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ohboyidkman t1_ivw1bs7 wrote

omg yes! that would be amazing!


BasedAlliance935 t1_ivw2liy wrote

While im normally not a fan of this kinda stuff, for this part of the city i could maybe see a bit of downscaling (however not total removal). If the whole area blocked vehicles then the area would present itself as a major choke point for traffic, especially considering it's on the corner of prospect park which is already quite big


mowotlarx t1_ivw5cf1 wrote

Yes, please. It's a beautiful area but the weird islands that pedestrians have to walk between to get anywhere feel very dangerous.


shant_jan t1_ivw5jl4 wrote

if they don't fuck this up, it'll be great on so many layers.

it's just too complex of an interchange for our many, smooth-brained drivers to handle and it makes no sense that the arch is essentially an island detached from the actual plaza.


vasjpan02 t1_ivw61km wrote

consider that i never told a cab from downtown to a middle avenue in midtown, as i could walk it faster, and it would double my fare. but you may need underpasses for not-stopping thru traffic. there are many junctions that are so congested i would never drive thru inky around,


Highplowp t1_ivwa2ax wrote

Great choice, do city point next, no one knows how to drive down Fulton anymore and there are people riding scooters through the plazas- to be fair, it’s probably safer for the scooter riders. It gets CRAZY in the morning.


thisismynewacct t1_ivwc5o1 wrote

Some car driver in Bayside or Far Rockaway: “and I took that personally”


koji00 t1_ivwct6x wrote

I assume they'll build an overpass , then?


TeamMisha t1_ivwfgs9 wrote

I think it can and should be done. Eastern Parkway is a mistake to begin with, not human sized at all, and connects here to this crazy over-engineered traffic circle monstrosity. The grid here should be brought back to the scale of surrounding streets, like Vanderbilt is just 1 lane in either direction. There's a section of the plaza that is SEVEN lanes wide yet is fed by at most a 2-lane road from the north from Flatbush, wtf were they doing designing this? The entire inner plaza roadways could be removed tbh


TeamMisha t1_ivwfyan wrote

It needs a lot of work, this place is a fucking mess for peds and bikes. I see so many confused cyclists navigating from the north where you have back to back 3-5 leg intersections on the south half of the circle. We have this beautiful arch choked off from the world cause it's surrounded by roads wider than highways. It reminds me of the Arc de Triumph in paris that it's like this fucking insane 10 lane wide traffic circle so crazy that they indeed just built tunnels cause how in the fuck would you ever cross it safely. Don't want to see that happen here. This whole area is over-engineered to hell, bring it down to human scale


BasedAlliance935 t1_ivwg7du wrote

While i will admit the 7 lane part is definitely excessive, i dont think roads should be entirely removed but rather scaled down a bit, maybe remove some of the more redundant parts and you're good


TeamMisha t1_ivwh1ou wrote

I think 2 lanes max on the circular road would be sufficient and close the entire middle portion. It wouldn't even require construction as they can simply convert the parking lane on Plaza Street into a travel lane. Done and dusted. The entire interior is a waste of space IMO, convert it into greenspace I figure


TeamMisha t1_ivwi5m2 wrote

You're joking right? I'm gonna assume you're being satirical.... I hope. Adding more lanes to the LIE would not help, that's already been proven by traffic engineers for decades.

> I don’t really care what has to go.

I think the people that live there do, you realize destroying homes nowadays for highways, here in NYC at least, is an absolute non-starter right? You'd be up your ass in lawsuits before you even hit the planning phase, let alone begun the probably 5-10 year environmental review.


NicksOnMars t1_ivwl16i wrote

Gtfo, suburbanite. If you study modern urban planning, you would know that cars destroy cities. Also, nyc is the safest big city in america. Take your MAGA spoonfed BS back to facebook


TeamMisha t1_ivwobnm wrote

You're beyond debate, but I just want to add that bike lanes were started in earnest under Bloomberg, a republican, so it's cute you believe this is a democratic "problem"


bikes_bongs_beers t1_ivwov8p wrote

Dude i drove through it exactly twice. Just get rid of it altogether. We will be better without it.


