_ivpcz90 wrote

I learned that methane gas from human waste water is already being used as cooking gas for some people in New York City. So, yea. It may seem gross but it’s also possible to use it as safe as possible for other other things


Big80sweens OP t1_ivphtpu wrote

The clean water and sewage never touch. They just go through a heat exchanger so the heat goes from one area to another. Also the Sharc system is not actually a heat exchange but is a highly efficient filtration system to prevent the issues you are raising. You are correct in that this would cause issues, that’s where this company comes in.


Morningnewsandcoffee t1_ivpzcn5 wrote

It’s nearly 2023 and you think people only read Reddit on computer web browsers?

If I could get ublock installed on my phone so it worked on apps I would.

Installing firefox focus which is apparently supposed to help with some apps hasn’t made a difference for me.


CairnBarrow t1_ivq6a7o wrote

You’re not understanding what this reply means by cleaning the wastewater before putting it into the heat exchanger system. The residents will be flushing oil, grease, bleach, ammonia, draino, and other hazardous chemicals that will require a lot of water chemistry maintenance to prevent corrosion of the heat exchanger, piping, tubing, strainers, filters, pumps, valves, sensors, and other components. There is also the frequent cleaning of the strainers and changing of the filters that will require a lot of electricity, materials and labor. The cost of labor and materials will eventually cause the preventive maintenance on these systems to be neglected to improve the bottom line of building operations. The system may be run into the ground from a preventive maintenance perspective and eventually abandoned after it is no longer financially viable to be maintained and operated compared to more traditional heating systems. A consultant will probably come in after 20 years and recommend another heating system tied to government incentives, and an EPC will be contracted to install it for a premium with taxpayer money. Inflation and taxes will increase to pay for the incentives and middle class Americans will have to work harder for the same standard of living until corporate tax rates are increased and a millionaires tax is implemented. The US capitalist machine cycle is inevitable and it is up to us to use it to our benefit through our right to petition, organize, and vote.


Ok-Coast-9264 t1_ivqaiuj wrote

Great! Now how do we monetize subway farts?


Big80sweens OP t1_ivqe5x6 wrote

No, sorry, YOU don’t understand. The Sharc system is what prevents issues like what you are describing. They have installs from 12 years ago still running without any corrosion or issues… that is the value add…