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newestindustry t1_iwrmhw8 wrote

The article doesn’t identify them as Hispanic, what made you feel the need to do that? (rhetorical question, everyone already knows why)


PandaJ108 t1_iwrnpko wrote

Literally already answered that. If you looked at the article and saw picture of the subjects and want to tell yourself that they ain’t White Hispanics, go right ahead.


newestindustry t1_iwrpv76 wrote

You’re right, the race of the suspects is obviously very pertinent info for most of the frequent visitors to the r/nyc crime megathread!


PandaJ108 t1_iwrqff8 wrote

Which you seem to be yourself. And once again, hispanic ain’t a race. The fact that you are not comprehending this suggest to me you ain’t even hispanic but just some White person trying to act like a savior.

You can drop the White Savior act now. To emphasize, both George Zimmerman and David Ortiz are both hispanic. If you think they are the same race, they you need to get your eyes checked.