TeamMisha t1_ivwoxle wrote

Why not? More park the better I figure. The traffic circle is surrounded by park land already, I don't see why not fill the road in and expand the park. But yes, the inner circle area however would be perfect to move the farmers market they do now for example, i.e. surround the arch with stands and use the space for cultural/dining/etc. programming, makes sense to me yeah


_devenna t1_ivwq369 wrote

I don’t really understand the downvotes here… they already fucked up the BQE enough and added like 25 minutes to get to the city that way. As someone who drives around the city for work doing this would add at least half an hour travel time to the city from middle Brooklyn, anything west of Flatbush Ave. It would be super fuckin annoying honestly.


Nestta t1_ivwxjyn wrote

Every time I cross the street here I feel like I’m putting my life in danger, I really look forward to hearing more


NicksOnMars t1_ivwzz9y wrote

Okay then, you fail the class. Good luck getting taken seriously in life, when you cant even attempt to see an opposing argument. Back to clogging our streets and polluting the earth it is!


22thoughts t1_ivxu8d2 wrote

Always making things harder for drivers :(


intjish_mom t1_ivxzoj6 wrote

How is that even going to work? Where are the cars that need to go around the circle going to be diverted to? All that traffic from Easton parkway will need to be redirected to somewhere. I imagine this will be a nightmare for drivers. I understand making things better for pedestrians, but that shouldn't mean that drivers are not given any consideration. People aren't really going to bike from Bedstuy to go to Ikea.


-wnr- t1_ivxzxij wrote

As someone who has to suffer driving through there occasionally, it sucks for drivers too. The problem is the traffic flow there is way too complex. There's frequent congestion, you're constantly dealing with lane changes, merges, and tight turns. Throw in pedestrians, bike traffic, and the occasional moped. There can be a lot going on at once to divide ones attention.


Manfromporlock t1_ivy2cbt wrote

One thing we keep finding is that traffic adjusts to the infrastructure for it. So if you have a congested eight-lane highway, adding two lanes doesn't make it flow better, you just get a congested ten-lane highway. The extra traffic kind of just appears.

It works in reverse as well; cars used to be able to drive right through Washington Square Park, and when it was proposed to turn the park back over to people, there was a lot of handwringing about how the extra traffic would spill over into the surrounding streets. But it didn't; the extra traffic kind of just disappeared.


doctor_van_n0strand t1_ivy3rtp wrote

A moment of pearl-clutching for the steady stream of single-occupant SUVs from Nassau and Bensonhurst that will no longer have the chance to get stuck and block crosswalks between green lights. Oh, the humanity! Can we not think of the drivers?? Widen the roads! Just one more lane will fix traffic! Just one more lane bro, I swear!


4BDN t1_ivy64qi wrote

I lived there for a year about 6 years ago. I never felt it was hard walking through there. Just wait your turn at the lights like you are supposed to do for every intersection.


tailormadeblaze t1_ivy79go wrote

This would be great!! As a cyclist and a pedestrian, this is a hellish intersection, and the thing I worry most about when going to the park—too many car lanes coming from multiple directions wherein drivers are going fast and tiny islands where people hope not to get hit.


D_Ashido t1_ivyb2zp wrote

I believe I understand your viewpoint. I am still confused how all of that traffic will get downtown now. You have Eastern Parkway and Flatbush Ave which are bringing traffic from two different directions to get downtown and then you're just going to leave them deserted to go through skinny back streets? I can't see Eastern Parkway turning into a dead-end at Brooklyn museum while keeping all those side streets only one way.

I guess I'd have to see a simulation of this to see how it would work.

In addition, for all of these cuts to automobile traffic patterns, we need to seriously fortify our Mass-Transportation infrastructure to make up for it. We can't cut one option to get around without boosting the alternative in some fashion.


ethandjay t1_ivyeue9 wrote

don't know if that place is more of a nightmare for drivers or for pedestrians. good riddance


HayPlaceAPlaceforHay t1_ivyfpgk wrote

Obviously there’s a lot of car drivers in this area if the traffic and parking is abysmal. Far rock isn’t really a car congested area. Neither is bayside. Most people in bayside have their own driveways and parking spaces.


elizabeth-cooper t1_ivyg1i6 wrote

This roundabout can go to hell, but from a practical standpoint it's hard to imagine how they're going to re-route traffic in the area.


