Highplowp t1_iyiymaq wrote
I literally can’t get abandoned cars towed that are making it so the streets can’t be cleaned but they have the manpower to arrest this activist for removing a piece of trash? How do we work with the NYPD when this is how we are treated? I’m not faulting an individual officer (most are just doing their job) but the NYPD as an entity is completely tone deaf when it comes to working with the average resident. It’s his is disgusting and they are doubling down on hypocrisy. We basically have 2 cities and two sets of rules at this point and it’s infuriating.
bangbangthreehunna t1_iyjzp4a wrote
911 call has to be handled before 311 calls. There are 30k 911 calls in the city every day.
squeakycleaned t1_iykck7a wrote
And yet they had time to prosecute the guy for clearing up a license plate.
Griever114 t1_iym0vd7 wrote
Simple, it's easy money/tickets
bangbangthreehunna t1_iykfjyg wrote
Because it was a probably a 911 call
delinquentfatcat t1_iykmebc wrote
What happens if the whistleblower called 911 instead? Saying something like the car looks suspicious. (Not advocating for this, as it may be misconstrued as something more dangerous and misappropriate emergency resources. OTOH, calling 311 seemed to not work at all here.)
bangbangthreehunna t1_iykn2aa wrote
Then the cops would have responded to the 911 call
delinquentfatcat t1_iyknzbb wrote
"911, there is a suspicious vehicle."
"What's suspicious about it?"
"Uh, the license plate has some dirt on it."
"Please call 311 and stop bothering us."
Or, refuse to elaborate and hang up in hopes they do something. But they might send a bomb squad or antiterrorist team, and things may escalate not in the intended way, also may have negative consequences for the caller. (Although on a karmic level, these assholes absolutely deserve a visit from a SWAT team.)
bangbangthreehunna t1_iyko8nr wrote
You dont say.
squeakycleaned t1_iymaz2q wrote
For clarity on why you’re getting downvoted, your initial argument was “they don’t have time to help with illegal cars, they have too many important 911 calls”. I point out how absolutely ridiculous this case is, and that there is no way it should take priority if they are so busy. You respond by saying “well it must’ve been a 911 call”.
So either the cops aren’t as busy as you say, because the 911 calls can be unimportant stuff like this, or they’re terrible at their jobs and prioritize unimportant matters on the arbitrary basis of what number was called.
bangbangthreehunna t1_iymf5jl wrote
A 911 call for what probably is considered criminal mischief has priority over some abandoned vehicle. An alleged crime v a car that needs to be towed has different priorities.
squeakycleaned t1_iymxypp wrote
Boy oh boy you sure do just love the taste of boot, huh. “Criminal mischief” sounds like a good description of the person purposely blocking their own license plate. It is also a crime to abandon a vehicle.
bangbangthreehunna t1_iymyr0j wrote
Is that so?
squeakycleaned t1_iymzal2 wrote
Section 16-122, paragraph e
“It shall be unlawful for any person, such person's agent or employee, to abandon, or to suffer or permit to be abandoned any motor vehicle, whether or not owned by such person, in any marginal or public street, or any public place.”
squeakycleaned t1_iymzx07 wrote
Here’s the laws being violated by the person obscuring their plate, though magically the cops weren’t interested in those. Golly gee I wonder why that is.
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