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WickhamAkimbo t1_ixe031m wrote

> I know it’s hard to fathom, but you can certainly reform something to treat people more equally while still protecting victims.

What if the goals are diametrically opposed? What if abuse is more common in some groups than others, and you simultaneously want to protect children and have equal outcomes? They are at odds. It's magical thinking to say otherwise.

> And without “ignor[ing] crime and child abuse” (nobody in this article offers ignoring them as a solution).

Of course not! It sounds terrible... but it is nonetheless the policy that many people would like because again, they engage in magical thinking that says mutually incompatible outcomes can occur simultaneously. They'll just ignore the evidence that suggests otherwise, which is part of the reason this crime thread was set up. It doesn't matter if you don't believe that, that's what is effectively happening.

> If Black parents are 13x more likely to have their children removed from their homes then white children, are the benefits for children here really outweighing the disparities this program is perpetuating? Do we believe that Black parents are actually 13x less fit to parent?

I'm not going to make such a broad claim, but I also don't see any reason for removals and interventions to be identical across all groups; there's a notable lack of data to back that up. Meanwhile, the article says plainly: "A New York Times analysis of 83 child homicides from 2016 to 2022 found that Black children in the city were killed by family members at about seven times the rate for white and Asian children and three times the rate for Hispanic children."

If those statistics are sound, I see no reason for outcomes to be identical across groups.


mission17 t1_ixe1c5m wrote

> What if the goals are diametrically opposed?

Unraveling systematic biases would make stopping child abuse impossible? Really? I would like to imagine there is a world where policing and child welfare could go the slightest bit further to not disproportionately punish Black folk.

> What if abuse is more common in some groups than others, and you simultaneously want to protect children and have equal outcomes?

Even the numbers in the article you gave for homicides don't begin to track the outcomes we're talking about here.

> but it is nonetheless the policy that many people would like

Who would like that? Who's saying it? Please be specific. None of these people you're talking about are quoted in the article.

You've created a boogeyman here and we see you use it repeatedly. You're not going to find a single person in this sub that would actually claim crime and child abuse don't exist. Nonetheless, an incredibly large contingent of people in this sub do much prefer the entire sub not to be flooded with crime spam. You seem to mistake those two things for being the same, perhaps intentionally because it's useful to portray them as "pro-crime" (your own words).


WickhamAkimbo t1_ixe3owu wrote

> Even the numbers in the article you gave for homicides don't begin to track the outcomes we're talking about here.

Please explain what you mean. You asked a question, I did my best to answer, and now you're giving a non-response. Those numbers give proof of very different starting conditions that would rightfully support different outcomes.

> Unraveling systematic biases would make stopping child abuse impossible?

No, the implied proposed solution of this article is not unraveling systematic biases, it's reducing policing and intervention by child protective services which, again absent magical thinking, is going to result in more abused and murdered children.

Solving systemic racism would be great, but I don't believe any solutions you would propose here would work.

> Who would like that? Who's saying it? Please be specific.

You do, and many like you on this sub. You'll never say it out loud, you won't admit it to yourselves, you don't think you do, but you do. You're interested in letting any number of incidents of crime and abuse slide a bit, loosening standards of reporting, etc to try to help abusers and criminals that you see as victims.

The article talks about raising the standard for what constitutes abuse and neglect of children. It's just part of the larger pattern of magical thinking that you can somehow "go easier" on abusers and criminals without necessarily hurting their victims. It doesn't work that way.


mission17 t1_ixe49qh wrote

> You do, and many like you on this sub. You'll never say it out loud, you won't admit it to yourselves, you don't think you do, but you do. You're interested in letting any number of incidents of crime and abuse slide a bit, loosening standards of reporting, etc to try to help abusers and criminals that you see as victims.

No. More crime and more child abuse is not my goal. What is wrong with you? How do you expect people to rationally engage with your philosophy on addressing crime when this is how you address anybody who doesn’t agree with you?


WickhamAkimbo t1_ixecvp3 wrote

Oh I never said it was your goal, and you can go back and re-read everything I've said above to verify that. I said that a big chunk of people will ignore abusers and criminals using magical thinking as part of their goals for equity and ignore hard reality and choices. They will choose to favor abusers and criminals in various situations and just hope that it doesn't cause more victimization. When it inevitably does... they ignore it. It's pretty simple.


newestindustry t1_ixeimu3 wrote

Everything seems simple when you're a moron


WickhamAkimbo t1_ixhxnp3 wrote

Is that the best you can do?

Honestly, who cares about your feelings and naive political identity when the stakes are so high for these policies. I'd rather prevent more kids from being abused. Go cry somewhere else.


newestindustry t1_ixi7568 wrote

Stupidity only matched by self-righteousness


WickhamAkimbo t1_ixj68kq wrote

And yet you offer nothing even remotely constructive or insightful in your responses.

What specifically is stupid? What specifically is self-righteous? And why should anyone care about your feelings here over the real-world outcomes that I'm talking about?

Maybe just for a moment consider the fact that your feelings don't really matter compared to the other things at stake here.


newestindustry t1_ixj8cm6 wrote

Oh damn, delusional too


WickhamAkimbo t1_ixkcx6k wrote

And still nothing constructive. You have nothing of value to offer and weren't worth the responses to begin with.