ReadItUser42069365 t1_ivyhd0n wrote

Can confirm as biker and car driver. I have driven through there exactly once and thought there was a light in the middle so basically stopped in front of the park entrance and then realized cars were coming so just crept up to the actual red light area. My had just a smooth brain, b12 deficient legume guy


D_Ashido t1_ivyjhgr wrote

Thanks for the read. I'm gonna have to side with "Ed Crotch" who commented on this article 15 years ago. They said:

>"So here we have a city that is increasing the volume of people yet trying to reduce the volume of vehicles. The amount of subways that can be run on one line is still years off from being able to be increased.

>Still, I have yet to see any data that says that by reducing the number of lanes will actually reduce the number of over all drivers through out the city. It will reduce the volume of vehicles on those streets (less lanes means less vehicles on those streets), but I think people will just drive elsewhere thus causing gridlock and traffic on streets where there is none now."


AmericanCreamer t1_ivyo636 wrote

THIS WOULD BE MASSIVE! So much potential for this to be the heart of brooklyn


bradbikes t1_ivypxws wrote

You're welcome to move to Houston or LA. They're paragons of car culture where everything is conveniently designed exclusively for cars. It's so much better for everyone.


22thoughts t1_ivyr3g2 wrote

Do you realize how fascist you sound telling me to leave here, leave my life and family behind because certain factors demand that I drive. Literally telling someone to leave because you don’t agree with an aspect of their lifestyle. So fucking self-righteous


bradbikes t1_ivysi1c wrote

Look man I'm just saying Houston is a car-centric paradise. Tons of highways in City limits, no cycling or pedestrian infrastructure, barely any public transport. And as a direct result there's no traffic there at all!

Getting called a fascist is so tired for trying to help you out.


Smorgas-board t1_ivywil4 wrote

It’s such a confusing mess of a fucking place


_Maxolotl t1_ivywopl wrote


Link it to the park completely, with no cars in between.
Then do the same with the Parade Grounds.

I love the taste of driver tears.


bradbikes t1_ivyx6zl wrote

What I DO know is that if you MUST drive...which I'll doubt just due to your complete refusal to elaborate...then having less people casually driving every time they want to go out will be a positive change for you.


KingPictoTheThird t1_ivyzuxf wrote

The subway is just one way of getting around. The city has added tons of SBS lanes, more buses, bike lanes, and made the city safer for biking and walking in general. As we create safe alternatives people will switch to those


HayPlaceAPlaceforHay t1_ivz51kz wrote

Lol car death cult. Off your meds again? When doesn’t a car driver take responsibility? By definition they’ve passed a license exam. They pay for insurance. They renew their license. They inspect and register their cars annually to ensure they’re in working order. If they park illegally, they get ticketed. If they don’t pay it, their car gets booted. Feeling dumb yet? Cause you should, and if you’re not, it’s because you’re beyond help and are the most entitled type of nyc’er.

There’s lots of laws regarding what they can and can’t do behind the wheel. A cyclist doesn’t even need to prove they have feet. And there’s nothing stopping them from giving free rides to friends dangling off their bikes. And if they get hit by a car going the wrong way down 2nd Ave, driving against traffic with their front wheel in the air, the driver is responsible for their medical bills and bike. If you want me to tell you, at least 90% of cyclist deaths are because they didn’t obey they laws of traffic and they weren’t wearing helmets.

Maybe instead of banning all cars you could do something that makes sense. Sterilization would be good for humanity. But on a local-nyc level, start with taking away the 535,000 licenses that undocumented citizens have. That would take a lot of cars off the road, don’t you think? Then take away the dining shacks/rat motels. More efficient placement of citibikes. Put them in parking garages instead of the streets. Invest in programs that promote bike safety instead of telling them “literally, everything that goes wrong on your bike is someone else’s fault - so get out there and do whatever tf you want.” Reduce the number in the winter months. Reduce commercial only parking. Change the hours of no parking. Extend the hours cars can be in a metered place.

