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BonnaGroot t1_iynhum4 wrote

Believe it or not, childcare isn’t just the practice of finding someone to watch your kid.

Some parents actually want to like, physically be around their kids. Weird concept I know.


anarchyx34 t1_iyod2kt wrote

Some do. A few years ago I was doing gig-work at a food court in some bougie day care in Tribeca. During the week it was the kids and their Latina/Filipina nannies. On the weekend, when it was time for the parents to spend some "quality time" with their kids, it was more like moms drinking wine and chatting with each other and the dads drinking IPA's while watching football on their phones while their kids they've barely seen all week were climbing the walls for attention. I'm convinced that to rich people kids are just expensive pets.


SSundance t1_iyo8q91 wrote

Can’t they just hire some low-income poors or illegal immigrants to watch their spawn?


lovelife905 t1_iynja3p wrote

Those parents are unlikely to choose investment banking as a career then
