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k1lk1 t1_iwux55h wrote

> The 14-year-old, who is now facing attempted murder and criminal possession-of-a-weapon charges, has 18 prior arrests dating back to 2018

I don't see what Adams has to do with this. Kid should have been locked up for 4 years by now.

We should investigate his parents, too.


Rottimer t1_iwv7cpf wrote

Really? He should have been locked up at 10 years old?

I could see being in removed from his home. But locked up?


newestindustry t1_iwvhtdr wrote

Uh, the crime posters are definitely in favor of imprisoning children, mentally disabled people, etc. (trial not necessary of course)


GettingPhysicl t1_ix42v7y wrote

YoUvE nEvEr BeEn A vIcTiM (yes please just lock up all the theoretically bad people