Literally, all of these things would decrease the amount of cars on the roads and increase traffic efficiency. But nah - banning all cars is the way. Extreme measures only that effect everyone, reduce freedom, congestion our shit subways, and punish everyone regardless of how long they’ve lived here and paid taxes. God you’re stupid. Hopefully all you’ll continue to run for is a bus and not public office. Wait - you don’t use the bus, do you? Because that would have to go if you ban all cars, and I guess packages will be dropped with little parachutes attached by overhead drones, like we’re all apart of a WWII cargo cult.


fasda t1_ivzao8l wrote

Get rid of the roads in the center except for the bus lanes. Make Plaza st 2 lanes wide right lane for turns only and left for straight. This means eliminating parking from the circle on at least one side. Restore the plaza st to its oval shap at the south end. at Union street they need to make a right turn from plaza st and move the crosswalks away from the intersections so cars are better able enter plaza st.

This way there will only need 4 traffic lights if at all, at flatbush, union, eastern parkway and Vanderbilt. Traffic will be heavy but constantly flowing so better then it is right now.


intjish_mom t1_ivziqem wrote

I wonder whats up with all the downvotes. Its a legitimate question. I hate driving down there but gps has always put me in that stupid traffic circle and i dont remember there being a non traffic circle alternative. I understand making it safe for pedestrians, but car traffic isnt going to disappear. Something needs to accomodate for it.


HFY_HFY t1_ivzjt6i wrote

? It was 4pm ish. I had just walked from the louvre which I thought was a good idea not realizing how far away it was.

Also, I'm fast as fuck, boi.


DaBrooklynGirl t1_ivzrhe1 wrote

Stoopid. Why don’t they try that crap at Atlantic and Flatbush where it takes you 40 minutes to navigate that nightmare because certain neighborhoods and their citizens went all NIMBY about having the Barclay Center at the end of Atlantic Avenue.


GH5s t1_ivzs6tu wrote

If this goes car free traffic will be hell all the time. In the area


OkBandicoot1438 t1_ivzt1ib wrote

That would be really unfortunate. It may need some management or redirection but shutting it down completely would be difficult.

And people in this thread are so fucking entitled about being able to ride their bikes and jog while smelling flowers & shit - it’s so one sided. I’m a Med student & volunteer with 2 elderly community centers and 1 special needs center, all in Park Slope. Every morning and evening, small buses and/or commuter vans pick them up and drop them back off at home. Grand Army and Eastern Parkway connects them to other centers and allows them to get to medical appointments and activities. On days where Grand Army is inaccessible, the extra commute time added is 44 minutes - without traffic.

Those streets literally connect to the other side of Brooklyn - a side that gradually becomes lower income and increasingly of color as you move down Eastern Parkway and/or Flatbush. And the more you move down these roads & their nearby neighborhoods, the less public transportation options there are. Buses, dollar/ commuter vans/ Ubers/ carpools/ etc are some peoples only way of commuting into the area. Not everyone can bike/walk from fucking Brownsville/ENY/Canarsie/ East Flatbush to Park Slope and downtown area.

There needs to be a middle ground.


WaterMySucculents t1_ivzywtt wrote

I did that once and got pulled over for running a red light. There’s crosswalks that are the width of like 6 car lengths and it makes no sense. Especially on the park side of it. On the other sides it’s easy enough to figure out.

But I have no idea where this traffic will be rerouted to, it connects 2 sides of Flatbush Ave, Vanderbilt, Union, Eastern Parkway, and PPW. Where the fuck would all the traffic on all those roads go?


WaterMySucculents t1_ivzz314 wrote

The worst light is one of the multiple lights right at the top of the park by the insanely wide crosswalk. I got a red light ticket here because it’s so easy to not notice multiple different lights every few car lengths


ericomplex t1_iw01wu2 wrote

It’s one of the busiest traffic exchanges in brooklyn, and they think closing it would help things?

