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09-24-11 t1_iwmnv0o wrote

Coming back in this thread again to praise how r/nyc is a better, friendlier and enjoyable experience without having crime posts flood the main page.

I hope this can become a permanent part of the sub! Thank you mods 🙏


PandaJ108 t1_iwmyesk wrote

There plenty of crime post on this sub. Everyday somebody post a picture of an obstructed plate. Crime is not the issue. This sub clearly cares about obstructed plates, bike lane violations as evident by the activity on the post.

But a career criminal committing another violent act. That’s too much for this sub to handle.


SilenceDooDooGood t1_iwnkpv2 wrote

Exaclty. Its a megathread for "crime we don't like" not "the issues to matter to the mods".