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22thoughts t1_ivy5ygy wrote

I’ve heard all about induced demand and all that, but then look what happens when we lose a lane on the bqe- total chaos. Not sure I buy it


bradbikes t1_ivypxws wrote

You're welcome to move to Houston or LA. They're paragons of car culture where everything is conveniently designed exclusively for cars. It's so much better for everyone.


22thoughts t1_ivyr3g2 wrote

Do you realize how fascist you sound telling me to leave here, leave my life and family behind because certain factors demand that I drive. Literally telling someone to leave because you don’t agree with an aspect of their lifestyle. So fucking self-righteous


bradbikes t1_ivysi1c wrote

Look man I'm just saying Houston is a car-centric paradise. Tons of highways in City limits, no cycling or pedestrian infrastructure, barely any public transport. And as a direct result there's no traffic there at all!

Getting called a fascist is so tired for trying to help you out.


22thoughts t1_ivytkk4 wrote

Wow. You know my life so much better than I do. Lol give it a rest


bradbikes t1_ivyx6zl wrote

What I DO know is that if you MUST drive...which I'll doubt just due to your complete refusal to elaborate...then having less people casually driving every time they want to go out will be a positive change for you.