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doctor_van_n0strand t1_ivy3rtp wrote

A moment of pearl-clutching for the steady stream of single-occupant SUVs from Nassau and Bensonhurst that will no longer have the chance to get stuck and block crosswalks between green lights. Oh, the humanity! Can we not think of the drivers?? Widen the roads! Just one more lane will fix traffic! Just one more lane bro, I swear!


HayPlaceAPlaceforHay t1_ivyg4k7 wrote

Nobody clutches pearls harder than people who use a city back every now then and pedestrians. I mean, let’s be real most people without cars lost their license to too many DUIs.


mowotlarx t1_ivysjju wrote

>most people without cars lost their license to too many DUIs.

...maybe in Nassau county that's true. Not in NYC, my dude.


mission17 t1_ivytafu wrote

Be honest do you know anything about people who live in New York?


HayPlaceAPlaceforHay t1_ivzv559 wrote



seenew t1_iw08ydj wrote

apparently not at all


HayPlaceAPlaceforHay t1_iw2oto9 wrote

You’re wrong


seenew t1_iw2wy13 wrote

you think the only people without cars in NYC are the ones with DUIs??? Hahaha that’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever read on here. And this is Reddit!

how do people who never had cars here get DUIs? Huh genius? I sold my car when I moved here because this is one of the only cities in the country with usable mass transit. I didn’t get a DUI because I haven’t had to drive more than a handful of times since I moved here. You’re an idiot.


HayPlaceAPlaceforHay t1_iw2x4vf wrote

No that I just said to rile the anti car idiots up. It worked. 🏆


seenew t1_iw2xtql wrote

oh you’re only pretending to be an idiot with a false claim I get it


HayPlaceAPlaceforHay t1_iw2y1qq wrote

Yeah - I figured facts people don’t like get downvoted might as well go nuts with it 🥜


seenew t1_iw2yy40 wrote

there’s a difference between facts people don’t like and straight up lies. It’s important to keep that distinction in mind.