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marketingguy420 t1_j10thec wrote

Tale as old as time. Deliberately hamstring or destroy public services; say how bad the public services are; privatize the solution; never speak about how awful and bad the new service is because everyone ceases to care so long as it's not administered publicly.

It's wild how conservatives are correct, there is an enormous amount of waste in public spending. And then wildly incorrect about how it works. We've demolished actual public capacity to do anything, and offload everything to NGOs, non-profits, and for profit businesses.

Turns out, it's a lot more expensive to sub contract out every service imaginable than it is to simply build your own capacity to do things, something a government with as much money as New York can do very easily.


nikkideeznutz t1_j13txr6 wrote

I've been saying this for years.

"Look at how inefficient the government is. We should look to the private sector."

They bring in an entity who more than likely is also a campaign donor. They charge rates exponentially higher for services and goods, and then find someone else to do it as cheap as possible. Most of the time, the job isn't even finished.