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NetQuarterLatte t1_ivw6vuw wrote

> Cuomo said the GOP gains shows that Democrats can’t be “crime deniers,”

The only crimes that were acknowledged were the ones in republican states.

If crimes in republican areas are so much worse and given that progressives really care about that, why don’t progressives go there and win a lot of seats from the republicans, instead of hiding in safe districts here?

And maybe solve their crime issue too to show them how it should be done.


A_Typicalperson t1_ivw9zvz wrote

So is crime not an Issue in NYC? Lol I guess Chicago are crime deniers also?


yankuniz t1_ivxknm1 wrote

Crime is worse in Florida than in New York, but it wasn’t an issue for the governor race there. The nyPost has played out electorate like a fiddle.


137thaccount t1_ivwjlyo wrote

Crime is an issue everywhere but compared to the majority of other cities (red towns in particular) you could safely say crime is not as big of an issue as it is in other towns.


Grass8989 t1_ivx1vdq wrote

The city’s with the high rates of crime in those “red states” are all run by democrats though.


IllegibleLedger t1_ivxb9br wrote

Almost all large cities in the US are Democrat run and the ones that aren't are not doing well at all. Funny how the ones in red states do far worse huh?


sutisuc t1_ivyirr6 wrote

Famously governors of states do not have more power than city mayors