This would be a traffic nightmare beyond belief…


Jimmy_kong253 t1_iw06ss0 wrote

Not a bad idea that area is a nightmare to drive


seenew t1_iw08dwl wrote

my neighborhood Facebook group is full of carbrains complaining so hard about this lol


O2C t1_iw0fhe4 wrote

Remove all car traffic from the middle, only bus and bike. Remove the bike lane from Plaza St E & W, possibly the parking too. Make it two lanes of traffic where right lane must turn right.

West bound Eastern Parkway merges to single lane before hitting Plaza St E and is forced to turn right onto Plaza St E. Force south bound traffic on Vanderbilt and Flatbush into a single lane before their turns too.

The lights could probably be timed to send Flatbush traffic around almost non-stop.


InterSlayer t1_iw0mncr wrote

Limit access from smaller side streets. Add sloped pedestrian bridge. Turn into traffic circle. Done.


gobeklitepewasamall t1_iw1wl57 wrote

No, all the poor black & brown neighborhoods to the south & east whose inhabitants have to pass through GAP on their way to work have poor public transportation options.

North Brooklyn is built around parkways. It doesn’t have highways. In order to get around, you have to use parkways or designated truck route avenues. EP is full of people from bedstuy, crown heights, Brownsville, east Flatbush, Canarsie. Poor & working class NY’ers are most likely to work jobs that can’t be done from home & aren’t in Manhattan, meaning they need to drive to work. They’re also least likely to be able to afford to live near decent transit, again, meaning they have to drive to work.

Have you ever gotten up & walked to the train in Flatbush at 7am? It’s all teachers, nurses, home health aides, cops, emts, construction workers. During COVID it was still busy, cause they can’t afford to not work and the entire city depends on their labor to functionZ


HayPlaceAPlaceforHay t1_iw2urgv wrote

It wasn’t? The commenter said the people of bayside and far Rockaway would take car free zones personally. I said they don’t have good public transportation options. You said grand army plaza does in response as if that had anything to do with what was being discussed. Try and keep up with your posts.


Medium-Intern-1539 t1_iw2v2x6 wrote

People can stroll and enjoy the air from the comfort of their bicycle!

(But if you get run down by an illegal speeding moped, or live in an apartment building where the recharging electric motor of a bike catches fire, good luck with the emergency vehicle response time. )


seenew t1_iw2wy13 wrote

you think the only people without cars in NYC are the ones with DUIs??? Hahaha that’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever read on here. And this is Reddit!

how do people who never had cars here get DUIs? Huh genius? I sold my car when I moved here because this is one of the only cities in the country with usable mass transit. I didn’t get a DUI because I haven’t had to drive more than a handful of times since I moved here. You’re an idiot.


Iconospastic t1_iw511ke wrote

>Maybe instead of banning all cars you could do something that makes sense. Sterilization would be good for humanity.

Puts "reduce humans" above "reduce cars" -- so, outright putting cars before people. Got it.

Saved me a lot of time with that one.


em349nw t1_iw51x70 wrote

Do K-town 32nd next!


Iconospastic t1_iw51xgh wrote

Because what he says "will happen" generally does not happen anywhere tried. Congestion on other streets tends to increase in the very short term, but habits change and volume decreases in the medium to long term.

Case in point: Amsterdam's gridlock literally looked like NYC's until it didn't. They made that change. And the traffic did not magically stay the same forever.


medspeedbikequeen t1_iwk7faj wrote

Glad you are voicing this. What do you think about people proposing making the center / cross lanes for bus (and for dollar vans) and bikes only? And the traffic circle would still be cars?

The same could be said for 14th st and union square—a lot of low income folk in alphabet city and les who take m14 to get around because they’re so far from the train, however getting rid of cars on 14th means bus can move freely, EMS can go quickly down 14th, etc. also, you’re making a false binary. I think the very people you are advocating for need and like good public spaces to hang out in.