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PM-Nice-Thoughts t1_ixde8nr wrote

Great, more housing


Head_Acanthisitta256 t1_ixdtpsm wrote

More housing at higher monthly rents raising the market rents for the area. Supply siders are so disingenuous it’s sad.


PM-Nice-Thoughts t1_ixdvzdj wrote

>here's why the basic laws of supply and demand work everywhere except NYC

What an insightful comment, thanks


ChrisFromLongIsland t1_ixe2yx9 wrote

Right we should be advocating for less housing and then prices will go down?

Maybe we should have a lottery for housing like this project is essentially. What happens to the people who don't have a winning lottery ticket I am not sure.


Head_Acanthisitta256 t1_ixe3zxx wrote

Absolutely not!!! Society should advocate for more affordable housing. There are smart people around who should and can devise new ways to incentivize building affordable housing instead of the endless luxury high rises popping up like weeds. The current model is NOT working.


hannibalbaracka t1_ixejhsk wrote

yes, because the current model is NYC not building enough of any type of housing


Head_Acanthisitta256 t1_ixercyn wrote

Can’t stop laughing at this insane take. You must be a real estate broker or developer🤮


GND52 t1_ixeit94 wrote

You’ve got cause and effect backwards.